Schedule Entry Page: List Mode
Use this page to view, add, or update scheduled or modeled courses for a student.
After a change is saved to a course or you add a course, a model schedule is created to allow you to make changes but revert to the original schedule if needed. When a student's schedule is modeled, an alert displays on the Schedule List panel. While a student's schedule is in a modeled state, other eSchoolPlus pages continue to use the original schedule. For example, the Student Summary will show the student's actual schedule and not the modeled changes. To commit the changes to update the student's schedule, click Keep. Otherwise, click Discard to revert to the student's original schedule.
You can personalize your view for the Schedule List panel using the Selections panel. For additional information, refer to Personalizing Schedule Entry.
For an overview of common schedule changes, refer to How to Make Typical Schedule Changes.
Menu Path: Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry
View and print schedule information
View List of Students in a Course
Change Schedules
Re-Add a Course That Was Dropped
Additional scheduling procedures
Schedule Study Halls for a Student
Run the Scheduling Synchronization
Trail Marks from One Course to Another
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Selections Panel
This panel enables you to customize your view for the Schedule List panel. After changing the Selections panel's settings, click Load to refresh the Schedule List panel. To save your settings, click Save on the far right of the Selections panel's title bar.
Course Filter Section
This section determines the course information that displays on the Schedule List panel. Be sure to click Load after entering your settings to view the results.
Field | Decription |
Display dropped courses | Select: Display below active courses - to display dropped courses below active courses. Dropped courses always display below active courses regardless of selected sort. |
Display previous add/drop date ranges | Checked if you want to display previous ranges of add and drop dates for the course-section, if any. The dates display on the Schedule List panel. |
Display courses on cycle days | Checked if the courses displayed should be limited to the selected cycle days. When you select the box, you can access the adjacent field. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click
Display courses in Durations (district-defined) | Checked if the courses displayed should be limited to the selected durations, such as Marking Periods or Semesters. More than one box may display, depending on how many intervals are defined for your current environment, for example, Regular Year versus Summer School. When you select the box, you can access the adjacent field. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click |
Columns to Display Section
This section determines the columns (fields) that display for Schedule Entry. Select a column's checkbox to add it to the Schedule List panel display.
- To reorder a Column, click the tab next to its name and drag it to the desired position.
- Columns that must display on the Schedule List panel do not have a Display checkbox, but you can re-order the fields.
Be sure to click Load after changing your settings to view the results. To save your settings, click Save on the far right of the Selections panel's title bar.
Select the additional columns you would like to display on the Schedule List panel.
More than one column may display for intervals, depending on how many your district has defined for Regular Year or Summer School. For example, your Regular School intervals could include Marking Period and Semester.
Course Sort By Section
This section includes a field to specify how student schedules are sorted. Be sure to click Load after entering your settings to view the results. To save your settings, click Save on the far right of the Selections panel's title bar.
Field | Description |
Sort By | Select the sort to use to display courses. You can sort courses by Building, Course, Course Description, Date Added, Date Dropped, First MP, Last MP, Period, or Status. B- Building - Sorts by building, period, course. |
Schedule List Panel
The fields that display and their display order depend on the Columns to Display section's selections.
When eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule, an alert displays at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options displayed.
- To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
- To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
Field | Description |
Action | Select the checkbox in the header at the top of the column to select all rows, or select individual rows. Click Action to display the Course Actions dialog. From this dialog, you can click the Clear, Clear Immediate, Lock, Unlock, or Class List actions for all selected rows. |
Building | The building where the student is taking the course-section. |
Period | The scheduling period when the course-section meets. |
Course-Section | The course-section being scheduled for the student. The first field identifies the course by course code and the second identifies the section by number. To add a course-section, you can use one of two options:
Description | Description of the course-section being scheduled for the student. The description displays as a link to the Student Course page, where you can view and change course details. For information, refer to Student Course Page. You also can view detail on a course by positioning the cursor on the description to display a pop-up window. |
Ovr (Override) | Checked if you want to override the perquisite requirements for this course. You must have SCHD-MAINT-OVRSEQ security to access this field. |
Teacher | The primary staff member responsible for the course-section. |
Room | Code identifying the room where the course meets. |
Status | Indicates the course's status. Selections may include: A - Active - indicates that the course may be either modeled or scheduled. |
Add Date | The first day the student attended the course. |
Drop Date | The last day the student attended the course. Indicates the student has dropped the course. If you enter a drop date, update the Mark Reporting fields as needed. |
Mark Reporting Fields | Marks Determines whether marks will be issued for the course-section.
First MP If a student started a course late, enter the first marking period in which the student should receive a mark. For example, if the course is added in the last week of Marking Period 2, set the First MP to Marking Period 2 so the student will not receive a mark in that marking period. Last MP For a dropped course, enter the last marking period in which the student should receive a mark For example, if the course is dropped in the first week of MP 3, set the Last MP to MP 2 so the student will receive a mark for MP 2 but not for MP 3. |
Cycles | The cycle days when classes meet. To resolve a student out of a cycle day for the course-section, click the day. This displays the No symbol, for example, |
Marking Periods | The marking periods or other intervals when classes meet, as defined in the Intervals table. To resolve a student out of a course-section for an interval, click the interval. This displays the No symbol, for example, As with other columns, these district defined intervals must be selected in the Columns to Display section, or they will not display. |
Trail From | Code identifying the course-section trailed from. you can search for all or part of the course code, section, or description. The search will only return courses that are valid for trailing. For an example of how to trail marks to a new course, refer to Scenario 4 in How to Make Typical Schedule Changes. Two conditions must be met for this field to display:
Credit | Credit for the course-section session as specified on the Master Schedule page. |