Use the Requests page to add or change a student's course requests and course recommendations.
After entering requests, you can create a student schedule by clicking (Additional options) then selecting Model Schedule. For more information, refer to Modeling Course Requests.
If you are working in the Next Year environment and the student has any course requests built from the District Course Catalog, a separate section displays at the bottom of the Course Requests panel. As needed, you can import the requests and assign them to the student's next year scheduling building. For the procedure on importing district requests, refer to the How To tasks below.
For Texas districts, when adding a course request for a student, if the student has already earned the required credit for another course that shares the same state course code, a waring message: “Student has already earned, or is scheduled to earn full credit for the state course associated with this course” will be displayed.
View requests
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Add requests
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Course Requests panel, select a course and complete the additional fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change requests
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Change the information on the Course Requests panel as needed.
Click Save.
Delete requests
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
Click Save.
View the student's schedule history
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options), then select Schedule History. The Schedule History displays the courses that were scheduled for the student in the years indicated.
Close the Schedule History window to return to the Requests page.
Import district course requests
The following procedure assigns the student's next year building to course requests in the Next Year environment, so that the Schedule Students option can schedule the requests.
This procedure depends on whether the District Course Catalog section displays at the bottom of the Course Requests panel. If district requests are not available for the student, the section does not display. District requests are entered through Career Plan in eSchoolPlus or Home Access Center and do not have buildings assigned.
Select Schedulingfrom the main menu, selectStudent Schedules submenu, select Student, and then selectRequests.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
In the District Course Catalog section: To select all of the requests, select the Save to Scheduling Building checkbox on the section's bar. or To select requests individually, select each request's Save to Scheduling Building checkbox. This removes the requests from the District Course Catalog section and displays them in the next year building's section.
Click Save to import the requests and assign them to the student's next year building.
Selections Panel
Scheduling interval for these requests. The Student Scheduler uses the scheduling interval to determine the requests and courses that will be scheduled.
If the building has multiple intervals, you must change the scheduling interval to the appropriate interval when entering requests.
Scheduling Status Panel
Request Status
Indicates whether the student's regular requests have been filled. When you enroll a student, the status is blank. The status is automatically updated by the Schedule Students option.
You may want to change the system-assigned status if you use the status to search for students.
A - All Used - All requests have been filled. This status is assigned even if alternate requests are not filled. If a student alternate or student course alternate request is filled in place of a regular request, the request is considered filled. For example, if all of a student's requests are scheduled except for a regular request for 820 Foundations of Art and the student alternate request for 515 French I is scheduled, the student's status would be A - All Used. N - None - No requests have been filled. S - Some Used - Some of the student's requests have not been filled. The Request Status is only updated by the Schedule Students option and the Course Requests page Model option. If you use another schedule entry option to schedule a student into a course that the student requested, the Request Status is not updated.
Schedule Status
Indicates whether all standard periods have been scheduled for a student. When you enroll a student, the status is blank. This status is automatically updated by scheduling options.
You may want to change the system-assigned status if you use the status to search for students.
F - Filled - All periods in the student's schedule have been filled. N - None - No courses are scheduled for the student. P - Partial - There are free periods in the student's schedule. Periods that are marked as non-standard are not included when determining whether the schedule is filled. If your building fills free periods with study halls, students are likely to have a P - Partial status after you run the Schedule Students option.
Course Requests Panel
This panel initially allows you to scroll records within a grid.
To change the display so that records scroll on the page, click (Additional options), then select Scroll on Page.
To return to the grid, click (Additional options), then select Scroll in Grid.
The panel displays sections for each building where the student has course requests. A separate section titled District Course Catalog may also display at the bottom if you are in the next year environment and the student has district course requests that were entered in either Student Career Planner or Home Access Center.
Building Sections
To view subsequent buildings where the student may have course requests, click (Collapse) to collapse a building's section.
Code identifying the course in your building's Course Catalog.
The number of the specific course-section being requested. If you want the student to be scheduled into a specific section of the course, enter a section. If the student can be scheduled into any section of the course, leave blank.
If the Master Schedule has not yet been created for the building, you cannot enter a section.
Description of the course as entered in the Course Catalog.
Number of credits to be awarded for successfully completing the course. For block courses, the system shows the sum of credits for the blockettes. All credit amounts come from the Course Catalog.
The system tracks Total Credits for all the student's requested courses and updates the sum when you make changes in the Requests tab. To view the total, scroll to the bottom of the current building's requests.
Overload Teacher
Checked if this student can be enrolled in the course, even if doing so exceeds the value in the Maximum Teacher Load field on the Staff District Information page. If you are not using Teacher Loads (the Maximum Teacher Load field on the Staff Catalog has a value of 0) or do not want to override the Teacher Load, then leave this box unchecked.
