Staff District Information Page
Use this page to enter information about a staff member and view building assignments and class schedules. The table for storing information on staff members is often referred to as the Staff Catalog.
Building-related details for a staff member are entered on the Staff Building Information page.
- To display this page for adding a building record, click Add on the Building Information bar.
- To view an existing building record, click the appropriate Building link on the Building Information panel.
Staff Member Information
View a staff member's information
Change a staff member's information
Add qualifications for a staff member
Assign a Teacher Account security profile to a single staff member
Assign Teacher Account security profiles to multiple teachers
Mass Assign a single Teacher Account security profile to multiple staff members
Generate the Staff Catalog report
Staff Building Information
View a staff member's building information
Add buildings for a staff member
Change a staff member's building information
Reset allocations for a staff member
Change allocations for a staff member
Staff Information Panel
Field | Description |
Staff ID | Numeric or alphanumeric code identifying the staff member. Character/10 |
First Name | The staff member's first name. The first, middle, and last name from the district record defaults to the building record. Character/30 |
Middle Name | The staff member's middle name. Character/30 |
Last Name | The staff member's last name. Character/30 |
Title | The staff member's title, for example, Mr., Mrs., or Ms. |
Birth/Maiden Name | The staff member's maiden or birth certificate name. Character/30 |
Social Security Number | The staff member's Social Security Number entered without dashes. Character/11 |
State Staff ID | The staff member’s state identification number. Character/32 |
General Information Panel
Field | Description |
Gender | Select the staff member's gender: Female or Male. |
Gender Identity | If this field is available, you can select the gender identity if a staff member identifies with a gender identity that is different from the Gender selected. The Gender Identity is defaulted based on the selected Gender. Although you can remove the selected value so no Gender Identity is specified, you should verify if this field is required for the state reporting submissions before removing the value. |
Birthdate | The staff member's date of birth. Date |
Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity | Indicates whether the staff member's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. If Yes is selected, 1 (one) displays in the Federal code field. Select: Yes - to indicate the staff member's ethnicity is Hispanic/Latino. |
Race | The staff member's race information. The District Configuration determines if the fields in this section are required and if you must specify a percentage for each race code. To add a row of fields for entering a race, click the section's Add icon. You can enter as many races as needed. To delete a race, check the box to the right of the race's fields, then click Save on the page's toolbar. Order Number indicating the priority order of the staff member’s races, with 1 as primary, 2 as secondary, and so forth. Race The student's race. Percentage The percentage that each race contributes. The total of all races must be 100%. This field only displays if your district requires it. To delete a race, select the row's Delete box, then click Save. If needed, be sure to change the % field accordingly. |
Federal Code | The equivalent federal code for the race entered in the Race field.
The staff member's email address or addresses. The system uses the teacher's email address as follows:
| |
Login ID | The login ID of the teacher or staff member for entering student attendance, grades, and other information in Teacher Access Center. This login ID displays as a link in the Impersonate (TAC) column on the Staff Information list page. |
Global ID | If the district supports single sign on access for teachers, indicates the unique identifier for the person in the external identity provider. Note that if you change the Login ID for a teacher, the Global ID will also be cleared. If the Login ID is being corrected and the existing Global ID is still correct, copy the Global ID so you can paste it back into the Global ID field after you change the Login ID. |
eSchoolPlus Security Profile | To enable the staff member to access eSchoolPlus from TAC, select the Teacher Account profile to grant to the teacher. Refer to Enable eSchoolPlus Access from Teacher Access Center for details. Caution If multiple staff records share the same Login ID, all staff records with the same Login ID must be assigned the same eSchoolPlus Security Profile. If there are different eSchoolPlus security profiles assigned to the staff records, the staff members will have unpredictable results. When a staff member accesses eSchoolPlus from TAC, the security access granted is based on the eSchoolPlus security profile assigned to the first staff member the system finds with the login ID. Caution If a substitute login ID is entered for the staff record, the substitute will have the same access to eSchoolPlus as the staff member has. Note You can edit values in the Search Results panel of the Staff Search to update eSchoolPlus Security Profile field for multiple staff. Refer to Assign Teacher Account Security Profiles to Staff Members. |
Substitute Login ID | The login ID of the substitute for this teacher workstation portion of this system. The substitute will be able to access the teacher's students. Caution If a security profile is selected in the eSchoolPlus Security Profile field, the substitute will have access to eSchoolPlus pages from TAC. If the same substitute login ID is assigned to multiple staff members and security profiles are selected in the eSchoolPlus Security Profiles field, the substitute will have access to eSchoolPlus as defined in the security profile assigned to the first staff member the system finds for the substitute. Note that if the district uses single sign on for TAC, the substitute login selected must be defined in a Staff District Information record that stores both a login ID and global ID. Otherwise, the substitute will not be able to log into TAC. If your district does not use single sign on for TAC, it's not necessary to create Staff records for substitutes. |
Last Substitute Date | The last date that the substitute login is valid. |
Financials Employee Number | Staff member's ID in your financials system. |
Financials Location | Staff member's location in your financials system. |
Financials Department | Staff member's department in your financials system. |
Maximum Teacher Load | Teachers only. The maximum number of students he or she may teach per year. Used by the Scheduler to ensure that the teacher is not assigned too many students. Enter zero if there is no maximum. |
Qualifications Panel
To add a row of fields for entering a qualification, click Add on the Qualifications bar.
