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Example Behavior Criteria

Example 1: Letter for Every Suspension

Field Name

Option to Select/Information to Enter

Letter Count Type

Maximum Letter Count refers to Actions

Maximum Letters


Reset Count

Do not Reset

Lines of Detail


Incidents to Print

Print Incident details for the year-to-date

Minimum Number of Offenses


Maximum Number of Offenses


Offense Codes to Include

Select all codes

Minimum Number of Actions


Maximum Number of Actions


Action Codes to Include

Codes your district uses for any type of suspension, for example, ISS, OSS, and BSS.

This letter goes out whenever a student has received an action of suspension, for example ISS (In-School Suspension) or OSS (Out-of-School Suspension). All offense codes have been selected in the Offense Codes to Include field, indicating it does not matter what offense resulted in the action. The letter will be sent out with information for the entire year, and the letter count is never reset.

Example 2: Letter for Specific Number of Actions

Field Name

Option to Select/Information to Enter

Letter Count Type

Maximum Letter Count refers to Actions

Maximum Letters


Reset Count

Reset Each Report Card Run

Lines of Detail


Incidents to Print

Print Incident details for the letter Period

Minimum Number of Offenses


Maximum Number of Offenses


Offense Codes to Include

Select all codes

Minimum Number of Actions


Maximum Number of Actions


Action Codes to Include

Codes your district uses for any type of suspension, for example, ISS, OSS, and BSS.

This letter goes out when a student has received five actions of suspension (Bus Suspension, In-School Suspension, or Out-of-School Suspension). A maximum of three letters can be sent. The letter count starts again at the beginning of each marking period.

Example 3: Letter For Specific Offense, No Action Required

Field Name

Option to Select/Information to Enter

Letter Count Type

Maximum Letter Count refers to Offenses

Maximum Letters


Reset Count

Do not Reset

Lines of Detail


Incidents to Print

Print Incident details for the year-to-date

Minimum Number of Offenses


Maximum Number of Offenses


Offense Codes to Include

Code your district uses for a drug violation.

Minimum Number of Actions


Maximum Number of Actions


Action Codes to Include

Select all codes

This letter goes out when a student has received an offense code of DRUG. All action codes have been selected in the Action Codes to Include field, indicating it does not matter what action was taken. The letter will be sent out with information for the entire year, and the letter count is never reset.

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