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Attendance System Daily Procedures

The following attendance procedures usually are performed on a daily basis.

  1. For buildings that use Teacher Access Center to take attendance, teachers will enter attendance for homeroom or classes.
  2. For buildings that use Teacher Access Center to take attendance, run the Missing Submission report to verify that all teachers have entered attendance for the attendance period (Attendance > All > Reports > Missing Submission). This report can be scheduled to run at set times during the day.
  3. If teachers do not enter attendance, use the Attendance Entry option (Attendance > All >Office > Attendance Entry) to record student attendance.
  4. As needed, enter attendance for students who arrive late.
  5. Verify student absences and update student attendance records based on your district's procedures. For example, if your district requires that all attendance records are verified with the bottom line entry type defined in the Attendance Building Configuration, select the Attendance Entry page's Unverified mode to view all absences that have not been verified.
  6. As needed, run the Attendance Error Scan to verify and correct attendance information (Attendance > All > Utilities > Attendance Error Scan.
  7. Run the following reports as needed to analyze attendance information (Attendance > All > Reports):
    • Attendance Bulletin - lists the students who have absences for the selected date. The report corresponds to the Teacher Access Center's Morning Bulletin page, which allows teachers to see the students who have already been marked absent for today.
    • Teacher Attendance Listing - lists the students who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods. The Teacher Attendance Listing is typically generated and distributed daily to the building's teachers after attendance entry is complete so that each teacher has a listing of student attendance to refer to and, if necessary, to add to or change.
    • Office Attendance Listing - lists the students in the selected building who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods. You can print selected guardians' telephone numbers so you can verify student attendance with parents or guardians.
    • End-of-Day Teacher Status Report - is typically generated and distributed to teachers after attendance entry is complete for the day. Teachers can use this report as a reference when they update their student attendance records. Additionally, a signature line can be included if teachers need to sign a report verifying the accuracy of their information.
    • Activity Absence Report - lists the students in the activity who have an absence in one or more of the selected periods. The report can be distributed daily to the building's teachers.
    • Audit Trail Summary - lists attendance entries for any student, date, period, or building you want to view.
  8. If your notifications are based on day totals records, calculate the day totals for students using the Attendance Day Totals Calculation (Day Totals Calculation Page). You should run the Attendance Error Scan (Attendance > All > Utilities > Attendance Error Scan) to verify attendance information prior to calculating day totals.
  9. As needed, use the Communications options (Attendance > All > Attendance Communications) to send letters to parents and guardians and to generate PLUS 360 notifications to staff for students who have a defined number of absences.

For more information, refer to the appropriate Attendance System topics.

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