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Assign Teacher Account Security Profiles to Staff Members

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Use these procedures to assign Teacher Account security profiles to staff members. This security profile enables the staff member to access selected eSchoolPlus pages while logged into Teacher Access Center. A staff member can only be assigned one Teacher Account. To create Teacher Account security profiles, refer to Create a Teacher Account security profile in the User Security Profiles.

Assign a Teacher Account security profile to a single staff member

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff.
  2. If necessary, enter search criteria, and then click Load to display the desired staff member.
  3. Click the Staff Name link to open the Staff District Information page.
  4. In the General Information panel's eSchoolPlus Security Profile field, select the Teacher Account security profile.
  5. Click Save.

Assign Teacher Account security profiles to multiple teachers

To quickly assign Teacher Account security profiles, use the Staff Search page's column edit feature. This procedure describes how to update multiple staff members' profile assignments from a single page.

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff.
  2. If necessary, enter search criteria for staff members.
  3. In the Search Criteria panel's List Field Selection section, select Staff District in the Area field and eSchoolPlus Security Profile in the Field Name field to add the field to the Search Results panel.
  4. Click Load to display the staff members and the eSchoolPlus Security Profile field.
  5. Click Edit next to the eSchoolPlus Security Profile column header.
  6. Select the appropriate Teacher Account security profile for each teacher.
  7. Click Save.

Mass Assign a single Teacher Account security profile to multiple staff members

To assign multiple staff members to the same Teacher Account security profile, use the Fill Settings option on the Search Results panel. This operation assigns the same security profile to all staff members displayed on the Search Results panel.

  1. Select Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff.
  2. If necessary, enter search criteria for staff members.
  3. In the Search Criteria panel's List Field Selection section, select Staff District in the Area field and eSchoolPlus Security Profile in the Field Name field to add the field to the Search Results panel.
  4. Click Load to display the staff members and the eSchoolPlus Security Profile field.
  5. Click Edit next to the eSchoolPlus Security Profile column header.
  6. Click
     (Additional options) at the top right of the Search Results panel, and then select Fill Settings.
  7. In the Fill Settings window's Fill Action field, select:
    Fill - to fill all fields in the column with the Teacher Account profile selected in the Field Value column.
    Fill Blanks - to fill only blank fields in the column with the Teacher Account profile selected in the Field Value column.
  8. Click OK to close the pop-up window and fill the eSchoolPlus Security Profile fields of all displayed staff members with the selected profile.
  9. If desired, click individual eSchoolPlus Security Profile fields to change their selection.
  10. Click Save.
  11. To apply the same Fill Settings to another page of staff members on the Search Results panel:
    • Advance to the next page of Search Results panel.
    • Click 
       (Additional options) at the top right of the Search Results panel.
    • Select Fill Results.
    • Click Save.
    Repeat this step for each Search Results page to be updated.
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