Field | Description |
Qualification | Select the appropriate qualification. |
Expiration Date | Select the date the qualification expires. |
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use. |
District-Defined Panel
This panel only displays if your district has created additional staff information pages.
Field | Description |
Screen Number | Number identifying the district-defined screen. |
Description | Description of the district-defined page. To display the page, click the screen’s description link. |
Building Information Panel
To display the Staff Building Information page to add a building for the staff member, click Addon the Building Information bar.
Building Section
The Information entered on the Staff Building Information page displays in the following fields.
Field | Description |
Building | Code and description identifying each of the staff member's work locations. Clicking the link displays the Staff Building Information page for the current building. |
Teacher | Checked if the staff member is a teacher in the current building. |
Counselor | Checked if the staff member is a counselor in the current building. |
Advisor | Checked if the staff member is an advisor in the current building. |
Status | For teachers and counselors only. Indicates whether the staff member is Active or Inactive in the current building, based on the Staff Building Information record. |
Prim(ary) Building | Checked if the current building is the staff member’s primary location. This field is tracked for Version 2 of the SIF Implementation Specification. |
Room Section
To view the following fields, click
Field | Description |
House/Team | Identifies the house/team assigned to the staff member. |
Dept. (Department) | Identifies the staff member's department. |
Prim(ary) Homeroom | Identifies the teacher's homeroom for the first attendance period. |
Sec(ondary) Homeroom | Identifies the teacher's homeroom for the second attendance period, if any. |
Room | The teacher's default classroom for course-sections. |
Phone Number | The staff member's phone number. |
Class List Panel
Field | Description |
Course-Section | Code and description identifying a course-section. Clicking a course-section link displays the course-section’s Master Schedule record. |
Building | Code identifying the building where the course-section is taught. |
Room | Code identifying the room where the course-section is taught. |
Pds. (Periods) | The scheduling periods when the course-section meets. |
Cycle Days | The days when the course-section meets. |
Marking Periods | The marking periods when the course-section meets. |
Seats Used/Max(imum) | The number of seats used in the current room and the maximum number allowed. |
Address Information Panel
The fields that display are based on whether your District Configuration is set for a simple or complex address format and whether your Registration District Configuration requires a street prefix or suffix.
If there is a PO Box without a street address, enter the PO Box information in the Street Name field, for example, PO Box 1234. If the address does include a street name and number, enter the PO Box information in the apartment Complex field.
Field | Description |
Apartment | The apartment number. Character/10 |
Complex | The apartment or housing complex name. Character/255 |
House No. (unlabeled) | The house number. Character/10 |
Prefix (unlabeled) | The street's prefix, such as East or West. Only displays if your district uses complex address formats and requires a street prefix/suffix. |
Street Name (unlabeled) | If your district uses complex address formats, the street name excluding the prefix or suffix. Character/50 If your district uses simple address formats, the full street name, including any prefix, suffix, and street type, for example, West Broad Street. Character/255 |
Type (unlabeled) | The type of street, such as ST, DR, or AVE. Only displays if your district uses the complex address format. |
Suffix (unlabeled) | The street suffix, such as Northeast or Southwest. Only displays if your district uses the complex address format and requires a street prefix/suffix. |
City (unlabeled) | The staff member's city. Character/255 |
State (unlabeled) | The staff member's state. |
Zip Code (unlabeled) | The staff member's five or nine-digit zip code. Character/9 |
Development | Name of the development associated with the address. Character/255 |
Delivery Point | The two digits used for the address's delivery point. Typically, this is the last two digits of the value entered in the House Number field. You only need to enter a delivery point if your district prints a delivery point barcode on mailings. Character/2 |