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Student Totals Attendance Register Report Page

On this page:

For each student selected, this report provides attendance totals for the absence codes and date range or interval selected, as well as for the year to date. It also includes students' grades and entry and withdrawal codes and dates. Subtotals can be included for up to three of the following NCLB (No Child Left Behind) data fields: 504-Disabled, Classification, Curriculum, ESL, Race, Gender, Meal Status, Migrant Status, Residency, Hispanic, or Federal Code.

The report includes totals for the selected primary sort, NCLB subtotal fields, and building, as well as a report total. The count of students for each grouping is included. Interval and year to date totals are included for the following columns: 

  • Membership day total, which prints under the column heading MBR.
  • Total of day total values for each absence code or group selected.
  • Present day total, which prints under the column heading PRS. This total is calculated by summing the total day value for all selected absence codes or groups and subtracting the sum from the membership day total.
  • If you selected to print all codes, total of day total values for each code or group that was not specifically selected.


  1. Verify that all attendance information related to the calculation has been entered. If teachers enter attendance in Teacher Access Center, run Attendance > All > Reports > Missing Submission to see who has not submitted data.
  2. Run Attendance > All > Utilities > Attendance Error Scan for all buildings and dates included in your calculation.
  3. Correct invalid attendance, if necessary.
  4. Rerun the Error Scan to ensure attendance changes are valid.
  5. Run Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation.

Run Student Totals Attendance Register Report

  1. Select Attendance > All > Reports > Student Totals Register.
  2. Specify the report options.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Because the report provides year to date totals, it includes students who are enrolled at any time during the year. To limit the report to students who are currently active or were active during a specified date range, use the Filter panel to select the students. In the following example, the filter selects all students who were active at some point during May. This presumes the report was run at the end of the last school day in May.


Prompts Panel




Select the building or buildings to include in the report.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Primary Sort

The primary grouping for students in the report. Totals will be provided by this group.


Calendar - to sort the report by calendar and include subtotals for each calendar.
Grade - to sort the report by grade and include subtotals for each grade.
Track - to sort the report by track and include subtotals for each track.

First NCLB Subtotal

The first grouping by NCLB data. Subtotals within the Primary Sort group will be provided by this group.

If you select a field that is program tracked, the student's value during the selected interval or range of dates is used. If the student's value changes during the interval or date range, the student will be listed under both values, and the day total information will reflect the appropriate days based on the program-tracking dates. For example, if you include residency as a NCLB subtotal and a student was identified as R (for resident) for the first 5 days of the range and then identified as N (for non-resident) for the last 10 days, the student will be listed under R with a membership total of 5 days and under N with a membership total of 10 days.

Second NCLB Subtotal

The second grouping by NCLB data. This breaks down subtotals within the Primary Sort group and First NCLB subtotal group.

For information on the effect of selecting a field that is program tracked, refer to the First NCLB Subtotal field definition.

Third NCLB Subtotal

The third grouping by NCLB data. This breaks down subtotals within the Primary Sort group and the first two NCLB subtotal groups.

For information on the effect of selecting a field that is program tracked, refer to the First NCLB Subtotal field definition.

Print Grade

Determines the description to print for grade.


Registration Grade - to print the code that displays in Student Demographics. For example, you may have separate grades of KA and KP for kindergarten.
State Equivalent Grade - to print the State Equivalency code defined for the grade in the Grades table. For example, you may have a single State Equivalency code of K for both kindergarten classes.

View Type

Determines the view type used to total attendance for the report. The system checks the Student Day Totals table (att_stu_day_totals) for entries with this view and the codes selected in the Codes for Absences field.

Attendance Date


Interval - to enter the interval to be totaled on. This option is useful if you schedule the report to run periodically.
Date Range - to enter a start and end date for the totals.

Attendance Group

The type of attendance grouping to use. The value selected in this field determines the data that is available in the next field.


Attendance Codes - to check absences for specific attendance codes.
District Groups - to check absences within a district group. Multiple attendance codes can be combined into one district group; for example, the attendance codes EXC and MED could be in the EXC district group.
State Groups - to check absences within a state group. Multiple attendance codes can be combined into one state group; for example, the attendance codes UNX and TU could be in the UNX state group.

Absence Codes

The codes or groups you want to total as absences. The total of absences is subtracted from the MBR (membership) total to determine the PRS (Present) total.

The totals are based on the converted data in the Student Day Totals table. For example, if a view converts the codes EXC, MED, DR to a code of E, only E will be available as a code here.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

Print All Codes

Checked if you want to print totals for the attendance codes or groups that were not selected in the Codes for Absences fields. The additional codes or groups will be listed after the PRS column in the report.

If you only want to print attendance totals for the selected codes or groups, leave this box unchecked.

Header Text

Text that will print at the top of every page of the report. Character/Unlimited

Print Attendance Percentage

Checked to include the attendance percentage in the report. The % (Percentage) information will be listed to the right of the attendance totals.

The attendance percentage is calculated as: (Present/Membership) x 100

Note that the percentage is truncated to one decimal position.

Calculate Day Totals

Checked if you want to run the Day Totals Calculation automatically before generating the report.

Learning Location Type to Print

To print totals for a specified learning location type, select it. The report is filtered to include only the Day Totals records that match the selected learning location type.

  • Use Unspecified to print the totals where the Day Totals records have no learning location type assigned.
  • Use Mixed Days to print the totals for mixed learning location days if the attendance views are defined such that totals are calculated for the entire day, instead of by learning location within the day. Refer to Calculate Attendance for Mixed Location Days.

Log Statistics

Checked if you want to print the prompts in a log file. Otherwise, a log file will be created only if an error occurs.

Sort Panel

Use the Sort panel to specify how records should be ordered in a report. You enter lines of sort criteria; the system compares your sort criteria against the corresponding fields in the records being searched and displays records in either ascending or descending order based on the sort fields.

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