Master Schedule Page
Use this page to add or change a course-section in the Master Schedule. You can set up two different types of course-sections:
- Regular course-sections, which can include one or more sessions.
- Block course-sections, which allow you to schedule students into a group of course-sections (blockettes). To create a block, set up the course-sections as regular courses first, and then add them to View and print course-section records.
For procedures related to the Master Schedule, refer to Managing the Master Schedule.
Course Panel
Field | Description |
Building | Building where classes for the course-section meet. |
Course | Code identifying the course. |
Section | Number of the course-section. The system defaults 1 for the first section and the next sequential number for each subsequent section of the course. |
Course-Section Information Panel
General Information Section
These fields provide general information on the course-section that applies to all sessions or blockettes entered. The section's Block Type field enables you to define the course-section as a regular course or block course.
Field | Description |
Description | Description of the course-section. Character/255 |
Department | Code identifying the department offering the course. |
Fee | Amount to charge a student for enrolling in the course. Decimal/5,2 The Student Fees package does not process this fee. Student Fees uses Fee Groups to charge fees for courses. |
VoTec | Checked if this is a vocational-technical or career-technology course. |
Block Type | Determines how the Schedule Students option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students) processes this course-section. Select: N - Regular Course - to schedule students into the sessions of the course-section. You must set up at least one session. |
Study Hall | Checked if you intend to use Schedule Study Halls (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Study Halls) to fill open periods in students' schedules with study halls. Students do not request these courses. The Schedule Study Halls option automatically resolves conflicts by assigning study halls for days and marking periods that are open in the student's schedule. Unchecked for regular courses as well as study halls that are requested and scheduled like regular courses. The Schedule Students option (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Schedule Students) processes these course-sections. |
Scheduling Information Section
Field | Description |
Gender Restriction | Gender of students who can be scheduled into the course-section. Select: M - Male Only |
Grade Restriction | Grades of the students who can take this course-section. Students who do not meet the grade restriction can only be scheduled into a course by a user with security to override grade restrictions. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Lock | Checked if the course-section is locked. Locking a course-section prevents the Master Schedule Builder from deleting the section and rescheduling it. The Master Schedule Builder instead will anchor this section in the selected meeting time with the selected resources, and schedule all other sections around it. |
House Team | House team associated with the course-section. Make sure the students you want to schedule are on the team you specify. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click
For more information, refer to About Multiple Bell Schedules. |
Maximum Seats | Maximum number of students that can be scheduled into the course-section. This value defaults from the Scheduling Building Configuration. This field displays only for regular courses, not for block courses. Integer/5 |
Duration Type | Determines durations, such as, M - Marking Period or Q - Quarter, that a session can meet. You select the specific periods in the Marking Periods field. |
Classified Students Maximum | Maximum weight of classified students that can be scheduled for a course-section, entered as either a percentage or number. Decimal/5,2 If your district enforces classification weights when scheduling students, enter a value in the numeric field, then select one of the following: Percent - to set the default scheduling weight as a percentage, for example, 10.000 percent of a class. Classification weights are used to limit the scheduling of classified students into course-sections. The weights are assigned to student classifications in Registration's Classifications validation table, for example, 1.0 for 504 Plan students or 2.0 for Special Education students. In scheduling a course-section, the system compares the total weight of all students against the maximum in the Master Schedule record. The total weight for students scheduled into the course-section displays in the Master Schedule Session Information Section's Classification Weight field. Once the maximum is reached, additional students with classification weights cannot be scheduled unless you have the appropriate security. |
Mark Reporting Information Section
Field | Description |
Grad(uation) Requirement Credit Rule | If multiple subject areas are assigned to the course, indicates how credit should be applied to the subject areas for graduation requirements. Select: E - Evenly Divide Credit Among All Subject Areas - to divide the credit for the course across all listed subject areas, for example, if the credit for Physics should be split between a lab science requirement and a lecture science requirement. This field is display only when you are viewing current year courses. |
Average ID | The average type to use for average calculations. If the course uses the M - Main Average type, leave the field blank. For more information, refer to Average Setup Page. |
Course Credit Basis | The type of enrollment associated with the credit hours for the course. |
NCES Code | Select the NCES code that corresponds to the course. These codes were developed by the United States Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics to classify secondary school courses for reporting purposes. |
Gradebook Category Type | If your building limits teachers to pre-defined Gradebook category and mark override definitions, select the category type for the course-section. When a category type is selected, the associated category and mark average settings will be saved for the course-section and the teacher will not be able to change the categories, IPR averages, or Report Card averages for marks that use assignment averages. The building's Mark Reporting Configuration determines if the teacher can change the drop lowest and exclude missing settings in Gradebook. If you leave this field blank, the teacher will be able to set up Gradebook categories and marks for themselves.This field can only be accessed if the Gradebook tab in the building's Mark Reporting Configuration has its Limit Teachers to Pre-defined Category Types box checked for Categories, weights, and marking periods. You cannot change the category type for a course-section if assignments have been entered for the course. You can remove the category type if you want to allow the teacher to change Gradebook category and mark settings. You can mass assign category types to course-sections. For more information, refer to Assign Category Type to Master Schedule. |
Teacher Qualifications Section
This section defines the qualifications required for a teacher to be considered highly qualified for teaching the course-section.
