Use this page to add or change sequence records for building-level courses. You can use sequences to define prerequisite relationships between courses. You also can indicate whether certain courses should or should not be scheduled in the same marking periods.
You can set up sequences for use in the following options: Requests, Student Career Planner, and Schedule Students. These sequences can include only courses and course groups associated with your Building Course Catalog.
If you use the District Course Catalog, you should set up district-level sequences on the District Course Sequencing page (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Sequencing), except when a building offers courses that are not included in the district catalog. District sequences appear in the Building Course Sequencing page as display only and only can be changed or deleted in the district page. For additional information on district sequences, refer to District Course Sequencing Page.
View building course sequences
Select Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Sequencing.
In the Building Course Sequencing page, click the appropriate Building link. You may need to run a search for the building.
In the Building Course Sequencing page, select one of the following in the Selection panel's Sequence View Type field: All - to display all course sequence records defined for the district. Not Scheduled With - to display courses/groups that should not be scheduled together. Prerequisite For - to display courses/groups that define prerequisites. With prerequisites, a course or course within a group must be completed or requested before a student can request the second part of the sequence. Scheduled With - to display courses/groups that must be scheduled together.
Add building course sequences
Select Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Sequencing.
In the Building Course Sequencing Search page, click the appropriate Building link. You may need to run a search for the building.
In the Building Course Sequencing page, enter the sequence information in the first blank line.
Repeat Step 3 for each sequence you want to add.
Click Save.
Change building course sequences
Select Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Sequencing.
In the Building Course Sequencing Search page, click the appropriate Building link. You may need to run a search for the building.
In the Building Course Sequencing page, change the information entered for a sequence. You cannot change a district course sequence in this page.
Repeat Step 3 for each sequence you want to change.
Click Save.
Delete building course sequences
Select Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Sequencing.
In the Building Course Sequencing Search page, click the appropriate Building link. You may need to run a search for the building.
In the Building Course Sequencing page, select the (Delete) checkbox for each sequence you want to delete. The checkbox does not display for district sequences.
Click Save.
Selection Panel
Sequence View Type
Determines the types of sequences to display.
All - to view all course sequence records defined for the selected building. Not Scheduled With - to display courses/groups that should not be scheduled together. Prerequisite For - to display courses/groups that define prerequisites. With prerequisites, a course or course within a group must be completed or requested before a student can request the second part of the sequence. Scheduled With - to display courses/groups that must be scheduled together.
Building Course Sequences Panel
Course/Group A
Indicates whether Sequence A refers to a Course or Group.
Sequence A
Your entry depends on whether Course or Group is selected in the previous field.
For the Course option, select the course code from the Building Course Catalog.
For the Group option, select the code identifying the course group. Only building-level groups can be selected.
Sequence Type
You can set up three types of sequences.
Not Scheduled With - to indicate that two courses/groups should not be scheduled together, which is useful in balancing courses. For example, if students should not take Chemistry and Physics in the same semester, set up one course as Sequence A and the other as Sequence B, then use Not Scheduled With as the Sequence Type. Prerequisite For - to specify that a course must be taken before another course. For example, use Prerequisite For if you schedule semester-length courses and you want to schedule the first part of a two-part course, such as Algebra 1A, before the second part, Algebra 1B. In this case, a student cannot request Algebra 1B without having completed Algebra 1A. Prerequisite For can also be used to warn that students should have completed a particular course or any course within a group before they can request or schedule a specified course (or course within a group). The prerequisite course/group is identified in Sequence A and the course/group to be requested or scheduled in Sequence B. The Scheduling Configuration determines whether prerequisites are checked in request entry, schedule entry, or both. A course can be requested or scheduled if the credits earned for the course's prerequisite fulfill the credits attempted. A prerequisite can also include a minimum mark requirement. For example, if Algebra II is a prerequisite for Calculus and its minimum mark is 80, Calculus cannot be scheduled if the student receives a 75. However, if a prerequisite course is in progress but has not been completed, the system allows the second course in the sequence to be requested regardless of the current grade and minimum mark. Scheduled With - to indicate that a course/group should be scheduled in the same marking period with another course/group. For example, if students who take Introduction to Computers should take Keyboarding Skills in the same semester, set up the Intro course as Sequence A and the Keyboarding course as Sequence B. This option is typically used to balance; it does not prevent scheduling one of the courses by itself.
Course/Group B
Indicates whether Sequence B refers to a Course or Group.
Sequence B
Entry depends on whether Course or Group is selected in the previous field.
For the Course option, select the course code from the Building Course Catalog. For the Group option, select the code identifying the course group. Only building-level groups can be selected.
Mark Type
Select the mark type to use when checking the minimum mark to determine if the student has met the prerequisite requirement. You can select one of the mark types that is selected for the course in the Course Catalog.
You can only access this field for a sequence that is defined as a prerequisite sequence.
Select the minimum mark that the student needs in order to meet the requirement. To meet the requirement, a student must receive the specified mark or a mark that displays above the specified mark in the Level Table.
You can only access this field for a sequence that is defined as a prerequisite sequence.
Mark requirements do not affect requests when a prerequisite course is currently scheduled but has not been completed. For example, if a student is enrolled in German I and requests German II, the request will be accepted regardless of the student's current grade in the prerequisite. The mark requirement, however, does apply when a course is requested and its prerequisite has been completed.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
District Course Sequences Panel
This panel displays the course sequences defined at the district-level. To edit these sequences use the District Course Sequencing Page.
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