Use this page to add or change records in your District Course Catalog. The district-wide catalog lets you set up course numbers and records centrally. When you save the district course, the system copies its information to individual Building Course Catalogs based on its building type. Changes to certain sections in a building course are not distributed if overrides have been set for the sections affected.
If your district uses Career Plan in Home Access Center and has more than one high school, you need to establish a District Course Catalog to facilitate future-year course requests.
You can define courses that can be requested in eSchoolPlus or Home Access Center. Courses will then have course-sections defined in the Master Schedule. You can also set up block courses for storing multiple courses (blockettes) that are taken as a group, for example, all courses for 4th grade students.
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog to display the District Course Catalog Search page.
If needed, run a search for the course you want to view.
Click the course's Course link to display the District Course Catalog page.
Add District Course Catalog courses
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog.
On the District Course Catalog Search page, click Add.
Complete the fields in the District Course Catalog page.
Click Save.
To create another course, click Add in the District Course Catalog page, then repeat Steps 3-4.
Add block courses
A block course is a course record made up of regular courses, which are referred to as blockettes. These courses must be created before you can create a block. For more information, refer to Overview of Block Courses.
Create the blockettes by following the procedure for adding regular courses. For each course, set the Block Type field on the General Course Information panel to N - Regular Course.
After creating the blockettes on the District Course Catalog page, click Add again.
Enter information for the block in the page's fields. Of particular importance for setting up a block course are the following:
On the General Course Information panel, select B - Block Course in the Block Type field.
On the Blockette Course Information panel, select each blockette course in the Blockettes section.
If the same section number as the block course-section should default when you add Master Schedule records, select the Same Section checkbox.
If a blockette should default as mandatory in the Master Schedule record, select the Mandatory box.
On the Mark Reporting Information panel, review the Credit, Credit Rule, and Subject Area settings to make sure they are correct. The Credit field includes the total credits from all the blockettes, while the Credit Rule and Subject Area values default from the first blockette added. This step is important if your district allows parents to select courses on Home Access Center's Career Planner page, because it determines the courses that display for each subject area and the way credits are divided.
Click Save.
Change District Course Catalog courses
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog to display the District Course Catalog Search page.
If needed, run a search for the course you want.
Click the Course link for the appropriate course.
On the District Course Catalog page, change the course's values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete District Course Catalog courses
You can delete a course in the District Course Catalog page by clicking the (Delete) icon at the upper right of the page. This icon does not display if a course has been requested or scheduled.
Following is the procedure for deleting district-level courses from the District Course Catalog search page:
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog. to display the District Course Catalog Search page.
If needed, run a search for the courses you want to delete.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each course you want to delete. The checkbox does not display for courses that are requested or scheduled.
Click Save.
Prevent courses from being scheduled or requested
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog to display the District Course Catalog Search page.
If needed, run a search for the course you want.
Click the course's Course link to display the District Course Catalog page.
In the Course panels Building Types section, clear the Active checkboxes for the desired buildings to set the course's status to inactive. When a course is inactive, users can no longer add sections for the course in the Master Schedule, nor can they add requests.
Click Save.
Generate the Course Catalog List report
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog to display the District Course Catalog Search page.
Run a search for the courses you want to include in the report.
Click (Export to PDF).
When processing is complete, click Tasks/Reports to display the Tasks and Reports page, then click the report's link to display the report for viewing or printing.
Course Panel
These fields identify the course in your District Course Catalog.
Code identifying the course. Character/10
If your building uses course equivalency options to report scheduling or transcript information using state course codes, do not use state codes as course codes in the course catalog. If a local course code is the same as a state course code, course equivalency processing will not work properly. State course codes are defined in the State Courses option (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses.
Title or short description of the course. Displays in most pages and reports. Character/30
Building Types Section
Building Type
Code for the type of building that offers this district-level course. The system uses the building type to determine which Building Course Catalogs should include the course.
For example, in creating a district record for course 8128, Honors Algebra II, you would select the type of building where the course would be offered, in this case, a high school building type. When you save the district course record, the system generates building-level records for 8128 in your high school catalogs.
You can assign multiple building types to a course if it is taught in more than one type of building. For instance, if Algebra I is taught in middle schools and high schools, you should assign these building types in separate rows. Saving the record at the district level adds the course to your middle school and high school catalogs.
To inactivate a course for all buildings of a particular type, clear the Active checkbox for the appropriate building type. Saving the record changes the course's status to inactive for buildings of this type. The change, however, does not affect building-level courses that have an override defined for the General Course Information panel.Inactive courses cannot be requested, nor can they have new Master Schedule records created.
