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Student Success Plan Report Window

Use this window to generate a report on a student's success plan. You can choose to include sensitive interventions and comments, parent and student goals, goals entered through HAC, and at risk reason details. You also can enter the date range for the progress marks and comments to include.

Run Success Plan report

  1. Select Interventions > All > Student > Student Success Plans to display the Student Success Plans page.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Student Success Plans page, indicate in the Selections panel's View field whether to display incomplete plans only or the student's entire plan history, then select the Data checkboxes of the panels to display.
  4. On the appropriate panel, click the plan's link to display the Success Plan Detail page.
  5. Click
     (Additional options) at the top right, then select Run Report.
  6. In the Student Success Plan Report window, enter your settings. For field descriptions, refer below.
  7. Click Run.
  8. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.




Print Sensitive Interventions

Checked if the report should include information on sensitive interventions.

Print Sensitive Intervention Comments

Checked if the report should include comments on sensitive interventions.

Print Student Goals

Checked if the report should include student goal information.

Print Parent Goals

Checked if the report should include parent goal information.

Include Goals Entered Through HAC

Checked if the report should include goals entered by guardians and students in Home Access Center.

Print At-Risk Reason Details

Checked if the report should include information on the plan's at risk reasons.

Display Progress

Checked if the report should include the progress marks and comments entered for the plan's interventions.

Data Range

Two fields, the first for the start date of the intervention progress to include in the report and the second for the end date.

Sort Intervention Comments

Setting for sorting the intervention comments included in the report.


By Comment Type, Date - to sort the comments by type and then date.
By Date - to sort the comments by date.

Student Header Text

Enter text to include at the top of the report. Character/255

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