Field | Description |
Qualifications | Select the types of qualifications a staff member must have to teach the course section. The selections available are set up in Registration's Staff Qualifications table. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click You will receive a warning if the teacher assigned to the course-section does not meet all of the qualifications selected. |
Session Information Panel
The panel's sections define when and where a course session meets. You must add at least one session if the Block field is set to N - Regular Course. When the Schedule Students option is run, students are scheduled into all of the course-section's sessions.
To set up a session, complete the following fields. You can add another session by clicking the Session title bar's Add icon. This icon is disabled after students are scheduled into the course-section.
General Information Section
Click section's
Seat Detail - displays the Seat Detail window, which shows the number of seats available for the course session per marking period.
Weight Detail - displays the Weight Detail window, which shows the total classification weight available for the course session per marking period.
Field | Description |
Description | Description of this session of the course-section. Character/255 |
Used Seats | Displays the maximum number of students scheduled into any of the session's marking periods. |
Classification Weight | Displays the maximum classification weight for all students scheduled into any of the session's marking periods. |
Scheduling Information Section
Field | Description |
Periods | Select the course-section's start period and end period. For a single-period session, the start and end periods are the same. |
Marking Periods | Click the marking periods or other intervals that display to indicate they do not apply to the course-section. This displays the No symbol for an interval, for example, This field cannot be changed after students are scheduled into the course-section unless you have security to override the Master Schedule. |
Cycles | Click the cycle days that do not apply to the course-section. This displays the No symbol for a cycle day, for example, This field cannot be changed after students are scheduled into the course-section unless you have security to override the Master Schedule. |
Staff and Room Information Section
Field | Description |
Primary Staff | ID number and name of the staff member responsible for the course-section. If teacher qualifications are specified, the teacher must have all of the qualifications to be assigned to the course-section. If your state requires date tracking for staff assignments, the field's title is a link to the Staff Date Tracking window. To make staff changes, click the link. If you are adding a session, you must save the session before you can access this window. For more information, refer to Staff Date Tracking Window. |
Secondary Staff | ID numbers and names of the staff members providing support to the primary teacher. You can select multiple staff members as needed. If teacher qualifications are specified, secondary staff must have all of the qualifications listed for the course-section. If your state requires date tracking to staff assignments, the field's title is a link to the Staff Date Tracking window. To make staff changes, click the link. If you are adding a session, you must save the session before you can access this window. For more information, refer to Staff Date Tracking Window. The secondary staff members selected will be able to access the course in Teacher Access Center. |
Room | Code identifying the room where the session meets. |
Mark Reporting and Attendance Information Section
Field | Description |
Marks Are | Indicates how the Mark Reporting System should process the course. Select: R - For Report Cards Only - to create mark reporting records, but not store the records for transcripts. If there is no building type selected, the course is included in transcripts regardless of building types defined in the Transcript View setup. To preserve an archive of the course's grades, set the Marks Are value to T - Retained in Transcripts. This enables users to change the environment to view students' marks from previous years. With the R - Report Cards Only setting, report card records are deleted when the year-end Mark Reporting Rollover is run. |
Building Types | Select the types of buildings where the course-section is taught, such as High School or Middle School. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click This field can be accessed only if T - Retained for transcripts is selected in the Marks Are field. |
Course Level | Indicates the Level table that applies to the course in general. For example, if the course is an academic course that uses a non-weighted grading scale, select the non-weighted level table for your building. This level is used for Course Credit Calculation, Mark Averages Calculation, Teacher Access Center Load from Gradebook, and Mark Reporting reports that display information from the course's Level table. |
