Use this page to define and maintain the criteria that determine whether students involved in incidents should receive behavior letters, be made ineligible to participate in activities, and be identified as at risk students. The criteria for the behavior letters usually are set up and maintained by your system administrator at the time the system is installed.
Criteria can be based on either offense codes or actions. For example, you could set up one criterion to create a letter for smoking offenses and another for tardiness. You could also use criteria to create letters for different actions, such as detentions and in-school suspensions. To see examples of how criteria can be defined, refer to Example Behavior Criteria.
Behavior letter criteria should not be changed on a day-to-day basis. Changes in criteria may cause inaccurate records and inconsistent letter calculations. Consult your system administrator before adding, updating, or deleting letter criteria.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
Select the (Delete) box for the rows to delete.
Click Yes.
Criteria Panel
Select the building for which the letter criterion is being entered.
Code that identifies the criterion you are defining. Criteria do not have to be entered in numeric order; for example, you may enter criterion 1, then criterion 99. The criterion code is added to the form letter file name in the letter. Character/5
Description of the criterion you are defining. Character/255
Eligibility Panel
Use this panel to select how the eligibility status should be set for students who meet this criteria.
Use to Determine Eligibility
Checked if this criterion is used to determine eligibility for students who participate in activities.
This checkbox must be checked in order to access the other fields on this panel.
Eligibility Status for Criteria (Unlabeled)
Determines how the eligibility status will be set.
Set Eligibility Status based on Calculation Only - to base the student's eligibility status solely on this criteria. In this case, eligibility is determined by incident criteria and without regard for the student's current eligibility. The student's overall eligibility status is determined by the most severe status actively assigned to the student for one of the eligibility types, for example, for report cards or behavior. If you select this option, use the Ineligibility Status field to specify the status to assign when a student meets the criteria. Eligibility Based on Current Status - to base the student's eligibility status on both this criteria and the student's current eligibility status. For example, if a student's status is Eligible, the calculation could change this to Probationary, and if the status is already Probationary, the calculation could change it to Ineligible. The progression is set in the Current Status grid.
Ineligibility Status
The status to assign if the student meets the criteria. This field can be accessed only if the Set Eligibility Status based on Calculation Only option is selected.
Current Status Grid
Use this grid to set up the eligibility status codes to assign when students meet this criteria. The section enables the assignment of a particular code based on students' current status codes. For example, you could set up a progression where students' status can change from Eligible to Probationary and from Probationary to Ineligible.
When you select a code in the Current Status field, a new row of fields displays for setting up another eligibility level.
Current Status
Select the eligibility codes assigned to students to define their current status. You can select multiple codes from the field's drop-down list.
For example, the codes in this field could reflect that students are eligible
New Status
Select the eligibility code to assign when the student meets the behavior criteria and is currently assigned one of the codes displayed in the Current Status field.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Duration of Status
Select the appropriate duration for the status assigned when a student meets this criteria. The duration determines the expiration date for the status.
When the Overall Eligibility Calculation is run, the student's status will be calculated based on all eligibility records that have not expired. The status also depends on other eligibility calculations, such as the Attendance Criteria Calculation, Behavior Criteria Calculation, and Progress Calculation.
(Duration Type) - to use durations defined for your building, such as Marking Period or Quarter. In addition, the system allows future durations to be applied by appending "Next" to the beginning of these options, for example, Next Marking Period or Next Quarter.
Duration Type Examples (Quarter)
Quarter - Use this option to specify that the student is ineligible for the remainder of the current marking period. The expiration date for the ineligibility will be set to the end date of the marking period as specified in the Marking Period Weeks records. Next Quarter - Use this option to specify that the student is ineligible for the entire next marking period. The effective date for the ineligibility will be set to the start date of the next marking period, while the expiration date will be set to the period's end date. These dates are specified in the Marking Period Weeks records. CD - Regular Calendar Days - to specify that the student is ineligible for the number of calendar days entered in the Number of Days field. Calendar days do not consider whether school meets on those days. For example, if a student should be ineligible for 3 weeks, enter 21, which would include weekends and other non-membership days within the period. SD - School Days - to specify that the student is ineligible for the number of school (membership) days entered in the Number of Days field. For example, if a student should be ineligible for 3 weeks of school days, enter 15.
Number of Days
Indicates the number of days the student is ineligible for activities. This field can be accessed only if you selected School Days or Regular Calendar Days in the Duration of Status field.
At Risk Panel
Use this panel to define the at risk reason that should be calculated when the student meets the incident criteria.
Use to determine At Risk
Checked if the criteria should be used to determine a student's at risk status when the calculation is run.
This checkbox must be selected to access the panel's other fields.
At Risk Reason
Select the at risk reason to create when a student meets this criteria. The field's selections are defined in Registration's Reasons table.
