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Success Plan Report

Use this report to print student success plan information. The report includes general plan information as well as interventions. Intervention information includes the level of intervention, the progress evaluator role, progress comments, and progress marks, if entered.

You can choose whether to also include sections for student goals, parent goals, and at risk reasons. The reasons sections include the results of at risk calculations performed for Attendance, Discipline, Progress, Report Cards, and Testing. Additionally, you can limit the report to plans that are incomplete or print both incomplete and complete plans.

Run success plan report

  1. Select Interventions > All > Reports > Success Plan.
  2. Specify the report options.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




Select the building for which you want to print success plans.

Print Sensitive Plans

Checked if you want to print plans that have been marked sensitive. This box is inaccessible if you do not have security to sensitive plans.

Print Sensitive Interventions

Checked if you want to print interventions that have been marked sensitive. This box is inaccessible if you do not have security to sensitive interventions.

Print Sensitive Intervention Comments

Checked if you want to print intervention comments that have been marked sensitive. This box is inaccessible if you do not have security to sensitive intervention comments.

Print At-Risk Details

Checked if you want to print sections on the reasons that were generated by at risk calculations in Attendance, Discipline, Interim Progress Reports, Report Cards, and Test Scores.

Print Student Goals

Checked if you want to print the student goals and objectives for plans.

Print Parent Goals

Checked if you want to print the parent goals and objectives for plans.

Include Goals Entered Through HAC

Checked if you want to print the goals and objectives entered by parents and students in Home Access Center.

Print Completed Plans

Checked if you want to print plans that have a completion date entered. Leave this field unchecked if you want to print only incomplete plans.

Print Plans For All Plan Dates

Checked if you want to print all plans regardless of plan date.

Print Plan Date Range

If you left the Print Plans For All Plan Dates checkbox blank, indicate the date range in the Start Date and End Date fields.

Start Date

By Date - to use a set date as your start date. Select the first date to check for actions.
By Prior Days - to run the report for a set number of days. Select the total number of days to include in the report. Days count backward from the end date. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.

End Date


Today - to use today as the last date to check. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.
By Date - to use a set date as the end date of your report. Enter the last date to check for actions.

Display Progress

Select how much progress information you want to display on the page.

A - All - to display all progress information.
D - Date Range - to display progress information within a specified date range. Enter a start date and end date in the From and To fields.
R - Most Recent - to display only the most recent progress information.


Select the start date of the range.

This field only applies to the D - Date Range option.


Select the end date of the range.

This field only applies to the D - Date Range option.

Sort Intervention Comments

Select how to sort comments for interventions. You can sort general and progress comments together by date or sort by type and then date. Undated general comments will always display first on the report.


C - By Comment Type, Date - to display the general comments first and then the progress comments. Within each group, comments are sorted by date. Undated general comments display first.
D - By Date - to display both general and progress comments sorted together by date. Undated general comments display first.

Student Header Text

Enter text to print at the top of each student's success plan report. Character/2000

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print the log statistics as the first page of the report.

Sort Panel

Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.

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