Credit | Number of credits awarded for successfully completing the course. |
Mark Types | Select the mark types that apply to the course-section. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Take Attendance | Checked if attendance should be taken for the session. Keep in mind that attendance is sometimes only taken in the first session of a course-section. This field cannot be changed after students are scheduled into the course-section. |
Include Passing Time | Checked if the Day Totals Calculation should include the minutes for this course and the passing time to and from this course in the minutes for the day. This setting only affects the Day Totals Calculation for attendance views that are defined to calculate totals as minutes and to include passing time. For more information, refer to Passing Time Calculation for Day Totals. |
Honor Rolls Section
Field | Description |
Type | Determines whether the course-section is included in the Honor Roll Calculation. Select the type of honor roll that applies to the calculation. |
Level | Select the Level table record to use in combination with the Honor Roll type for calculating honor roll for this course-section. |
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use. |
GPAs Section
Field | Description |
Type | Determines whether the course-section is included in the GPA Calculation. Select the type of GPA that applies to the calculation. |
Level | Select the Level table record to use for calculating students' GPA's for this course-section in combination with the selected GPA type. |
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use. |
Graduation Requirement Areas Section
Graduation requirement subject areas to which credit from this course should be applied. The subject areas for current year courses are defined in the course catalog. When the Graduation Requirement Calculation is run, the subject areas are copied to the current year Master Schedule.
The following fields display for each graduation requirement:
Field | Description |
Area | Lists the subject areas that the course meets. For example, if a course can fulfill the graduation requirements for the English or Elective subject area, you would select the two subject areas. |
Tags | Course tags applied to the subject area for this course. Tags are used as a way to group courses within a subject area so that rules can be established for the types of courses a student needs to take to meet credit requirements. The Graduation Requirement Calculation only tracks tag rules for graduation requirement groups defined as Career Plans. If you do not use Career Planner, the course tag feature does not apply. |
Blocked Course Information Panel
These fields define the blockette course-sections that are part of the block. To set up blockettes, set the Block Type field to B - Block Course, than add blockettes to the course-section. For more information, refer to Overview of Block Courses.
Field | Description |
Same Teacher | Indicates whether blockettes that are not assigned to a section should be taught by the same teacher. You must have at least two blockettes that are not assigned to a section in order to select a value other than N - No Linking. Select: P - Linking Preferred - to indicate that the Schedule Students option should try to schedule students into course-sections taught by the same teacher for blockettes that do not have a section specified. If the student cannot be scheduled with the same teacher, the option will still attempt to schedule the student into the course-sections.
Course | Code identifying the blockette. If you want to select a section, you must define the Master Schedule record for the blockette course before you can add the block course-section. |
Section | Section number that must be scheduled for this blockette. If the blockette's Same Section box is checked in the course catalog record, then the blockette defaults the same section number entered for the block course-section when you add a blockette for a block. If the block is being used as a proxy block, do not enter a section number for blockettes. For more information about blocks and proxies, refer to How Blocks and Proxies Are Scheduled. |
Description | The blockette's course name. If the block has already been saved and a section was entered for the blockette, you can click the name to view details on the course-section. |
Mandatory | Checked if the blockette must be scheduled for this block. The student will be scheduled for the blockettes in the block only if the student can be scheduled into all mandatory blockettes. If the block is being used as a proxy block, do not select the Mandatory checkbox for any blockette. |
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use. |