Use this page to create and maintain success plans for tracking student goals. The Success Plan Detail page enables you to define a plan, identify plan managers, assign reasons to the plan, enter interventions, set up parent and student goals and objectives, and record the student's progress.
For additional procedures that can be performed from this page, refer to the following:
Use this procedure to create a new plan by copying data from the existing plan. This process is useful if you need to close out students' success plans at the end of a school year and open new plans for the start of a new year.
The copy function allows you to use basic values from the existing plan, such as the plan type and title, or you can apply new values. Optionally, you can copy interventions, student goals, and parent goals. In addition to closing out the existing plan by assigning a completion date, the process allows you to close the old plan's manual reasons, interventions, and goals and objectives.
After copying a plan, you can immediately add information to the new plan on the Success Plan Detail page, including interventions, goals, and objectives.
Select Interventions > All > Student > Student Success Plans to display the Student Success Plans page.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Success Plans page, indicate in the Selections panel's View field whether to display incomplete plans only or the student's entire plan history, then select the Data checkboxes of the panels to display.
On the appropriate panel, click the plan's link to display the Success Plan Detail page.
Click Copy at the top right.
Enter values in the fields of the Copy Success Plan pop-up window.
Click OK.
On the Completion Date Alert dialog,
click Yes to close the Manual Reasons, Interventions, and Goals and Objectives in the existing plan or
click No to leave them open.
If necessary, make changes to the new plan.
Click Save.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
View Options Panel
Checkboxes that determine the panels that display on the page: Reasons, Interventions, Student Goals, and Parent Goals. To display a panel, select the appropriate checkbox.
Plan Definition Panel
Plan Date
Date assigned to the student's success plan.
Plan Type
Code and description of the plan type assigned to the student's success plan.
Plan Title
Title identifying the success plan. Character/255
Completion Date
Date the plan was completed.
Status of the success plan. The codes available for selection are defined in Student Success Plan's Plan Status validation table.
Checked if the plan contains sensitive information and should only be viewed by users with the appropriate security. Your security resources determine whether you can view and update sensitive success plans.
To access this field, you must have security to update sensitive plans. If you only have security for viewing sensitive plans, the field is display only. If you do not have either security level, the field does not display.
Plan Manager
Select the staff member to assign as administrator of the student's success plan. The staff members listed depend on whether the Student Staff Only checkbox is selected.
Student Staff Only
Checked if the selections in the Plan Manager field should be limited to staff members who are assigned to the student. Unchecked if all staff members should be available for selection.
Text describing the student's needs in relation to the success plan. The specific use of this field depends on your procedures. Character/4000
Completion Notes
Text describing the steps toward completion of the success plan. The specific use of this field depends on your procedures. Character/4000
Other Plan Information
Additional fields may display between the Completion Notes and Data fields if district-defined fields have been added to the success plan's assigned plan type. Depending on how they are configured, these fields can store text, numeric data, and dates and can also include drop-down selections and checkboxes.
Reasons Panel
The panel lists the reasons that have been assigned to the student's plan, either manually or through at risk calculations.
To add reasons, click the panel's Add icon, select the appropriate checkboxes in the Unassigned Reasons window, then click OK. For field descriptions, refer to the Unassigned Reasons Window section below.
To delete a reason, click its (Delete) icon. The reason will be deleted when you save the page.
Unassigned Reasons Window
Checked if the reason should be added to the student's success plan.
Checked if the reason should be added to the success plan.
Use Template
Checked if the default settings from the template associated with the reason should be applied to the student's success plan.
The default settings can include core interventions, student goals and objectives, and parent goals and objectives that should be added when a success plan is created. You can modify these defaults as needed to personalize the plan to the student's specific needs.
The checkbox only displays if the reason has a template set up for it. For more information, refer to Reason Template Page.
Code and description identifying the reason the student qualified for, as determined by a calculation in either Attendance, Behavior, Progress Reports, Report Cards, or Testing.
Indicates the at risk qualification criteria the student has met, as determined by a calculation in either Attendance, Behavior, Progress Reports, Report Cards, or Testing.
Start Date
Indicates the date or duration (for example, the Marking Period or Semester) for the start of the reason.
Interventions Panel
This panel lists interventions that have been set up for the student's success plan.
To add an intervention, click the panel's Add icon, then complete the fields that display in the Intervention, General Comments, and Progress sections.
To automatically generate progress dates for the intervention, click the panel's (Additional options) icon, then select Auto-Generate Progress. For more information, refer to Auto-Generate Intervention Progress Dates.
To delete an intervention, click its (Delete) icon. The intervention will be deleted when you save the page.
Intervention Section
Select the intervention.
Start Date
Date when the intervention was created or started.
Completion Date
Date when the intervention was completed.
Select the frequency of the intervention, for example, D - Daily or 2 Days - 2 Days Weekly. The options are defined in Student Success Plan's Intervention Levels table.
Checked if the intervention contains sensitive information and should only be viewed by users with the appropriate security. Your security resources determine if you can view and update sensitive interventions.
To access this field, you must have security to update sensitive interventions. If you only have security for viewing sensitive interventions, the field is display only. If you do not have either security level, the field does not display.
Role of Progress Evaluator
Select the description to print on the success plan report to indicate who is responsible for evaluating the progress for this intervention, for example, Homeroom Teacher or Speech Therapist.