If a district course is not in use for any buildings, you can delete the record by selecting the Delete checkboxes for each of the building types assigned. Clicking Save deletes the course from all buildings that have the corresponding building types.
For district courses, Mark Reporting table validation is based on the building types you assign to the course. You can select any Mark Type, Level code, or Honor Roll setup that is defined for any building that has one of the course's building types. For more information, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.
Checked if the selected Building Type is active for the course.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
General Course Information Panel
Full description of the course that can be printed in district-defined reports. Character/255
Course Availability
Two checkboxes, both of which may be selected:
Regular Year
Checked if the course is offered in the regular school year.
Summer School
Checked if the course is offered in summer school.
Amount to charge a student if the course requires a fee. The fee prints on the Student Request Verification report.
The Student Fees package does not process this fee. Student Fees uses Fee Groups to charge fees for courses.
Course Credit Basis
Select the type of enrollment associated with the credit hours for the course.
Checked if the course status is Active. Unchecked if the course is Inactive and should not be available for either requests or the Master Schedule.
Study Hall
Checked if the course is a study hall that will be scheduled by the Schedule Study Halls option. This option fills in students' free time periods with study halls.
Students cannot request this type of study hall. If you want students to request study halls or you want to manually schedule study halls, do not select the checkbox, and set up the study hall as a regular course.
Select the course's NCES code.
Department offering the course.
VoTec (Vocational-Technical)
Checked if this is a vocational-technical or career-technology course.
Block Type
Determines whether the catalog record is for a course or block.
B - Block Course - to indicate that the course is a block course and can be used to schedule students for multiple courses based on a single course request. You should set up the regular courses that will be used as blockettes first, then assign the blockettes to a block. N - Regular Course - to indicate the course is not a block and can be scheduled by itself or as a blockette. When a course is being used as a blockette, the system assigns the value C - Blockette Course. An additional field, Part of Block Course, displays, providing a link to the block course.
Checked if attendance is taken for this course. In the Master Schedule, you can specify whether attendance is taken for each course-section session of the course.
Include in Passing Time Calculation
Checked if the Day Totals Calculation should include the minutes for this course and the passing time to and from this course in the minutes for the day. This setting only affects the Day Totals Calculation for attendance views that are defined to calculate totals as minutes and to include passing time. For more information, refer to Passing Time Calculation for Day Totals.
This field is accessible only if you select the Take Attendance checkbox.
Include in PerformancePLUS Integration
Indicates how this course is integrated with the PerformancePLUS applications CurriculumCONNECTOR and PerformanceTRACKER, via the PSI integration. Not all courses are appropriate to transfer to PerformancePLUS. For example, study hall, lunch, and some electives may not have a formal curriculum.
B - Both - to copy the course to CurriculumCONNECTOR and PerformanceTRACKER. C - CurriculumConnector - to copy the course to CurriculumCONNECTOR, but not PerformanceTracker. N - Neither - to not copy the course to CurriculumCONNECTOR or PerformanceTRACKER. P - PerformanceTracker - to copy the course to PerformanceTRACKER, but not CurriculumCONNECTOR.
If you selected to copy the course to a PerformancePLUS application, you must specify the curriculum's minimum and maximum grade levels in the next two fields: Include for Minimum Grade and Include for Maximum Grade.
Include for Minimum Grade
This field depends on your selection in the Include in PerformancePLUS Integration field:
If the integration field is set to is set to B (Both) or C (CurriculumConnector), you must select the minimum grade level for the course's curriculum for CurriculumCONNECTOR.
If the integration field is set to copy the course to a PerformancePLUS application (B, C, or P), you must select the minimum grade level for the course's curriculum. The curriculum grade level may differ from the grade levels of students enrolled in the curriculum.
If you enter a grade level in this field, you must enter a grade level in the Include for Maximum Grade field, as well. The minimum and maximum grade level may be the same.
Include for Maximum Grade
This field depends on your selection in the Include in PerformancePLUS Integration field:
If the integration field is set to is set to B (Both) or C (CurriculumConnector), you must select the maximum grade level for the course's curriculum for CurriculumCONNECTOR.
If the integration field is set to copy the course to a PerformancePLUS application (B, C, or P), you must select the maximum grade level for the course's curriculum. The curriculum grade level may differ from the grade levels of students enrolled in the curriculum.
