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Perfect Attendance Report Page

This report lists students who do not have any absences for the attendance codes, time period, days, and class periods selected. The report includes the student ID, name, grade, and gender of each student listed. You can generate the report in PDF (Adobe) or XLS (Microsoft Excel) format.

Run Perfect Attendance Report

  1. Select Attendance > All > Reports > Perfect Attendance.
  2. Specify the report options.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




Select the enrollment building of the students to include.

Start Date


By Date - to use a set date as your start date. Enter the first date to check for trends.
By Prior Days - to run the report for a set number of days prior to the end date. Enter the total days to include in the report. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.

End Date


Today - to use today as the last date to check. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.
By Date - to use a set date as the end date of your report. Enter the last date to check for trends.

Calculate On

The type of attendance grouping to use. The value selected in this field determines the data that is available in the next field.


Code - to check absences for specific attendance codes.
District Group - to check absences within a district group. Multiple attendance codes can be combined into one district group; for example, the attendance codes EXC and MED could be in the EXC district group.
State Group - to check absences within a state group. Multiple attendance codes can be combined into one state group; for example, the attendance codes UNX and TU could be in the UNX state group.

Attendance Codes

The codes or groups that would exclude the student from having perfect attendance. The name of the field and the available options depend on your selection in the previous field.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Days to Check

Checked if you want to include the day in the report. Select the days that should be included.

If you select a single day, for example, Friday, and then select consecutive absences in the Occurrence Criteria section, the report will show absences for consecutive Fridays.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Attendance Periods

The attendance periods to include in the report.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print the prompts in a log file. Otherwise, a log file will be created only if an error occurs.

Output Format

Format in which to publish the report.

PDF: Adobe - to send the report to a pdf file.
XLS: Microsoft Excel - to send the report to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Sort Panel

Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.

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