The selections are defined in the Student Success Plan's Progress Role Evaluator table.
TAC Progress Entry
Select the staff members who can enter progress comments or progress comments and marks for the student in Teacher Access Center (TAC).
By default, this field displays all staff members in the Staff Catalog who have login IDs. To limit the selections to staff members who are assigned to the student, select the Student Staff Only checkbox.
Student Staff Only
Checked if entries in TAC should be made only by staff members who are assigned to the student. Selecting this checkbox limits the selections in the TAC Progress Entry field to the student's assigned staff.
Progress Frequency
The frequency of progress reporting for the intervention, for example, each day or weekly.
A - As Needed - to indicate that progress will not be entered at a scheduled frequency. E - Each Day - to indicate that progress will be entered daily. S - Selected Dates - to indicate that progress will be entered on selected dates. If you select this option, the Selected Dates field displays so you can enter a comma-delimited list of dates. W - Weekly - to indicate that progress will be entered once a week. If you select this option, the Weekly field displays so you can select the day of the week for entering progress.
Frequency Selected Dates
Select the dates for entering progress. The dates will display as a comma-delimited list, for example, 10/5/2015,10/12/2015,10/19/2015.
This field displays only if the Progress Frequency is S - Selected Dates.
Frequency Weekday
The weekday for entering progress.
F - Friday R - Thursday M - Monday T - Tuesday W - Wednesday
This field displays only if the Progress Frequency is W - Weekly.
General Comments Section
Date of the progress comment.
Text describing the intervention. Character/Unlimited
To delete a comment, select the row's Delete checkbox. The comment will be deleted when you click Save.
Progress Section
When you start a progress entry, a new row is added at the top for the next entry.
Date when the student's progress was entered for the intervention.
(district-defined Mark Type)
Select the grade that reflects the student's progress in relation to the intervention.
The field's title is defined in Student Success Plan's Mark Types table, which references the Success Plan Grading Scale table.
Text describing the student's progress in relation to the intervention. Character/Unlimited
(Last Changed By)
User name of the user who last updated the intervention progress information.
To delete a progress entry, select the row's Delete checkbox. The progress entry will be deleted when you click Save.
Student Goals Panel
Click Add to display the Goal field. After you select a goal, the panel expands to display the additional fields. You can set up multiple goals, as needed.
Select the student goal to include in the plan. Goals are defined in Student Success Plan's Goals table.
Goal Section
Completion Date
Date of the goal's completion.
Goal Managers
Staff members responsible for assisting the student in achieving the goal. This field determines who may update goal objectives in Teacher Access Center (TAC). You may assign one or more staff members as needed.
To limit the field's selection to staff members who are assigned to the student, select the Student Staff Only checkbox. Otherwise, all staff members from your Staff Catalog who have login IDs will be available for selection, whether they are assigned to a student or not.
If your building is configured to display communications about student goal assignments, a message may display in the Notifications viewer accessed from TAC's My Home page for the staff members selected in this field.
Student Staff Only
Checked if entries in TAC should be made only by staff members who are assigned to the student. Selecting this checkbox limits the selections in the Goal Managers field to the student's assigned staff.
Setting determining the level of the goal, as defined in the Goal Levels table.
Goal Detail
Text describing the goal in detail. Character/4000
Text describing the baseline situation upon the goal's implementation. Character/4000
Text comments related to the goal. This text displays in the Student Success Plans report. Character/255
Goal Details Section
Text describing the student's goal in detail. Character/4000
Text describing the student's baseline situation upon the goal's implementation. Character/4000
Other Goal Information Section
Additional fields may display below the Completion Date field, if district-defined fields have been added to the student success plan's assigned plan type. Depending on how they are configured, these fields can store text, numeric data, and dates and also can include drop-down selections and checkboxes.
Objectives Section
A new row displays when you select an objective, enabling you to add another objective and related comments, if needed.
Completion Date
Date of the objective's completion.
Select the objective to add for the goal. Objectives are defined in Student Success Plan's Objectives validation table.
Text describing the objective in detail. Character/Unlimited
For example, if the objective is to Improve word recognition, the comment text might be Will review 20 new words weekly, with followup testing.
(Last Changed By)
User name of the user who updated the student goals objectives information last.
To delete an objective, select the row's Delete checkbox. The objective will be deleted when you click Save.
Parent Goals Panel
Click Add to display the Goal field. After you select a goal, the panel expands to display the additional fields. You can set up multiple goals, as needed.
Select the student goal to include in the plan. Goals are defined in Student Success Plan's Goals table.
Parent Goal Section
Completion Date
Date of the goal's completion.
Goal Detail
Text describing the goal in detail. Character/4000
Text comment related to the goal. This text displays in the Student Success Plans report. Character/255
Objectives Section
A new row displays when you select an objective, enabling you to add another objective and related comments, if needed.
Completion Date
Date of the objective's completion.
Select the objective to add for the goal. Objectives are defined in Student Success Plan's Objectives table.
Text describing the objective in detail. Character/Unlimited
For example, if the objective is to Improve word recognition, the comment text might be Will review 20 new words weekly, with followup testing.
To delete an objective, select the row's Delete checkbox. The objective will be deleted when you click Save.
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