If you enter a grade level in this field, you must enter a grade level in the Include for Minimum Grade field, as well. The minimum and maximum grade level may be the same.
Scheduler Options Panel
These fields determine how the course is processed by the Schedule Students option.
House/team associated with the course. If a team is assigned, only students with the same team designation can request or be scheduled in the course.
Users with the appropriate security resource can override the house/team restriction.
For a building that uses multiple bell schedules, no user can override the house/team restrictions.
Conflict Matrix
Indicates if the Conflict Matrix report should show how many students requested the course, and if so, indicates how the report should process the course.
Y - All Courses - to list the course when the Conflict Matrix report is run for all courses. N - Do not include - to exclude the course from the report. D - Doubletons - to list the course when the Conflict Matrix report is run for all courses or for doubletons. Select doubleton if you are planning on scheduling only a few course-sections of the course. S - Singletons - to list the course when the Conflict Matrix report is run for all courses or for singletons. Select singleton if you are planning on scheduling only one course-section of the course.
This field affects the data to print on the Conflict Matrix report; it does not impact the course-sections you can define in the Master Schedule. For example, you can define multiple course-sections of a course that is defined as a singleton.
Request from HAC
Checked if guardians and students can request the course from the Course Requests or Student Career Planner page in Home Access Center (HAC), depending on whether your district allows request entry in HAC. Unchecked if this course should not be listed for course requests in HAC.
Grade Restriction
Grades of students that may take this course. If grades are selected, Home Access Center will list the course only for students in one of the selected grades.
Students who do not meet the grade restriction can be scheduled into a course only by a user with security to override the grade restrictions.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Simple Tally
Checked if the course should be included in the Simple Tally report.
Alternate Course
Select the course to substitute if the Schedule Students option is unable to schedule this course for a student. Leave the field blank if there is no course alternate.
The alternate course is processed if the user selects the Schedule Course Alternates checkbox when scheduling students.
Gender Restriction
Gender of students who can request the course.
B - Both F - Female Only M - Male Only
Weighted value of the course. The Schedule Students option uses the weight of a course to balance a schedule if you choose to balance major and minor courses within semesters or marking periods.
You can use almost any scale, though 0-100 is typical. For example, assign 100 for a major course and 50 for an elective. If balancing does not apply, enter 0.
Next Recommended Course
Next course that you recommend students take after completing this course. This value prints on the Next Recommended Course Signoff report, which is a worksheet that includes the courses a student is taking and the next course the student should take in the progression.
This information is not used for course prerequisite processing and does not affect how requests are loaded.
Classified Students
Maximum weight of classified students who can be scheduled for a course-section, expressed as either a percentage or number. If a default displays, you may change the value as needed. Decimal/5,2
Enter a value in the numeric field, then select:
Number - to set the default scheduling weight as a decimal number, for example, 8.00 as the total allowed for a class. Percent - to set the default scheduling weight as a percentage, for example, 8.00 percent of a class.
Classification weights are used to limit the scheduling of classified students into course-sections. The weights are assigned to student classifications in Registration's Classifications Validation table, for example, 1.0 for 504 Plan students and 2.0 for Special Education students. In scheduling a course-section, the system compares the total weight against the maximum in the Master Schedule record. Once the maximum is reached, no additional students with classification weights can be scheduled into the course-section.
Scheduling weight maximums do not apply to study halls. If the course's Study Hall checkbox is selected, you cannot access the Classified Students field.
The priority for the course. For example, you can set a priority for a course that is required for graduation. A lower number indicates a higher priority. You can use almost any scale, though 0-100 is typical. If you do not prioritize in scheduling, enter 0.
The scheduler can use course priority in two ways:
You can sort student requests by priority so that courses with a lower priority number are scheduled first.
You also can use this value in selective scheduling. For example, if you want to schedule higher priority courses first, you can specify a value for the Course Priorities to Ignore field when you run the scheduler to not schedule courses with a specified priority value.
Mark Reporting Information Panel
These fields define how Mark Reporting should process the course. For example, you can define whether mark reporting records should be created and, if so, whether the records should be stored for transcripts.
The course catalog's Mark Reporting values are used as the defaults for each course-section defined in the Master Schedule. The subject areas selected also affect how courses are requested in eSchoolPlus and Home Access Center.
The Graduation Requirements report uses the catalog's subject area information for courses taken in the current school year. For prior years, the report uses the Master Schedule subject area information that is copied when the Graduation Requirement report is run.
