Student Fees Ongoing Procedures
On this page:
The following procedures describe how to bill students for fees, record adjustments and payments, and run reports for student fees.
Billing Students for Fees
If the building's Student Fees configuration is defined to automatically prorate fees when schedule changes are made, then course fees will be billed when a user keeps student schedule changes. Fees will also be prorated based on the prorate schedule defined in the configuration. For more information on prorating fees, refer to the Fees Building Configuration Page.
Use one of the following options to bill students for fees.
To bill students for student, activity, and course fees defined in Fee Groups.
Use the Create Billed Items Page (Fees > All > Utilities > Create Billed Items).
To bill many students for the same fees.
Use the One-Time Billing Page (Fees > All > Utilities > One-Time Billing). This option allows you to enter a list of fees and use a filter to select the students.
To bill a student for miscellaneous fees.
Use the Student Fees Page (Fees > All > Student > Student Fees) to add the fees.
- If course fees should be prorated based on late adds or early drops and the building's Student Fees configuration is defined to not automatically prorate fees, use the Prorate Course Fees Page (Fees > All > Utilities > Prorate Course Fees ).
- If fees were incorrectly billed to students, use the Mass Reverse Billed Items Page (Fees > All > Utilities > Mass Reverse Billed Items) to remove fees. If a payment or adjustment has already been applied to a fee, the fee will be reversed, not removed. For more information on how fees are reversed, refer to the Mass Reverse Billed Items Page.
- Print billing statements for students using the Billing Statement Report Page (Fees > All > Reports > Billing Statement). After you run the report, open and print the report file.
Recording Student Fee adjustments and payments
- To adjust the quantity or cost for a student's fees, use the Student Fees Page (Fees > All > Student > Student Fees).
- To prorate course fees:
- If the building's Student Fees configuration is defined to automatically prorate fees when schedule changes are made, then course fees will be prorated as needed when a user keeps student schedule changes.
- If building's Student Fees configuration is defined to not automatically prorate fees, use the Prorate Course Fees Page (Fees > All > Utilities > Prorate Course Fees ).
- To apply payments to fees, use the Student Fees Page (Fees > All > Student > Student Fees). Refer to Enter payments.
- If your district uses FrontStream Payments in Home Access Center, then students and guardians can make payments from Home Access Center.
- To apply a student's credit as a payment for fees, use the Student Fees Page (Fees > All > Student > Student Fees). Refer to Apply credits and refunds.
Reporting student fees and transactions
Use the reports available on the Fees menu (Fees > All > Reports) to report on the fees that have been billed and collected.
Report Option | Description |
Billing Statement | Generates separate pages for each student, so the reports can be mailed as statements if needed. Two formats are available: Balance Due, which limits the report to fee items with a balance due, and Full Statement, which lists the original billing amount, payments, dates, and total due. For more information, refer to Billing Statement Report Page. |
Deposits | Creates deposit reports for all payments within a specified date range. Two formats are available: Summary, which includes totals for the payment types selected, and Detail, which covers students' individual payments. For more information, refer to Deposit Report Page. |
Fee Audit Log | Lists students' activities within specified dates. Besides student information, includes the date, action taken, fee item, unit cost, quantity, fee amount, and credit amount. For more information, refer to Fees Audit Log Report Page. |
Fee Category | Includes all fees for the specified categories and date range. Two formats are available: Total, limits the report to total fees and payments for each category and sub-category selected, and Detail, which includes each fee time within each category and sub-category. For more information, refer to Fee Category Report Page. |
Student Fee | Documents student fees and payments within the selected date range. Two formats are available: Full Statement, which lists individual billing dates and fee items for each student, and Totals Only, which includes total fees and payments for each student. For more information, refer to Student Fee Report Page. |