Use the Schedule Entry page to resolve students into courses for either specific days or specific marking periods.
For example, if a student needs to re-take the last two marking periods of a full year course, you would select M3 and M4 on the course's record on the Schedule Entry page by clicking M1 and M2 to disable them. When the system schedules the course, it will resolve the student into the remaining marking periods.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Schedule Entry page, locate the course-section you want to change.
If needed, scroll to view the course's cycle days.
Click on the days the student will not attend the course. The Resolved indicator displays, for example, .
When you change a student's schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule, and an alert displays at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Schedule Entry page, locate the course-section you want to change.
If needed, scroll to view the course's marking periods.
Click on the marking periods the student will not be attending. The Resolved indicator displays, for example, .
When you change a student's schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule, and an alert displays at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
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