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Attendance Reports

On this page:

To access the report options, select Attendance > All > Reports

The only exception to this is the Attendance Bulletin. To access this report, select Attendance > All > Office > Attendance Bulletin.

Daily Reports

Report Option


Activity Absence

Lists the students in the selected activities who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods.

For more information, refer to Activity Absence Report Page.

Attendance Bulletin

Lists in an online report students who have attendance information
entered for the selected date. This report is available in both eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center.

For more information, refer to Attendance Bulletin Page.

Audit Trail Summary

Lists attendance and entry dates, the class periods and buildings selected, student names and IDs, attendance sources, attendance codes, dismissal/arrival times, and the users who entered the attendance.

For more information, refer to Audit Trail Summary Report Page.

End-of-Day Teacher Status

Lists student absences, absence dates, and attendance code for each course. If there is an attendance code entry by a teacher, but no corresponding office entry, you can include a message next to the code.

For more information, refer to End-of-Day Teacher Status Report Page.

Missing Submission

Lists teachers who have not submitted attendance information for the selected periods. You can select to automatically send a notification to the teachers listed in the report, either as an email or PLUS360 notification, depending on the recipient's notification subscription. A copy of the report will also be sent to the users designated in the Email Missing Submissions Report To field on the Attendance Configuration's Teacher Access tab.

For more information, refer to Missing Submission Report Page.

Office Attendance Listing

Lists the students who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods. The phone numbers for the selected guardians are listed. If your building schedules courses, the report indicates any free periods or periods in which attendance is not taken.

For more information, refer to Office Attendance Listing Page.

Substitute Attendance Sheets

Lists the students in a class taught by a regular teacher. The report is intended to enable substitute teachers to take attendance in schools where they cannot use Teacher Access Center.

For more information, refer to Substitute Attendance Sheets Page.

Teacher Attendance Listing

Lists the students who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods. If your building schedules courses, the report indicates any free periods or periods in which attendance is not taken.

For more information, refer to Teacher Attendance Listing Page.

Trends Reports

Report Option


Perfect Attendance

Lists students who do not have any of the selected absences in the time period you define.

For more information, refer to Perfect Attendance Report Page.

Trends by Course (Detail)

Lists the total number of absences by course and attendance code in the selected date range for the selected students. Use this attendance trend report if you want information by course, not period, and want to see each date for the attendance records.

For more information, refer to Trends By Course (Detail) Page.

Trends by Course (Summary)

Lists the total number of absences by course and attendance code in the selected date range for the selected students. Use this attendance trend report if you want information by course, not period, and want to see only summary information.

For more information, refer to Trends By Course (Summary) Page.

Trends by Period (Detail)

Lists the total number of absences by period and attendance code in the selected date range for the students selected. Use this attendance trend report if you want information by period, not course, and want to see each date.

For more information, refer to Trends By Period (Detail) Page.

Trends by Period (Summary)

Lists the total number of absences by period and attendance code in the selected date range for the selected students. Use this attendance trend report if you want information by period, not course, and want to see only summary information.

For more information, refer to Trends By Period (Summary) Page.

Attendance Register Reports

The Attendance Register reports list absence and membership totals for a specified attendance date interval and set of attendance codes. The students on the report may be grouped into one main group as well as up to three NCLB (No Child Left Behind) groups. The Attendance Day Totals Calculation must be run before you run any of the Attendance Register reports.

Report Option


Full Student Register

Lists the entry and withdrawal codes and dates, calendar, and grade for the selected students. Attendance totals are given for the selected absence codes for the date range or interval, as well as year-to-date. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Full Student Attendance Register Report Page.

Register Summary

Gives attendance totals for the selected absence codes in the date range or interval, as well as year-to-date for the students selected. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Attendance Register Summary Report Page.

Student Detail Register

Lists the grade, entry and withdrawal codes, and dates for the selected students. The report lists attendance entries for the student, for the selected absence codes for the date range or interval, as well as year-to-date. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Student Detail Attendance Register Report Page.

Student Totals Register

Lists the grade, entry and withdrawal codes, and dates for the selected students. The report lists attendance entry totals for the student, for the selected absence codes for the date range or interval, as well as year-to-date. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Student Totals Attendance Register Report Page.

Statistics Reports

Report Option


ADA/ADM Statistics

Provides a total count of aggregate days of attendance (ADA) and aggregate days of membership (ADM) for students who were enrolled during a selected date range or interval, by gender. It also shows average daily attendance, average daily membership, and percentage of attendance. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields. The Day Totals Calculation must be run before you run the ADA/ADM Statistics report.

For more information, refer to ADA/ADM Statistics Report Page.

Enrollment Statistics

Provides a total count of students who were enrolled at least one of the days in the selected date range. Separate totals are given for selected entry codes, non-selected entry codes, selected withdrawal codes, and non-selected withdrawal codes. Subtotals are always given by gender. Totals may be by grade, track, or calendar. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Enrollment Statistics Report Page.

Headcount Statistics

Provides a total count of students who were enrolled on a selected date. Subtotals for each grouping are always given by gender. Totals may be by grade, track, or calendar. Subtotals can be included for up to three NCLB data fields.

For more information, refer to Headcount Statistics Report Page.

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