Indicates how Mark Reporting should process the course.
R - For report cards only - to create mark reporting records, but not store the records for transcripts. N - Not issued - to not create mark reporting records. T - Retained for transcripts - to create mark reporting records and print the records for transcripts for the building types entered in the Transcript Building Type field.
To preserve an archive of the course's grades, set the Marks Are value to T - Retained in transcripts. This enables users to change the environment to view students' marks from previous years. With the R - Report cards only setting, report card records are deleted when the Mark Reporting Year End Rollover is run.
Transcript Building Types
Select the building types to use for including this course on transcripts. When a transcript is printed, the system selects the student's courses based on the building type specified in the Transcript View Setup. If you leave the field blank, the course is printed on transcripts regardless of building type.
For example, if a middle school wants to print transcripts, but the courses should not be included on high school transcripts, select a middle school building type. If a course should print on both middle school and high school transcripts, select these building types.
Number of credits awarded for successfully completing the course.
If the course is a block course, the field displays the sum of all credits from the block's blockette courses. For example, if a block includes three blockettes, each of which is worth 1.0 credit, the Credit field displays 3.0. With a block course, you cannot change this value, other than by adding blockette courses or by changing the credit values in the block's individual blockettes.
Course Level
Indicates the level table that applies to the course in general. For example, if the course is an academic course that uses a non-weighted grading scale, select the non-weighted level table.
This level is used for the Course Credit Calculation and mark reporting reports that display information from the level table for the course. It is also used by the Teacher Access Center Load from Gradebook if a Gradebook Scale is not assigned to a student.
Mark Types
Select the mark types for issuing grades for the course's course-sections, for example Semester or Marking Period. When a course-section is added to the Master Schedule, your selections become the section's default mark types.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The mark types that display are defined by your building administrator.
Honor Rolls Section
When you select a Type, a new row is added for entering the next Type.
Select the honor roll types to use as defaults when a course-section is added to the Master Schedule.
You can select any honor roll that exists for at least one building sharing a building type with the district course. For information on how Mark Reporting setups are validated at the Building Course Catalog level, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.
Select the Level table to use for honor roll calculations for honor roll type selected.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
GPA Types Section
When you select a GPA Type, a new row is added for selecting another Type.
Select the GPA types to use as defaults, when a course-section is added to the Master Schedule. For each GPA type selected, identify the Level table to use for GPA calculations.
Select the Level table to use for GPA calculations for the specified GPA type.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Graduation Requirement Areas Section
Credit Rule
If multiple subject areas are assigned to the course, indicates how credit should be applied to the subject areas for graduation requirements.
E - Evenly divide credit among all subject areas - to divide the credit for the course across all listed subject areas; for example, if the credit for Physics should be split between a lab science requirement and a lecture science requirement. O - Fill subject area credit in order - to apply the credit for the course to the first subject area listed that still needs credits filled, then apply any remaining credit to the next subject area that needs to be filled. For example, if a student takes a Modern Fiction course that is 1.0 credit, which can be used to fulfill an English subject area requirement or Elective requirement, and the student needs.5 credits for English, the first.5 credits will be applied to fill the English requirement and the remaining credit will then be applied to fill the subject area Elective requirement. F - Full credit goes to all subject areas - to apply the full credit for the course to all listed subject areas; for example, if the credit for Physics should be applied to both the lab science requirement and a lecture science requirement.
When you enter an Order number, a new row is added at the bottom for selecting another Subject Area.
The priority of this subject area when Divide Credit is set to O - Fill Subject Area Credits in Order. Order 1 will be filled first, order 2 next, and so forth.
Subject Area
Indicates the subject areas that the course meets. For example, if a course can fulfill the graduation requirements for the English or Elective subject area, you would select the two subject areas.
Course tags applied to the graduation requirement subject area for this course. Course tags are used as a way to group courses within a subject area so that rules can be established for the types of courses a student needs to take to meet credit requirements.
Enter course tags as a comma-delimited list, such as A1,B1,C1. This field shows all course tags that are already assigned to the course through Graduation Requirement Setup's Tag Courses page.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Blockette Course Information Panel
If the course is a block, this section lists the blockettes for the block course.
To access these fields for creating a block, you must set the Block field to B.
Before you can add courses (blockettes) to a block, you must set up their Course Catalog records.
When you add Master Schedule records for this course, you can change the blockettes included in a block, the section number of blockettes, and the mandatory value for blockettes.
For more information about block courses, proxy blocks, and blockettes, refer to Overview of Block Courses.
