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Scheduler Error Scan Page

Use this page to scan scheduling data and create a report that verifies course and student request information. Run the report before the scheduler (Schedule Students option) so you can make any corrections necessary for scheduling students.

Run Scheduler Error Scan

  1. Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student Scheduler > Scheduler Error Scan.
  2. Specify the processing options.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




Building to scan for errors.


Scheduling interval to scan for errors. The scheduling interval determines the requests and courses to scan.

Scan Registration

Checked if you want to verify that active or pre-registered students have course requests. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • The student is active or pre-registered and has no course requests.

Scan Student Requests

Checked if you want to verify Student Request information. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • The student ID is not found in the Registration table. The student is either not active or pre-registered.
  • The course does not have a course-section in the Master Schedule.
  • The course has a course-section that is designated as a study hall in the Master Schedule.
  • The course is designated as inactive in the Course Catalog.
  • The student does not meet the grade, gender, or house/team restrictions for at least one course-section of the course.
  • The student requested specific marking periods of the course, but there are no course-sections of the course that meet during the requested marking periods.

Include Sequence Check

Checked if you want to verify course sequences for student requests. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • The student requested a course but has not taken or requested its prerequisite.

Import District Requests

Checked if you want to assign the appropriate next year building to student requests from the District Course Catalog. A district request is a future year request entered through Student Career Planner in eSchoolPlus or Home Access Center. These requests use -1 as a generic building number, since students' future year buildings have not yet been assigned.

If the Scheduler Error Scan finds a district request for the school year environment you are using, it places that request in the student's next-year registration building. For example, if your current school year is 2015 and you access the next-year environment, the error scan looks for district requests for 2016

For more information on the District Course Catalog and district course requests, refer to Using the District Course Catalog.

Scan Course Catalog

Checked if you want to verify Course Catalog information. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • Active courses in the Course Catalog do not have course-sections in the Master Schedule.
  • Courses used as a course alternate in the Course Catalog do not have course-sections in the Master Schedule.

Scan Master Schedule

Checked if you want to verify Master Schedule information for the durations included in the scheduling interval. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • The course code is not in the Course Catalog.
  • The course-section is designated as a block, but has sessions.
  • The course-section is designated as a regular course-section, but has no sessions.
  • The start or end period for a session is not a valid scheduling period.
  • A period is not used in the timetable.
  • Sessions for a course-section conflict.

Scan Blocked Courses

Checked if you want to verify information for blocked course-sections. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • The block course has no blockettes defined.
  • A course that has blockettes defined is not designated as a block in the Master Schedule.
  • The blockette does not have a course-section in the Master Schedule.
  • The blockette course-sections conflict for a block.

Scan Sequenced Courses

Checked if you want to verify course sequence information. The error scan log prints errors if:

  • A course that is not in the Course Catalog is used as part of a sequence.
  • A course that is not in the Course Catalog is used as part of a course group for a sequence.
JavaScript errors detected

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