If a configuration displays for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Add a scheduling building configuration
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Building Configuration. If a configuration displays for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Complete the fields on the Scheduling Building Configuration page.
Click Save.
Change a scheduling building configuration
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Building Configuration. If a configuration displays for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Change the page's values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete a scheduling building configuration
Select Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Building Configuration. If a configuration displays for a building other than the one you want, click Search, then run a search and select another building.
Click the Building link of the building you want to delete.
In the Scheduling Building Configuration page, click (Delete) at the upper right of the page. Deleting the page re-sets the configuration to its original default values.
Student Scheduler Panel
In Progress
System-calculated value indicating whether any scheduling processes are running. During processing, the appropriate scheduling pages will not be available to users.
If a process fails to complete, you can reset the flag back to N.
System settings:
N - Nothing is running S - Student Scheduler is running W - Whiteboard is running
Current Interval
The interval determines which requests and marking periods will be processed in scheduling.
Intervals are set up in the Scheduling Intervals option; they are associated with specific marking periods in the Weeks option.
Example: A two-semester school that schedules both semesters at once might have one interval for the school year.
A two-semester school that schedules each semester separately might have two intervals: one for semester one and one for semester two.
Schedule Balancing Offense Codes
Select the behavior offense codes to use for course balancing. When you select to balance courses by Discipline when running the Student Scheduler, students with one or more of the specified behavior offense codes are placed evenly throughout the sections for a course.
Master Schedule Panel
Maximum Timeslots
Number of unique units of course meeting time or periods during a school day. Timeslots cannot be overlapping. Small integer
The relationship of timeslots to start and end times and scheduling periods is defined in the Scheduling Timetables page (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables).
Default Max(imum) Seats
The typical maximum number of students that can be scheduled in a course-section. This value will be used as the default for courses in the Master Schedule, though it can be changed when adding individual sections. Small integer
Master Schedule Builder Course Setup Utility uses this value as the Maximum Seats for the sections that are created. The program determines the number of sections needed for a course by dividing the number of requests by the default max seats.
Default Duration Type
The scheduling duration to be used as the default when adding courses to the Master Schedule. If your district has multiple types of durations (for example, marking periods and wheels), select the one used most often.
Default Marks Are
Indicates the default to be used when adding courses to the Course Catalog. This determines how the Mark Reporting System should process the course.
N - Not issued - to not create mark reporting records. R - For Report Cards Only - to create mark reporting records, but not store the records for transcripts. T - Retained for Transcripts - to create mark reporting records and store the records for transcripts.
Prerequisites Panel
Prerequisites are defined using the Course Sequence (Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Sequencing) option.
If prerequisites should not be validated for the building, the Validate in Request Entry and Validate in Schedule Entry fields should both be set to N - Do not check.
Validate Prerequisites
Determines whether prerequisite validation should include courses only in this building or courses from all buildings in the district.
B - Building Only - to validate prerequisites based on courses taken in this building. D - District - to validate prerequisites based on courses taken in any building in the district.
Validate in Request Entry
Determines whether prerequisites are validated when requests are entered in Course Requests, Student Career Planner, and Home Access Center..
E - Issue error - to issue an error if a prerequisite has not been met for a course request. The user must either delete the request or select to override the prerequisite, provided the appropriate security resource is available. N - Do not check - to not have course requests validated for prerequisites. W - Warning Only - to display a warning message if a prerequisite has not been met for a course request. However, the user can choose to save the request as needed.
Validate in Schedule Entry
Indicates if prerequisites are validated when a course is added to a student's schedule using the Schedule Entry option.
E - Issue error - to issue an error if a prerequisite has not been met for a course that is being added to the schedule. N - Do not check - to not have added courses validated for prerequisites. W - Warning Only - to display a warning message if a prerequisite has not been met for a course that is being added to the schedule.
Warn if student already took course
Checked if a warning should display if a student requests a course that the student has already taken.
Multiple Bell Schedules Panel
Use Multiple Bell Schedules
Checked if the building uses multiple bell schedules functionality. Refer to About Multiple Bell Scheduling for detailed information on this feature.
House/Team (unlabeled)
List of house/teams used by the building for multiple bell scheduling. You will only be able to assign students, courses, and timetables for the building to house/teams in this list.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Student Schedules Panel
Schedule Entry Section
Default Add Date
Indicates the add date to default when adding a course to a student's schedule.