You must have the appropriate security resource to override the Teacher Load.
Marking Periods
Indicates the requested marking periods when a student needs to request only part of a course or a specific semester.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
You may use this option to schedule students who have failed or missed part of a course and need to make up specific marking periods. For example, if a student needs to re-take the last two marking periods of a full year course, you would select M3 and M4. When the Student Scheduler schedules the request, it will resolve the student into the desired marking periods.
You also may use this option to schedule students into a course in a specific semester. For example, if a student needs to take World Cultures in semester 1, the first two marking periods, then select M1 and M2. This does not guarantee that the student will be scheduled, only that the scheduler will attempt to schedule the student into the course-section for the specified semester.
Request Type
Type of request. This setting determines how the system handles the request when you run the scheduler. Select one of the following:
R - Regular - to indicate this is a regular request which the system should attempt to schedule before processing alternate requests. S - Student Alternate - to indicate this is an alternate request that can be used when the system cannot schedule any regular request. If you select this request type, you also must assign an Alternate Sequence number. C - Student/Course Alternate - to indicate this alternate request can only be used if the system is unable to schedule the course defined in the Alternate to field. If you select this request type, you also must select an Alternate Course and assign an Alternate Sequence number.
Alternate Course
Course to substitute if the scheduler is unable to schedule a regular course request for the student. The alternate is defined in the regular course's Course Catalog record. If the regular course and course alternate cannot be scheduled, then the student course alternate is scheduled
This field can be accessed only with the C - Student/Course Alternate request type.
Alternate Sequence
Sequence number determining the processing order for this request in relation to other alternate requests. Number 1 has the highest priority.
This field can be accessed only with the S - Student Alternate or C - Student/Course Alternate request type.
Checked if you want to lock the request to prevent a guardian or student from removing the request in Home Access Center (HAC).
Override Prerequisite
Checked if you want to allow a course to be requested, even though its prerequisite has not been met. Course prerequisites are defined in the Course Sequence option (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Sequencing).
The box only displays for a request under the following conditions: The course has a prerequisite, you have the security resource for overriding prerequisites, and your building's Scheduling Configuration is set to Issue Error.
If you receive an error upon saving a course that has a prerequisite, you must either check the box to override the prerequisite or delete the request.
Save to Scheduling Building
This field only applies as follows:
If you are in the Next Year environment, and the District Course Catalog section displays. For more information, refer to the District Course Catalog section below.
If the student has a request for another building. For example, if a student originally had requests for High School 1, but moved and now will be in High School 2. The page will display requests for High School 1, so new requests need to be entered for High School 2 and the old requests for High School 1 need to be deleted.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
District Course Catalog Section
This section displays if requests have been added for the student through Career Planner in eSchoolPlus or Home Access Center.
To import requests for district courses, select the Save to Scheduling Building checkbox on the far right of the section's bar to select all district courses or select the courses' individual Save to Scheduling Building checkboxes. This removes the courses from the district section and displays them in the section for the student's next year building. To prevent the guardian or student from removing a request in Home Access Center (HAC), select its Lock checkbox. Click Save to import the requests and assign them to the student's next year building. For the complete procedure, refer to Import District Course Requests.
Course Recommendations Panel
If your building allows teachers to enter course recommendations for students, you can use this panel to review the recommendations that teachers have entered in Teacher Access Center (TAC) and select the recommendations that you want to load as requests.
This panel initially allows you to scroll records within a grid.
To change the display so that records scroll on the page, click (Additional options), then select Scroll on Page.
To return to the grid, click (Additional options), then select Scroll in Grid.
Course that is recommended for the student to take. If you load the recommendation to requests, a request will be created for this course.
If your building allows teachers to enter course recommendations in TAC, then a teacher can recommend the courses that a student should take in the next year based on the student's progress in the teacher's class. When a teacher enters recommendations, the recommendations are saved for the next school year.
Description of the course that is recommended.
Number indicating the priority order in which recommendations should be considered. The same priority may be assigned to multiple course recommendations. For example, if the teacher wants to recommend more than one course for the next year, the teacher may enter a priority of 1 for all of the courses that the teacher recommends.
Enrolled Course
Course code and name for the course that the student is taking in the current year for which the recommendation was entered. If the recommendation was not entered in TAC, this field is blank.
Name of the teacher who entered the recommendation. If the recommendation was not entered in TAC, this field is blank.
Save to Requests
Checked if you want to create a request for the recommended course when you click Save. The box only displays for recommendations that have not been saved as requests.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
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