Same Teacher
Indicates whether blockettes that are not assigned to a section should be taught by the same teacher. You must have at least two blockettes that have the Same Section checkbox selected in order to select a value other than N - No Linking. Also, at least one blockette must have Mandatory or Same Section selected because teacher linking cannot be used for a proxy block.
P - Linking Preferred - to indicate that the scheduler should try to schedule students into course-sections taught by the same teacher for the blockettes that do not have Same Section checked. If the scheduler cannot schedule the student into course-sections with the same teacher, the scheduler may still schedule the student into the course-sections if the course-sections fit in the student's schedule. R - Linking Required - to indicate that the scheduler should only schedule students into the course-sections if the sections are taught by the same teacher for the blockettes that do not have Same Section checked. Students will not be scheduled for this block unless they can be scheduled with the same teacher for these blockettes. N - No Linking - to indicate that the Schedule Students option should schedule students into course-sections taught by any teacher for the blockettes that do not have the Same Section checkbox selected.
This setting only applies to blockettes that do not have the Same Section checkbox selected in the Course Catalog. When the scheduler schedules a student for the block, it will not use teacher linking rules to keep the student with the same teacher for blockettes that have a section specified in the Master Schedule.
Blockettes Section
Code identifying the course blockette.
The field's selections include all courses with the same building type as the block course. For example, if the block's building type is middle school, the field's drop-down list only includes courses with this building type. When a block has multiple building types, such as both high school and middle school, you only can select from courses assigned the same multiple types.
Same Section
Checked if the section number for the blockette should default to the same section number as the block course-section when you add the block to the Master Schedule. This option is useful if you want to use the block course to group students so the same students are in all of the blockette course-sections associated with this block.
If you want to use the block course as a proxy block for which students can be scheduled into any section of the blockettes, do not select the Same Section checkbox.
Checked if this blockette should default as mandatory when you add the block course to the Master Schedule. The student will only be scheduled for the blockettes in a block if the student can be scheduled for all mandatory blockettes.
If you want to use the block course as a proxy block for which students can be scheduled into any of the possible blockettes, do not select the Mandatory checkbox.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
State Course Information Panel
The section's fields specify how to report the course for state course equivalency purposes for the school year displayed in the panel's title. To define the course equivalency, select the State Course, specify the Number of Parts the course is divided into in your district, then indicate the Part Number fulfilled by the course.
Your use of these fields depends on your district's state reporting requirements, as well as your Scheduling District Setup. State course information, unlike other course catalog data, is year specific. This allows you to change your environment to a future year and enter upcoming state course information without affecting your current records.
State Course
Select the state course that corresponds to the District Course Catalog course. State courses are defined in the Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses option.)
Number of Parts
Select the number of parts required for state course equivalency.
For example, if the state course is Algebra I and your district offers two separate courses to meet the state's course requirements (Algebra IA and Algebra IB), indicate there are 2 parts to the state course.
Part Number
Select which part of the state course the current course fulfills. Using the example given with the # of Parts field, Algebra IA would be part 1 and Algebra IB, part 2.
Course Groups Panel
This section identifies the course groups to which the course belongs. Groups are defined in the Course Groups option (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups). District course groups can include multiple building types, for example, both Middle and High School. For more information, refer to District Course Group Page.
Adding a group to the section adds the course to the group. In addition, when a course is added to a group in the District Course Groups detail page, the group displays in the District Course Catalog's Course Groups panel. You can remove a course from a group by selecting its (Delete) checkbox, then clicking Save.
Course groups, which are used in sequencing, define a set of courses that can be used to meet the prerequisite for another course. For example, if Pre-Algebra is a prerequisite for Algebra I, you can set up a group that includes all course codes for Pre-Algebra. The group can then be used in a sequence, where a student can complete any one of the group's courses to fulfill the prerequisite. For more information, refer to About Course Sequences.
If you use the District Course Catalog, course groups can also be set up at the district level in the Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Groups option. District course groups, unlike building-level groups, can include multiple building types, for example, both middle school and high school. For more information, refer to District Course Group Page.
Course Group
Group to which the course belongs.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Qualifications Panel
Defines the qualifications that staff members must have in order to teach this course.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
If more than one qualification is listed for a course, the staff members assigned to the course in the Master Schedule must meet all requirements.
If you assign a teacher to a course-section in the Master Schedule and the teacher does not have the appropriate credentials, you will receive a warning. Users with the appropriate security can override the warning.
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