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Staff Building Information Page

Use this page to view and update staff information that is specific to a single building, such as a teacher's homeroom and telephone number. You can also view the teacher's qualifications and the list of classes taught in the building.

Manage Staff Member Information

View a staff member's information

Add a staff member

Change a staff member's information

Add races for a staff member

Add qualifications for a staff member

Upload a staff member's photo

Assign a Teacher Account security profile to a single staff member

Assign Teacher Account security profiles to multiple teachers

Mass Assign a single Teacher Account security profile to multiple staff members

Generate the Staff Catalog report

Manage Staff Building Information

View a staff member's building information

Add buildings for a staff member

Change a staff member's building information

Reset allocations for a staff member

Change allocations for a staff member


Staff Identification Panel



Staff ID

The staff member's district identification number.


The staff member's work location.

Staff Name

The staff member's name formatted as it appears in lists and reports. The default is Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name from Staff District Information page.

Display Name

The staff member's name as it should appear on screen displays, for example, First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name.

General Information Panel




Teachers Only. Initials used instead of name in some reports.

Phone Number

The staff member's phone number.


The staff member's phone extension.


Teachers only. The teacher's assigned house/team, if any.


The staff member's department.

Primary Homeroom

The teacher's primary homeroom. Students assigned to this room for their primary homeroom will have this teacher.

Secondary Homeroom

The teacher's secondary homeroom. Students assigned to this room for their secondary homeroom will have this teacher.


The teacher's default classroom for course-sections in this building.

Group Code

Identifies the staff member as part of a specific resource group, such as the Science teachers group. Used by the Master Schedule Builder.


Checked if the staff member is active.

  • Inactive teachers cannot be selected for maintaining attendance records or scheduling courses.
  • Inactive counselors cannot be assigned to students in Demographics.

Staff Type

The staff member's role, if checked. Leave the boxes blank if none of these applies to the staff member.


Checked if the staff member can be assigned to courses and take daily attendance.


Checked if the staff member can be assigned to a student as a counselor in the Registration page.


Checked if the staff member can be assigned to a student as an advisor in the Academic page.

Staff Availability

Indicates when a teacher can be scheduled into courses.

Regular School Year

Checked if available for regular school session.

Summer School

Checked if available for summer session.

Primary Building

Checked if the current building is the staff member's primary location. This field is tracked for Version 2 of the SIF Implementation Specification.

Takes Lunch Counts

Checked if the staff member can enter lunch counts in Teacher Access Center.

Allow Overrides

Checked if the Master Schedule Builder can be set to ignore the Maximum Contiguous and Maximum Periods per day, if needed.

Maximum Contiguous

Teachers only. The highest number of courses that the teacher can be assigned in a row. Used by the Master Schedule Builder and Whiteboard.

Maximum Per Day

The highest number of courses that a teacher can be assigned in one day. Used by the Master Schedule Builder and Whiteboard.

Class Lists Panel




Code and description identifying a course-section. Clicking a course-section link displays the course-section's Master Schedule record.


Code identifying the building where the course-section is taught.


Code identifying the room where the course-section is taught.

Pds. (Periods)

The scheduling periods when the course-section meets.

Cycle Days

The days when the course-section meets.

Marking Periods

The marking periods when the course-section meets.

Seats Used/Max(imum)

The number of seats used in the current room and the maximum number allowed.

District-Defined Panel

This panel only displays if your district has created additional staff information pages.



Screen Number

Number identifying the district-defined screen.


Description of the district-defined page. To display the page, click the screen's description link.

Allocations Panel

Use this panel to add or change resource allocations for staff members. The Master Schedule Builder and Whiteboard use resource allocations to check the availability of staff members and rooms when scheduling course-sections. Allocations must be defined for each school year.

This panel displays collapsed by default. To expand and view its contents, click


When expanded, this panel displays either a single grid for all marking periods or individual grids for each marking period. To change the mode, click

 (Additional options) at the top right of the panel, and select either Set Allocations for Individual Marking Periods or Set Allocations for All Marking Periods.

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