When eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule, an alert displays at the top of the page with Keep and Discard options displayed.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
You also can access the Student Course page from the Schedule Entry Grid page.
View a course-section's information
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click a course-section's Description link to display the Student Course page and view the course-section's information.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Add a course-section for a student
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
On the Schedule List panel's bar, click Add to display the Student Course page.
Select a building, then use the Course fields to select a course.
Complete the Course Status field.
On the Date Range Detail panel, change the Date Added field if needed, then complete the Marks and First MP fields.
Click Save.
To add another course, click Add at the top right, then repeat Steps 3-6.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Add a course-section that was previously dropped
The following procedure would apply if a course-section has been dropped and the student re-enrolls in the course.
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click the Description link of the course-section you want to update.
On the Student Course page, click Add on the Date Range Detail panel to add a Dates section. The new date range fields will display at the top of the Date Range Detail panel.
Enter a Date Added, and complete the fields in the Mark Reporting section as needed.
Click Save.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Change a student's schedule
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Make changes to the student's schedule as needed using the procedures that follow.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Change a course-section's information
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click the Description link of the course-section you want to change.
On the Student Course page, change the desired fields.
Click Save.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Resolve days or marking periods for a course-section
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click the Description link of the course-section you want to change.
On the Student Course page, click (Expand) for the Resolved Conflict Information section for the date range you are resolving.
Click the days and marking periods the student will not attend the course. The Resolved indicator displays on the days the student is not attending; for example, .
Click Save.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Drop a course-section for a student
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click the Description link of the course-section you want to change.
On the Student Course page, enter a date in the Date Dropped field to drop the course.
In the Mark Reporting section, change the fields as need to ensure that marks are issue properly for the dropped course. Your district's policies dictate how these fields should be used. Typically, a selection should be made in the Last MP field, though you also may need to change the Marks field.
Click Save.
To return to the Schedule Entry page, click Back.
Delete a date range for a course-section
Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry to display the Schedule Entry page.
Click the Description link of the course-section you want to update.
In the Student Course page's Date Range Detail panel, click the (Delete) icon for the date range you want to delete.
This erases the date range's information and collapses the section. However, if needed, you can restore the data by clicking the section's (Undo Delete) icon, as long as you have not saved the deletion.
Click Save. This permanently deletes the date range.
Course Information Panel
The building where the student is taking the course-section.
The course-section being scheduled for the student. The first field identifies the course by course code and the second, identifies the section by number.
When you are adding a new course, you can enter the course code in the first field and click Search to display the Master Schedule Search window with a list of all sections available for the course. The search window displays full information on each section. You also can use this window to search for a course-section by entering criteria in the Selections section, then clicking Search. To select a course-section and return to the Student Course page, double click the course-section.
Description of the course-section.
Override Prerequisites
Checked to override any prerequisites for this course. This checkbox is only accessible to users with SCHD-MAINT-OVRSEQ security. This field only displays when Validate in Schedule Entry is set to E - Issue error on the Prerequisites panel of the Scheduling Building Configuration Page.
House/team associated with the course. If a team is assigned, only students with the same team designation can request or be scheduled in the course.
Users with the appropriate security resource can override the house/team restriction.
For a building that uses multiple bell schedules, no user can override the house/team restrictions.
Checked if the course is modeled. Modeled courses become part of the actual schedule when you click Keep on the Schedule Entry page.
Course Status
Indicates the course's status.
Selections may include:
A - Active - indicates that the course may be either modeled or scheduled. L - Locked - indicates that future runs of the Schedule Students option cannot replace this course. To lock a course, select the course's Select (unlabeled) checkbox, click (Additional options), then select Lock. D - Dropped - indicates that the course has been dropped. P - Preserved - indicates that the course has been preserved. If a student is withdrawn from school, but is expected to return, the schedule can be preserved by choosing the Preserve Schedule option in Entry/Withdrawal. Multiple rows may display for the following fields if the course has multiple sessions:
The scheduling periods when the course-section meets.
Description of the course-section session.
Code identifying the room where the course meets.
The primary staff member responsible for the course-section.
Cycle Days
The days when the course-section meets.
Marking Periods
The marking periods when the course-section meets.
Date Range Detail Panel
Dates Section
Displays the date range for the student's enrollment in the course-section. The student is currently enrolled in the course-section when the most recent range does not include a Date Dropped.
More than one Dates section may display, for example, if the student initially dropped the course and then re-enrolled.
To add a date range for a student's course-section, click Add on the panel's title bar. The range defaults today's date as the beginning of the range. You can change this by changing the Date Added field.
To designate a Dates section for deletion, click (Delete) on the Dates bar. This removes all information and applies a strikethrough line to the date range. To delete the range, click Save.
To restore a range that has been designated for deletion, click (Undo Delete). The section for a date-range cannot be restored once you save the deletion.
Course Dates Section
Date Added
Select the first day the student attended the course.
Date Dropped
The last day the student attended the course. Indicates the student has dropped the course. When you add a drop date, the date is added to the date range.
If you enter a drop date, update the Mark Reporting section as needed.
Mark Reporting Section
The defaults for the following options were set by your administrator in the Scheduling Configuration.
Determines whether marks will be issued for the course-section.
If a course is active, select: Graded – to indicate that marks will be issued. Ungraded – to indicate that marks will not be issued, for example, if the course is being audited. The availability of this option depends on your Scheduling Building Configuration.
If a course is dropped, the options are: N - No marks - to indicate marks are not issued. O - Office - to indicate the office will issue the marks and the student should display in TAC for the last marking period. T - Teacher - to indicate the teacher will issue the marks and the student should display in TAC for the last marking period.
First MP
If a student started a course late, enter the first marking period in which the student should receive a grade.
For example, if the course is added in the last week of Marking Period 2, set the First MP to Marking Period 2 so the student will not receive a grade in that marking period.
Last MP
For a dropped course, enter the last marking period in which the student should receive a grade.
For example, if the course is dropped in the first week of MP 3, set the Last MP to MP 2 so the student will receive a grade for MP 2 but not for MP 3.
Resolved Conflict Information Section
This section indicates when classes for the course meet.
The scheduling periods when classes meet.
Cycle Days
The days when classes meet.
To resolve a student out of a cycle day for the course, click the day. This displays the No symbol, for example, . To restore a cycle day, click the No symbol.
The marking periods or other intervals when classes meet, as defined in the Intervals table.
To resolve a student out of an interval for a course-section, click the interval. This displays the No symbol, for example, . To restore an interval, click the No symbol.
Trailed Course Information Section
This section displays if your Scheduling Building Configuration allows trailing marks.
Trail From
The first day the student attended the course.
Trail To
The last day the student attended the course. Indicates the student has dropped a course.
Other Student Course Information Section
This section displays links to any district-defined page that have been set up to provide additional fields for the course.
To display a page, click its link. After completing and saving the page's fields, click Back to return to the Student Course page.
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