Use this page to define student success plan templates for success plan reasons. A template can include the core interventions, student goals and objectives, and parent goals and objectives that should be added when a success plan is created. Once a success plan is created for a student using a template, the plan can be modified to personalize it for the student's specific needs.
View reason templates
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Reason Templates.
Click the Reason link of the template you want to view. The Success Plan Reason Template page displays.
Add reason templates
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Reason Templates.
Click Add.
On the Success Plan Reason Template page, complete the fields as needed.
Click Save.
Change reason templates
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Reason Templates.
Click the Reason link of the template you want to change.
Change the values as needed.
Click Save.
Delete reason templates
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > Success Plan > Success Plan Reason Templates.
Select the (Delete) checkbox of each template to delete. The checkbox only displays for templates that are not in use.
Click Save.
Click Yes.
General Panel
The success plan reason to assign to the template.
Indicate whether the template applies to all grades or only to a specified grade.
If the template should be used for all grades, select DF - Default.
If the template should be used for only one grade, select a grade.
Intervention Panel
Click Add to display the Intervention field. After you select an intervention, the additional fields display. You can set up multiple interventions, as needed.
Select the intervention.
Select the frequency of the intervention, for example, D - Daily or 2 Days - 2 Days Weekly. The options are defined in Student Success Plan's Intervention Levels table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Intervention Levels as the table).
Checked if the intervention contains sensitive information and should only be viewed by users with the appropriate security. Your security resources determine if you can add and view sensitive interventions.
To access this field, you must have security to update sensitive interventions. If you only have security for viewing sensitive interventions, the field is display only. If you do not have either security level, the field does not display.
Role of Progress Evaluator
Select the description to print on the success plan report to indicate who is responsible for evaluating the progress for this intervention, for example, Homeroom Teacher or Speech Therapist.
The selections are defined in the Student Success Plan's Progress Role Evaluator table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Progress Role Evaluator as the table).
TAC Progress Entry
If progress comments or progress comments and marks are tracked for the student and the student's teacher will be reporting on progress in Teacher Access Center (TAC), select the teacher using the TAC Progress Entry field.
This field displays a list of every person who has a login ID in the Staff District record, including teachers who are not assigned to the student's building.
Progress Frequency
Select the frequency of progress reporting for the intervention.
Users and teachers can enter a date range and select to build progress records for the progress frequency. If a mark or comment is entered for a date, the record is saved.
A - As Needed - to indicate that progress will not be entered at a scheduled frequency. E - Each Day - to indicate that progress will be entered daily. S - Selected Dates - to indicate that progress will be entered on selected dates.
Weekly - to indicate that progress will be entered once a week. If you select this option, the Weekly field displays so you can select the day of the week for entering progress.
Student Goals Panel
Click Add to display the Goal field. After you select a goal, the Goal and Objectives sections display. You can set up multiple goals, as needed.
Select the student goal to include in the plan. Goals are defined in Student Success Plan's Goals table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Goals as the table).
Goal Section
Goal Manager
Staff member responsible for assisting the student in achieving the goal. This field determines who may update goal objectives in TAC.
If your building is configured to display communications about staff goal assignments, a message may display in the My Messages section of the TAC My Home page for the staff member who is added or changed in this field.
Setting determining the level of the goal, as defined in the Goal Levels table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Goal Levels as the table).
Goal Detail
Text describing the goal in detail. Character/4000
Text describing the baseline situation upon the goal's implementation. Character/4000
Text comments related to the goal. This text displays on the Student Goals panel of the Success Plan Detail page, as well as in the Student Success Plans report. Character/255
Objectives Section
A new row displays when you select an objective, so that if needed, you can add another objective and related comments.
Select the objective to add for the goal. Goals are defined in Student Success Plan's Goals table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Goals as the table).
Text describing the objective in greater detail. Character/Unlimited
For example, if the objective is to Improve word recognition, the comment text might be Will review 20 new words per week, with followup testing.
Parent Goals Panel
Click Add to display the Goal field. After you select a goal, the Goal and Objectives sections display. You can set up multiple goals, as needed.
Goal Section
Select the objective to add for the goal. Goals are defined in Student Success Plan's Goals table (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Student Success Plan as the application, then Goals as the table).
Text describing the objective in greater detail. Character/Unlimited
For example, if the objective is to Improve word recognition, the comment text might be Will review 20 new words per week, with followup testing.
Objectives Section
A new row displays when you select an objective, so that if needed, you can add another objective and related comments.
Select the objective to add for the goal.
Text describing the objective in more detail. Character/255
For example, if the objective is Improve multiplication skills, the comment text might be Review times tables nightly.
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