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Scheduling System Procedural Overview

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The eSchoolPlus Scheduling System provides options to handle all of your district's scheduling needs, including entering student requests, setting up the Master Schedule, running the scheduler (Schedule Students option), and generating reports to verify information for each phase of the scheduling process.

Pre-Scheduler Process

  1. Create/update the following Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses options: Building Course Catalog, Building Course Groups, and Building Course Sequencing.
    If your district uses the District Course Catalog, refer to Using the District Course Catalog in eSchoolPlus online help before running the Building Courses options.
  2. Update the following Scheduling > Courses >Resources options: Room and Staff.
  3. Enter student requests using the following options: Requests (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Requests) and Request Load/Unload/Erase (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Utilities > Request Load/Unload/Erase).
    Requests also can be entered through Home Access Center and Career Planner.
  4. Analyze/verify student requests by running one or more of the following Scheduling > Student Schedules > Pre-Scheduler Reports options: Conflict Matrix (book or grid), Pre-Assignment Class Lists, Simple Tally, Student Request Detail, Student Request Summary, and Student Request Verification.

Master Schedule Process

  1. Create/update the Master Schedule (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule) for the school year.
  2. Analyze/verify the Master Schedule by running the Master Schedule List (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule > click
    (Additional options) on Search Results panel, then select Master Schedule List Report).
    You can also run the following Scheduling > Student Schedules > Pre-Scheduler and Post-Scheduler Reports options:

Student Scheduler Process

  1. Use the Schedule Entry page (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry) to lock individual students into specific course-sections.
  2. If needed, update the Schedule Student Parameters page (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students Parameters) for your building.
  3. Run the Error Scan option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Scheduler Error Scan), then correct any errors found.
  4. Run the Schedule Students option Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students) to schedule students into courses based on their requests.
  5. Analyze/verify student schedules by running one or more of the following Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports options: Student Conflict Analysis, Unscheduled Request Detail, and Unscheduled Request Summary.If the results are satisfactory, skip to Step 9. If you wish to re-run the scheduler, continue to Step 6.
    If desired, run the Back Up/Restore option (Backup/Restore Scheduling Run Page) to back up the results of your scheduling run.
  6. If changes to the Master Schedule are needed, run the Scheduled Course Load/Unload/Lock/Erase option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Utilities > Scheduled Course Load/Unload/Lock/Erase) to erase student schedules, then update the Master Schedule.
  7. Return to Step 4 to re-run the Schedule Students option.
  8. Resolve conflicts in students' schedules using the Schedule Entry List or Grid option Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry.

Study Hall Process

  1. If your school schedules study halls into the student's free time, run one or both of the following Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports options to determine how to create your study halls: Free Period Analysis and Free Time Detail.
  2. Create/update study halls in the Master Schedule option (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule).
  3. Run the Schedule Study Halls option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Study Halls) to assign study halls to students' schedules.

Post-Scheduler Maintenance

  1. Generate Class Lists (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Class Lists) for distribution to teachers.
  2. Generate Student Schedules (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Student Schedules) for distribution to students.
  3. Once school has started and schedule changes have begun, run the Add/Drop By Teacher report (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Add-Drop by Teacher) periodically to inform teachers of changes in their classes.
  4. As needed, modify student schedules using the Schedule Entry List or Grid option Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry, as well as the Schedules Mass Update option (Scheduling > Utilities > Student Mass Updates > Schedules Mass Update).
  5. If your school uses the Student Linking option (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule) to associate students with secondary staff members for state reporting, make sure you link students with the staff members who provide services where the student is pulled out of class or where the staff member is pushed into class to work with the student.
  6. As needed, schedule students who move to your building. Use the Requests option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Requests) to enter requests for a student, and then run the Model option in the Requests page to schedule the student.
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