The Student Success Plan package allows you to identify at risk students in your district and to define plans for success that include goals and interventions. You can use Student Success Plan to track Response-to-Intervention (RTI) or Academic Intervention Services (AIS) programs for your district.
The following procedure provides an overview of the Student Success Plan process.
If you calculated at risk reasons for students and want to send guardians form letters on the at risk reasons generated, run Success Plan's Send Communications option (Interventions > All > Success Plan Communications > Send Communications). You also will need to create the form letter in Microsoft Word.
Create a Success Plan for each student using the Success Plan Summary page. To create a plan, you must select a plan type and assign at risk reasons to a plan date. You can select the at risk reasons to include in the plan. Tip To limit the display in the Success Plan Summary page to students who have at risk reasons that have not been assigned to a plan, select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Summary > click (Additional options), then select Show Only Students with Unassigned Reasons.
In the Success Plan Detail page (Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Summary > click (Expand) to display a student's plans, then click a Plan Title link):
Define student and parent goals.
Define the interventions to help students meet goals and objectives.
As needed, run the Success Plan report (Interventions > All > Reports > Success Plan).
As needed, update plan information in the Success Plan Detail page.
Assess interventions and add intervention comments.
As parent and student goals are completed, enter completion dates.
As interventions are completed or ended, enter completion dates.
Enter exit dates for at risk reasons that no longer apply. You also can use the options listed in Steps 1 and 2 to define criteria and run calculations to exit students from at risk reasons.
If you ran calculations to exit students from at risk reasons and want to send form letters to notify their guardians, run Success Plan's Send Communications option (Interventions > All > Success Plan Communications > Send Communications). You also will need to create the form letter in Microsoft Word.
When a student's plan is complete, enter the completion date for the plan in the Success Plan Detail page.
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