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Room Page

On this page:

Use this page to add and change room information or add a new room. Room information is used for attendance, registration, and scheduling purposes.

View or change room information

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Room to display the Room Search page.
  2. If the desired building or room does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
  3. In the Room column of the Search Results panel, click the room to display the Room page.
  4. In the Room Information panel, view or change information.
  5. If you made any changes, click Save.

Add a room

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Room to display the Room Search page.
  2. Click Addat the top right of the page.
  3. Enter the room # information.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a room

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Room to display the Room Search page.
  2. In the 
     (Delete) column, select the rooms you wish to delete. The Delete box only displays for records that are not in use.
  3. Click Save.

Create a room report

You can create a PDF report for all the rooms selected on the Room Search page.

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Room to display the Room Search page.
  2. If the desired buildings or rooms do not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
  3. Click 
     (Export to PDF) at the top right of the page.
  4. Follow your browser's prompts to view or save the report.


Room Information Panel




The room's building.


Numeric or alphanumeric code identifying this room.


The room's description as it should appear on screen and in reports.


Indicates when a room can be scheduled.

Regular Year

Checked if available for the regular school session.

Summer School

Checked if available for the summer session.

Maximum Seats

The maximum number of seats available in the room. When adding master schedule information, the system checks the maximum seats of the room against the default maximum seats from the scheduling configuration and warns if the room's value has been exceeded. Small integer

Room Type

The room type, for example, lab.

Wheelchair Accessible

Checked if wheelchair accessible.

ActiveChecked if available for use in Registration and in Scheduling.

Number of Computers

Number of computers in the room. For informational purposes only.

Phone Number (ext.)

The room's phone number and extension (if applicable).

State Code Equivalent

Identifies the room as part of a specific resource group, such as Lab rooms. Used by the Master Schedule Builder.

Group Code

Identifies the room as part of a specific resource group, such as Lab rooms. Used by the Master Schedule Builder.

State Code Equivalent

The state code equivalent, if applicable.


Additional information about the room.

Allocations Panel

Use this panel to add or change resource allocations for rooms. The Master Schedule Builder and Whiteboard use resource allocations to check the availability of rooms and staff members when scheduling course-sections. Allocations must be defined for each school year.

This panel displays collapsed by default. To expand and view its contents, click


When expanded, this panel displays either a single grid for all marking periods or individual grids for each marking period. To change the mode, click

 (Additional options) at the top right of the panel, and select either Set Allocations for Individual Marking Periods or Set Allocations for All Marking Periods.

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