Use this page to add or change a course group in your District Course Catalog. When a group is added, it defaults to the Course Groups section of the catalog record for each of the group's courses. If needed, you can assign a course to existing groups by adding the groups to the course's catalog record.
Course groups, which can be used to list courses that are typically taken at specific grade levels, are useful in sequencing courses for prerequisite checking. If a student completes any course in the group, the student fulfills the requirement. For example, you could have a math 9 group of courses, any one of which would fulfill the requirement for grade 9 math and qualify the student for grade 10 math.
Course groups can also be created for a Building Course Catalog in the Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Groups option. Usually, creating course groups at the building level is only necessary if a building offers courses that are not included in the district catalog.
The advantage of using a district group is that you do not have to set up a separate group for each building that offers the courses. Once you add a group at the district level, it becomes available to all buildings that share the group's building types.
Add district course group records
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups.
On the District Course Groups Search page, click Add.
On the District Course Group page, identify the group by selecting a Building and entering a Course Group name and Description.
In the Detail panel, select the necessary Course Buildings and Courses.
Click Save.
To add another group, click Add, then repeat Steps 3-5.
Add courses to existing district groups
You can add a course to an existing group in two ways:
Add courses in the District Course Group page
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups.
On the District Course Groups Search page, click the group's Course Group link. If needed, run a search to locate the course, then click the link.
On the District Course Group page's Detail panel, select the Course Building, then select the Course.
Repeat Step 3 for each additional course you want to add to the group.
Assign the group to a course's District Course Catalog page
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups.
On the District Course Catalog Search page, search for the course, then click the course's Course link.
In the District Course Catalog page's Course Groups panel, select the Building and Course Group.
Click Save.
Delete district course groups
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups. to display the District Course Groups Search page.
If needed, run a search to locate the course groups.
Select the (Delete) checkbox for each group you want to delete. The checkbox only displays for groups that are not being used in other records.
Click Save.
Delete courses from district course groups
Select Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Groups.
On the District Course Groups Search page, click the group's Course Group link. If needed, run a search to locate the group, then click the link.
On the [the District Course Group page's Detail panel, select the (Delete) checkbox for each course you want to delete.
Click Save.
General Information Panel
Code and description identifying the building associated with the course group.
Course Group
Code identifying the course group. Character/10
Description of the course group. Character/255
Detail Panel
Course Building
Code and description identifying the building associated with the course being added to the group. This code is usually the same as the group's building code, though you may include courses offered in other buildings.
For example, if Algebra I has a prerequisite of Pre-Algebra and a student can take Pre-Algebra at any of the middle schools in the district, you can define a course group that includes the Pre-Algebra course codes for all middle school buildings.
Code identifying the course being added to the group.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
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