D - Specific Date - If you select this option, you must select a date in the adjacent date field (unlabeled). F - First Day of Student's Calendar N - Tomorrow T - Today X - None
Add Date Check
Indicates how much checking the system should perform when courses are added to a student's schedule.
N - None - to not check dates against the student's calendar. R - Required - to require that the add date and the drop date (if any) must be in the student’s calendar, and the student must be enrolled for that date. W - Warn - to alert the user, but allow the add to continue if the date is not valid.
Display MBS Buildings
Indicates whether course buildings should be displayed in scheduling reports.
A - Always display MBS buildings D - Only display if different N - Never display MBS buildings
Use Trailing Marks
Checked if you want to have the option to trail marks when one course is dropped and another is added to replace it. For example, if a student switches from French I course-section session to French II in the second marking period, you may want the marks from French I to be trailed (included) into the marks for French II.
If checked, when you add a course to a student’s schedule with the New button, a Trail History tab is included on the page.
Mark Reporting Default Values Section
Default Last Mark Issued By to
Indicates the default to use in the "Last Mark Issued By" field on the Schedule Entry page.
O - Office - to set the default to Office. T - Teacher - to set the default to Teacher.
Default to No Marks When Dropped Within the First... days of a course
If a student drops a course within the specified number of calendar days from the start of a course, or prior to the start date of the course, the course will default to "No Marks" on the Schedule Entry and Entry/Withdrawal pages. Small integer
The number of days reflects calendar days, not membership days or days that the course meets. For example, if the student should get no marks if the course is dropped one week after the class starts, enter 7.
Enter 0 to never default to No Marks when dropping courses.
Default First Graded MP to Next MP When Adding Within the Last... days of a marking period
When you add a student, the Marking Period will default according to the following conditions in Schedule Entry and Entry/Withdrawal:
If the add date is prior to the start of the first marking period of the course, the first graded marking period will default to the first marking period of the course.
If the add date falls within a marking period of the course, but before the specified number of days prior to the end of the marking period, the marking period will default to the current marking period.
If the add date falls within a marking period of the course, but within the specified number of days prior to the end of the marking period, this will default to the next marking period.
The number of days reflects calendar days, not membership days or days that the course meets. For example, if the student should get no marks for a marking period if the course is added one week before the marking period ends, enter 7. Small integer
Default Last Graded MP to Previous MP When Dropping Within the First... days of a marking period
When you drop a course, the Marking Period will default according to the following conditions in Schedule Entry and Entry/Withdrawal:
If the drop date falls within a marking period of the course, but within the specified number of days after the beginning of the marking period, this will default to the last marking period.
If the drop date falls within a marking period of the course, but after the specified number of days after the beginning of the marking period, the marking period will default to the current marking period.
If the drop date falls after the end of the last marking period of the course, the marking period of the course will default to the last marking period.
The number of days reflects calendar days, not membership days or days that the course meets. For example, if the student should get no marks for the marking period if the course is dropped one week after the marking period starts, enter 7. Small integer
Ungraded Options Section
Use Ungraded Option
Checked if users can mark courses as Ungraded on the Schedule Entry and Entry/Withdrawal pages.
Unchecked if you do not want to allow users to mark courses as Ungraded. The mark will default to the mark issued in the last marking period of the course.
Default to Ungraded When Adding in the Last
If a student adds a course within the number of calendar days specified in this field from the end of the course, the system selects the Use Ungraded Option checkbox by default. Small integer
The number of days reflects calendar days, not membership days or days that the course meets. For example, if the student should get no marks if the course is added one week before the class ends, enter 7.
The Ungraded column on the Schedule Entry page displays only if the Use Ungraded option box is checked.
Teacher Access Panel
The panel's opening section determines which scheduling options are available in Teacher Access Center.
Schedule Information May Be Viewed in Student Summary By
Checkboxes that indicate who may view scheduling information on the Student drawer in Teacher Access Center. Check the appropriate boxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may view the schedule.
Course Recommendations May Be Entered By
Checkboxes that indicate who may enter course recommendations in Teacher Access Center. Check the appropriate boxes to specify that teachers and/or substitutes may enter course recommendations.
Uncheck both boxes if the course recommendation options should not be displayed in TAC.
Limit Recommendation by Department
Checked if a teacher should only be able to recommend a course from the same department of the course that the student is currently taking.
Limit the Number of Course Recommendations to
Maximum number of recommendations that teachers can enter for a student in TAC. If the field is blank, teachers can enter an unlimited number of recommendations. Small integer
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