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Student Conflict Analysis Page

For each student, this report indicates unassigned periods in the student's schedule and why they are unassigned. The report has two possible sections. The first section lists the student's unassigned and scheduled periods. The second section lists the course-sections corresponding to unscheduled requests, with the reason each course-section could not be scheduled, such as conflicts or grade restrictions. The second section displays only if the Print Conflicting Courses box is checked.

A conflict status of Unknown may print on the report in the following situations:

  • The Master Schedule was changed between the scheduling run and conflict analysis.
  • Imbalancing (gender, ethnicity, grade, or marking period) occurred.
  • The student timed out before the section could be tried with the existing schedule.

Run Student Conflict Analysis Report

  1. Make sure that you are in the correct environment (current year or next year).
  2. Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Post-Scheduler Reports > Student Conflict Analysis.
  3. Specify the report options.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




Building to include in the report.

Scheduling Interval

Select the scheduling interval for the course requests to include.

Regular Requests

Checked if you want to include regular requests in the report.

Student Alternate Requests

Checked if you want to include student alternate requests. These are alternates for any unscheduled course requests.

Student Course Alternate RequestsChecked if you want to include student course alternate requests. These are alternates to a specific course request.

Print Students Without Requests And Courses

Checked if the report should include students who do not have requests or courses. Unchecked to only print students who have requests.

Include MBS Students

Checked if the report should include students who are taking courses in your building, but are not enrolled in it. Unchecked to only print students who are enrolled in your building.

Print Conflicting Courses

Checked if the report should include a section listing all unscheduled requests with the reason why they are unscheduled, such as closed sections, scheduling conflicts, or grade restrictions.

Include Blockettes

Checked if the report should provide a listing of the individual blockettes that are included in the block courses that have been scheduled. Unchecked if the report should show only the blocks themselves.

Print Study Halls As Free Time

Checked if you want study halls assigned in student schedules to be counted as free time (not scheduled time) in the report. Unchecked if study halls should be counted as scheduled time and, therefore, not included as free time.

Print Phone Numbers

Indicates whether the student's home phone number is included on the report.


Always - to print the home phone number for a student regardless of the number's listing status. If the user running the report does not have security to view or print unlisted phone numbers, an unlisted phone number will not print on the report even if the user selects Always.
Listed Only - to print only phone numbers with a listing status of Listed. If a student home phone number has a status of Unlisted, the phone number is not printed.
Never - to never print students' phone numbers.


eSchoolPlus tracks whether guardians have given permission to list a student's phone number, as required under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). To print the phone number on the report, you must select the Include FERPA Information checkbox when running the report. Also, the Student's Phone checkbox must be selected in the FERPA Flags section of the student's Personal page, and a home phone number must be stored on the student's Street Addresses page.

Include FERPA Information

Checked if you want to override the FERPA Privacy Flag so you can print phone numbers for all students. In this case, the following text ts on the report: "This report is for internal use only. Do not distribute outside of the district."


If you selected N - Never in the Print Student Phone Number field, phone numbers will not be printed in the report even if the Include FERPA Information box is checked.

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print the prompts in a log file. Otherwise, a log file will be created only if an error occurs.

Sort Panel

Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.

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