If your district uses staff date tracking to store date ranges for staff assignments, the Primary Staff and Secondary Staff fields on the Master Schedule page will be display only, and the fields' titles will display as links. To make staff changes for a course-section, click the link to display the Staff Date Tracking window. If you are adding a new session, you must save the session before you can access this window.
The Staff Date Tracking window displays the course-section's information followed by rows for staff assignments. Each row includes start and end dates for the staff member. Your state reporting requirements will determine the other fields that display. For more information, refer to your state reporting documentation or your state reporting team lead at PowerSchool.
When you initially add a staff date tracking record for a session, the staff's start date defaults based on the first date of the earliest marking period for the session. But, subsequent changes to the marking periods for the session will not update the staff date tracking records.
Staff date tracking, which is available if your state requires date ranges for staff assignments, applies only to the current year. We recommend the feature not be turned on in your next year environment, since it can affect Build Master Schedule and Whiteboard in creating the Master Schedule. The Require Course Staff Date Range Entry checkbox in your Scheduling Building Configuration enables the feature. If your state does not require staff date tracking, this field does not display.
On the Master Schedule Search page, click the Course link for the course-section you want. You may need to run a search for the course-section.
On the Master Schedule page, click the link for the Primary Staff field. If you are adding a new session, you must save the session before the link is available.
In the Staff Date Tracking window's Primary Staff section, make the appropriate changes:
To change the staff member, enter an end date for the current staff member, and complete a row for the new staff member. The date ranges on these rows cannot overlap.
To change one of the other fields for a staff member, enter an end date, and then enter the new values on the next row. The date ranges on the staff member's rows cannot overlap.
To delete a staff member, select the (Delete) checkbox.
You must have one row for a primary staff member that has a start date and no end date.
Click OK to close the window.
Click Save to save your staff changes.
Change secondary staff using Staff Date Tracking
From the Master Schedule page, click the link for the Secondary Staff field. If you are adding a new session, you must save the session before the link is available.
In the Staff Date Tracking window's Secondary Staff Tracking section, make the appropriate changes:
To add a staff member, enter a start date on the first available row, and complete the row's additional fields.
To remove a staff member who is no longer teaching the class, enter an end date.
To change one of the other fields for a staff member, enter an end date for the current row, and then enter the new values on the next row. The date ranges on the staff member's rows cannot overlap.
To delete a staff member, select the staff member's (Delete) checkbox.
Click OK to close the window.
Click Save to save your staff changes.
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