Use this page to view and update the student's fees information. From this page, you can display windows for adding fee items, recording payments, and prorating course fees. Windows also can be displayed for viewing the student's credit, refund, billing address, and history information. For additional details, refer to:
You do not have to click Save after completing a procedure. Instead, you can complete several procedures for a student and then save your entries. If you attempt to leave the Student Fees page without saving, the system displays a warning.
View students' fee histories
Select Fees > All > Student > Student Fees.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Fees page, click (View detail) in one of the following panels to display the History Detail window:
Fees panel, History column - to view a fee's history
Debits panel, History column - to view a debit's history.
Click OK to close the window.
Add fee items
Select Fees > All > Student > Student Fees.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Fees page, click Add at the upper right.
In the Add Fee Item window, complete the fields.
Click OK. The fee item displays on the Fees panel.
Click Save to apply the fee.
Enter payments
Select Fees > All > Student > Student Fees.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options), then select Record a Payment.
In the Record a Payment window, enter the Date, Payment Type, Amount, Reference #, and Comment.
You may apply the amount toward items in the Open Items section using one of the following methods. Note that the Available field will track your entries (Available = Amount - Payments). You cannot close the window if the Available field has a positive or negative balance.
To apply the payment amount automatically to the fee items, select the Auto Apply checkbox. The system distributes payments in priority order, as determined by fee item's setup record. For example a registration fee may have priority over activity or textbook fees. Once priorities are fulfilled, the system distributes the remainder from the oldest to the most recent fee until the payment amount is expended.
To pay the full amount of an item, select the item's In Full checkbox. The value in the item's Payment field will equal the value in the Balance field, whether or not a sufficient payment amount is available.
To distribute the amount to individual items manually, enter the payment for an item in the item's Payment field. If the total payment for a fee exceeds the balance due, a credit will be created, regardless of the payment you apply to other fees.
Click OK to close the window.
Click Save to save the payment.
Enter payments for an item that has no balance due
In some situations, you may need to apply a payment to a fee after its balance has been paid. For example, a student's fee may be waived.
When you apply a payment to an item that exceeds the balance due, you are creating a credit balance on the item. This credit can later be applied to pay other fees or a refund can be issued.
Select Fees > All > Student > Student Fees.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click (Additional options), then select Record a Payment.
In the Record a Payment window, enter the Date, Payment Type, Amount, Reference #, and Comment.
In the Open Items section, click (Additional options), then select Show All.
Enter the payment for the item in the item's Payment field. Note that the Available field will track your entries (Available = Amount - Payments). You cannot close the window if the Available field has a positive or negative balance.
Click OK to close the window.
Click Save to save the payment.
Apply credits and refunds
Select Fees > All > Student > Student Fees.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Fees page, click (Additional options), then select Credits and Refunds to display the Credits and Refunds window.
In the window's Credits section, the credits available will display in each fee's Balance field.
To apply credits to items in the Open Items section, enter amounts in the fees' Credit fields.
To refund credits, enter amounts in the fees' Refund fields. Select the Check Printed checkbox to indicate you will be issuing a check. You may proceed to Step 6 if you are not applying any remaining credits to open items.
In the Open Items section, use one of the following methods to apply the amounts entered in Step 4 to the fees listed as open items. The Available field will track your entries (Available = Credit Amount - Payments). You cannot close the window if the Available field has a positive or negative balance. The field must equal zero (0).
To pay the full amount of an item, select the item's In Full checkbox. The value in the item's Payment field will equal the value in the Balance field, regardless of the credit amount available.
To distribute credits to individual items manually, enter the amount in each item's Payment field.
Click OK to close the window.
Click Save to apply your entries.
View and access billing addresses
Select Menu Path: Fees > All > Student > Student Fees
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Fees page, click (Additional options), then select Billing Addresses. The Billing Information window displays the addresses of student contacts where the Print Flag panel's Student Fee checkbox is selected.
Click OK to close the window.
Prorate student course fees
This procedure runs a utility that prorates fees for courses the student has added, dropped, or been resolved into or out of. Depending on the situation, prorating can create billing items or credits.
Select Menu Path: Fees > All > Student > Student Fees
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Student Fees page, click (Additional options), then select Prorate Courses.
In the Prorate Student Course Fees? dialog, click OK to run the prorating process.