Duration of Status
Select the appropriate duration of the at risk reason assigned when a student meets this criteria. At the end of the period specified, the reason expires. When the at risk calculation is run, the reason will no longer display for the related factor on the student's At Risk Detail page.
(Duration Type) - to use durations defined for your building, such as Marking Period or Quarter. In addition, the system allows future durations to be applied by adding "Next" to the beginning of these options, for example, Next Marking Period or Next Quarter.
Duration Type Examples (Quarter)
Quarter - Use this option to specify that the at risk reason applies to the remainder of the current marking period. The expiration date for the reason will be set to the end date of the marking period as specified in the Marking Period Weeks records. Next Quarter - Use this option to specify that the at risk reason applies for the entire next marking period. The effective date for the reason will be set to the start date of the next marking period, while the expiration date will be set to the period's end date. These dates are specified in the Marking Period Weeks records. CD - Regular Calendar Days - to specify that the at risk reason applies for the number of calendar days entered in the Number of Days field. Calendar days do not consider whether school meets on those days. For example, if the at risk reason should apply for 4 weeks, enter 28, which would include weekends and other non-membership days within the period. SD - School Days - to specify that the at risk reason applies for the number of school (membership) days entered in the Number of Days field. For example, if a student should be ineligible for 4 weeks of school days, enter 20.
Number of Days
Indicates the number of days the student would be at risk for the reason selected. This field can be accessed only if you selected School Days or Regular Calendar Days in the Duration of Status field.
Calculation Panel
Letter Count Type
Indicates whether the letter count is based on the offense count or action count.
Maximum Letter Count refers to Offenses - if the student has an offense count within the range specified in the Minimum/Maximum Number of Offenses fields, and the student has not already received the maximum number of letters specified in the Maximum Letters field, the student will receive a letter. Maximum Letter Count refers to Actions - if the student has an action count within the range specified in the Minimum/Maximum Number of Actions fields, and the student has not already received the maximum number of letters specified in the Maximum Letters field, the student will receive a letter.
Maximum Letters
Enter the maximum number of letters a student can receive for this criterion in the period specified in the Reset Count. This field applies when the minimum and maximum values of offenses or actions are a range of numbers. For example, if your Letter Count Type is set to actions, and you have a range of 1:99 in the Minimum/Maximum Number of Actions fields, the student can get a letter for each new occurrence of the action, up to 99 letters.
Reset Count
Indicates when the letter count for this criterion should be reset to zero.
N - Do not Reset - if you never want to reset the letter count within the school year. R - Reset Each Report Card Run - if you want the calculation to count all incidents from the beginning of the current report card run. T - Reset Each Term - if you want the calculation to count all incidents from the beginning of the current semester or term.
Lines of Detail
Enter how many lines of detail you want to include in letters. This affects the following merge fields in the letter: offense details, offense and action details, offense totals, and action totals.
For the offense and action detail field, each offense/action combination displays on two lines, but counts as one line of detail here. Make sure the letter file has enough room for two times the number of detail lines.
Only the detail lines specified will print. For example, if you only set five lines of detail, only the first five offenses would print in the offense detail section of the letter.
If you set this to 0 (zero), no letters will be printed.
Incidents to Print
The incident details to include in the notification based on either a defined period or the year-to-date.
Print Incident details for the letter Period - to include all behavior history for the time period in which the letter was calculated. If your reset period is by report card run, incidents from prior runs will not be included. Print Incident details for the year-to-date - to include all behavior history for the year.
Minimum Number of Offenses
The lowest number of incident records a student can have for the selected offenses to qualify for receiving the letter. If you select more than one offense code, the count for offenses will reflect the number of times the student has been assigned any of the codes.
Maximum Number of Offenses
The highest number of records a student can have for the selected offenses to qualify for receiving the letter. If you select more than one offense code, the count for offenses will reflect the number of times the student has been assigned any of the codes.
Offense Codes to Include
Select the offense codes to include in the calculation. If you are calculating based on action, you should include all possible offenses.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Minimum Number of Actions
The lowest number of records student can have for the selected actions to qualify for receiving the letter. If you select more than one action code, the count for actions will reflect the number of times the student has been assigned any of the selected codes.
The system calculates actions by the number of times an action was assigned to incidents. For example, if a student is assigned three days of detention for a single incident, the system counts this as one action.
Maximum Number of Actions
The highest number of records the student can have for the selected actions to qualify for receiving a letter. If you select more than one action code, the count for actions will reflect the number of times the student has been assigned any of the selected codes.
The system calculates actions by the number of times an action was assigned to incidents. For example, if a student is assigned three days of detention for a single incident, the system counts this as one action.
Action Codes to Include
Select the action codes to include in the calculation.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The system calculates actions by the number of times an action was assigned to incidents. For example, if a student is assigned three days of detention for a single incident, the system counts this as one action.
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