Use this page to add (load), drop (unload), replace, or lock one or more courses for groups of students enrolled in the selected building. You can also erase all courses for the selected students by running the option for a date prior to the first day of school.
Security resources determine whether a user can override conflicts caused by time overlaps in Multiple Bell Scheduling. Also, you cannot drop a course that has been locked. You must first unlock the course on the Schedule Entry page (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry).
Deleting and dropping courses in the current year could affect attendance and mark reporting data. Back up your database or perform a Save Scheduling run before proceeding in case you need to restore your original data.
Mass load, unload, replace, lock, or erase student schedules
In the Prompts panel, specify the processing options.
If you are loading, unloading, replacing, or locking specific courses, use the Courses section to enter the courses to be added or removed.
In the Filter panel, enter criteria to identify the students to include, then click Load to display the students in the Selected Students panel. The search will not be limited to students enrolled in your building, unless you specifically identify the building in your search.
Review the students listed. If a student should not be included, check the (Delete) box on the student's row and then click (Delete) on the Selected Students bar.
Click Run.
Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.
Prompts Panel
Course Building
Building of the courses that will be added, removed, locked, or erased.
This option allows you to schedule courses for students enrolled in another building. Therefore, when you are adding courses, be sure to identify the building in the search filter as well.
Indicates the action to be taken. If you select Mass Load, Mass Unload, or Mass Lock Select, the page displays the Course List section. If you select Mass Replace, the page displays the Courses section.
Erase All - to delete all courses for the selected students. This is an extremely powerful option - always back up the database before running. It cannot be run after the start of school. Mass Load - to add the courses you enter below to the selected students' schedules, if the courses fit into their schedules. Mass Lock - to change all courses to a status of Locked for the selected students. Mass Lock Select - to change the status of the courses you enter below to a status of Locked. If a selected student does not have the course, a message will state this in the log. Mass Replace - to enter the old course and the new course for each replacement to be made. The replacement will only be made if the student has the old course and the new course fits into the student's schedule. Refer to the Date Dropped field description for more information. Mass Unload - to drop the courses you enter below from the selected students' schedules. Refer to the Date Dropped field description for more information.
Add Date
First day the student attended the course.
This field only applies to the Mass Load and Mass Replace options.
Drop Date
First day the student did not attend the course. Indicates the student has dropped a course. If you are replacing courses, the drop date must be before the add date of the new course.
This field only applies to the Mass Replace and Mass Unload options.
The drop date has the following effects:
If the date is before school starts, no record will be kept of the course.
If the date is after school starts, a dropped course record is kept. The Last MP To Receive Marks is set to the last marking period of the course, and the Last Mark Issued By is set to Teacher. If the students will not receive marks in all marking periods, you will need to update the dropped course records.
Erase Locked Courses
Checked if you want to erase courses that were locked in the Schedule Entry page. Usually, locked courses should be retained when running the mass options, but they can be erased if needed.
If you want to unlock courses, use the Schedules Mass Update option (Scheduling > Utilities > Student Mass Updates > Schedules Mass Update) to change the Course Status from Locked to Active.
Erase Modeled Courses
Checked if you want to erase courses that were modeled in the Student Schedule page. Usually, modeled courses should be erased when running the mass options, but they can be retained if needed.
Courses Section
You cannot access this section with Erase All as the Action.
Code identifying the course you want to add or delete requests for.
The number of a specific course-section being requested. Enter a section if you want the students to only be scheduled into this course-section; leave blank if the students can be scheduled into any section of the course.
The course-section's description.
Checked if student is not receiving a grade in the course, for example, for auditing a course. This is used only in the add process.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Selected Students Panel
This panel is display only. The list of students is based on your search criteria.
Checked if you want to remove the student from the list. The student is deleted when you click (Delete) on the Selected Students bar.
Student ID
Student's identification number.
Student's full name (Last Name, First Name Middle Name).
The student's building.
In the current year, the student's grade as entered in Entry/Withdrawal. In the next year, the student's next grade as entered in the Registration Information page's Next Year tab (Student Center > Demographic > Registration).
Student's school house/team. House/teams are used to select students when scheduling courses.
ID and name of the student's guidance counselor.
Indicates the student's status in the current year: Active, Inactive, Pre-Registered, or Graduated.
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