Fee Status
Displays the current status of the student's accounts. These codes are defined in a the Student Status Code validation table.
The status is based on the amount of the student's balance. For example, you might use a status of Paid in Full for a threshold of 0, Balance Due for balances up to $100.00, but a status of Hold for balances from $100.01 to the maximum amount.
Displays the student's current fee balance, which may be either a debit or credit.
Fees Panel
This panel displays the current fee information for the student. All fees are displayed initially. To filter the list of fees to only open items or the fees for the current school year, expand the Selections section and select what you want to show.
To add a fee, click Add at the top right of the page.
Selections Section
This section provides options to filter the fees that are displayed. Be sure to click Load after entering your selections to view the results.
Billing Date
Select the billing date for the fees to display, or select All to display all fees for the student.
Tracking #
Select the tracking number of the fees to display, or select All to display all fees for the student.
Payment Status
The payment status of the fees to display for the student.
All - to displays all fees regardless of their status. Credit Items - to limit the display to credit items. Open Items - to limit the display to open items, that is, fees that are unpaid. Zero-balance Items - to limit the display to items that have a zero balance.
The school year or years of the fee items to display for the student.
All - to display all fee items regardless of the year. Current Year - to limit the display to the current year. Next Year - to limit the display to the coming year. Past Years - to limit the display to previous years. Summer School - to limit the display to summer school for the current year.
Fees Section
The date that the fee item was billed.
Tracking #
The number identifying the billing of this fee item.
The building where the fee was charged.
Item Code
The code identifying the fee item.
Item Description
The description of the fee item. You can change the description as needed. Character/255
The number of units of the fee item.
Changing the Quantity will affect the Billed amount and Balance. The Billed amount is the Quantity times the Unit Cost.
Unit Cost
The cost per unit of the fee item.
Changing the Quantity will affect the Billed amount and Balance. The Billed amount is the Quantity times the Unit Cost.
The amount billed for the fee item. The total equals the Quantity times the Unit Cost.
The amount of credit from this item that was applied to the balance of another item.
The amount paid toward the billed amount.
The amount refunded for the fee item.
The balance remaining after the Credit, Paid, and Refund are applied against the Billed amount (Balance = Billed + Credit - Paid + Refund).
Click the (View detail) icon to display the History Detail window for a billed item.
This window displays the current fee details and the history of all payments and changes for the fee. The history includes the user name of the user who updated the fee.
To add a payment, click (Additional options), then select Record a Payment. Then enter the payment information on the Record a Payment Window.
To display payments that were reversed, expand the Selections section and select the Show Reversed Payments checkbox.
Selections Section
Show Reversed Payments
Checked if the listing should include payments that were reversed.
Payments Section
The date that the payment was made.
Payment Type
The method of payment, such as Cash, Check, or Credit Card.
Amount of the payment.
Checked if the payment should be reversed.
Initially, a strike-through is applied to each of the payment's fields to indicate that the information will be deleted.
The payment will be reversed when you click Save. However, you can view the payment you reversed by selecting the Show Reversed Payments checkbox in the Payments panel's Selections section.
Click Print to display the Print Receipt window. To print the receipt, click Print. A pdf of the receipt will display in a new tab on your browser, allowing you to save or print it.
You must clickSaveafter entering a payment to activate thePrinticon.
Payment ID
The system-assigned identifier for the payment.
Reference #
The reference number associated with the payment type, for example, the check number or last four digits of the credit card number. The entry depends on your department's procedures. Character/10
A comment or notes regarding the payment. Character/255
Debits Panel
This panel displays the fee items that are used as debit items. For these items, payments are applied to issue the student a credit balance for the item. When a debit amounts is entered, the amount is subtracted from the debit item's available balance.
The date the debit item was created.
Tracking #
The number identifying the debit item.
The code identifying the building where the debit item was charged.
Item Code
The code identifying the debit item.
Item Description
The description of the debit item.
Debit Amount
The amount to debit from the item's available balance.
Total Debit
The total amount of the student's debits.
The amount of credit applied from the debit item to the balance of another item.
The amount paid toward the debit item.
The amount refunded for the debit item.
Available Balance
The available balance for the debit item, if any.
Click the (View detail) icon to display the History Detail window for a debit item.
This window displays the current fee details and the history of all payments and changes for the fee. The history includes the user name of the user who updated the fee.