Use this page enter attendance for either individual students or a group of students, such as all students in a class or all students who meet certain criteria.
The Attendance Entry page provides five modes for recording attendance. The modes can be accessed using the following buttons at the top of the page:
Enables you to enter attendance for an individual student.
Enables office personnel to verify teachers' attendance entries and update students' bottom line attendance records.
Enables you to enter attendance for students enrolled in a selected course.
Enables you to enter attendance for students enrolled in a selected activity.
Enables you to search for students based on demographic criteria and enter their attendance. For example, you could select all students who take a particular bus to school.
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Class.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates.
Select a class in the Course and Section fields.
Click Load to display students. Attendance has been entered and saved for students who display the (View detail) icon in the untitled column to the left of the Code field.
Click (View detail) to display the Student Attendance Detail window to view the student's attendance.
Click OK to close the window.
Repeat Steps 6-7 to view attendance for another student.
Enter attendance for individual students
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Individual.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates.
For the Attendance Prompts, enter or change the default values as needed.
Select a student by Student ID or Name, then enter the student's attendance.
To insert an additional row for a student, click the + button on the far right, then enter the attendance. For example, you would need an extra row if a student arrived late and then was dismissed early. or To remove an attendance row, click the - button on the far right.
Repeat Steps 5-6 for each student.
Click Save.
Verify unverified attendance
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Unverified.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates and if needed, the Periods. The dates determine the students whose attendance will display.
Click Load.
For the Attendance Prompts, enter or change the default values as needed.
For each student in the list, enter or change attendance information.
If needed, add students in the blank fields below the list, and enter their attendance.
Click Save.
Enter attendance for a class
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Class.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates.
Select a class in the Course and Section fields.
Click Load.
For the Attendance Prompts, enter or change the default values as needed.
For each student in the list, enter or change attendance information. To insert an additional row for a student, click the + button on the far right, then enter the attendance. For example, you would need an extra row if a student arrived late and then was dismissed early. or To remove an attendance row, click the - button on the far right.
If needed, add students in the blank fields below the list, and enter their attendance.
Click Save.
Enter attendance by activity
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Activity.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates.
Select an Activity.
Click Load.
For the Attendance Prompts, enter or change the default values as needed.
For each student in the list, enter or change attendance information. To insert an additional row for a student, click the + button on the far right, then enter the attendance. For example, you would need an extra row if a student arrived late and then was dismissed early. or To remove an attendance row, click the - button on the far right.
If needed, add students in the blank fields below the list, and enter their attendance.
Click Save.
Enter attendance by criteria
Select Attendancefrom the main menu, selectAllsubmenu, selectOffice, and then selectAttendance Entry.
Click Criteria.
Enter the relevant Building and Attendance Dates.
On the Criteria panel, enter criteria to identify the students.
Click Load.
For the Attendance Prompts, enter or change the default values as needed.
For each student in the list, enter or change attendance information. To insert an additional row for a student, click the + button on the far right, then enter the attendance. For example, you would need an extra row if a student arrived late and then was dismissed early. or To remove an attendance row, click the - button on the far right.
If needed, add students in the blank fields below the list, and enter their attendance.
Click Save.
Selections Panel
Building where attendance is being taken.
Attendance Dates
Dates for which attendance is being taken.
The following fields only display for the modes indicated:
Periods - Unverified Mode
Periods for taking attendance.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Course - Class Mode
Course where attendance is being taken.
Section - Class Mode
Section of the course where attendance is being taken.
Activity - Activity Mode
Activity where attendance is being taken.
Criteria Panel
The fields in this panel only apply to the Criteria mode.
Use the following icons as needed:
Copies the current row to a new row below it. You should modify one or more fields in this row to create a unique statement.
Adds a blank row above the current row.
Deletes the current row.
Boolean operators that enable you to define how criteria rows should be used in a search.
AND - to add a criteria row to a set. With this operator, a record can be selected only if it matches all the rows in the set. OR - to begin a new set of criteria rows. With this operator, a record can be selected if it matches either the current row/set or the previous row/set.
Select the table to search.
Field Name
Select the field to search in the table's records.
Select the condition to use in the search. The conditions available depend on the selected field's data type, for example, a character field versus a numeric field.
Enter the value to use in the search. If you selected the Is In condition, enter a comma-delimited list of values.
Students Panel
This panel contains two sections. The Attendance Prompts section defines default absence and tardy information. The second section lists the students for whom attendance is being entered.
Attendance Prompts Section
The defaults apply to all students in the student list, but can be changed for an individual student as needed.
Entered by
Indicates who recorded the attendance. Select:
Office - to indicate the attendance was an office entry. Typically, the office entry is the official or bottom line attendance record. Teacher - to indicate the attendance was a teacher entry.
Default Absence Code
The attendance code to default when the A (Absent) box is selected for a student.
Default periods for taking attendance.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Default Tardy Code
The attendance code to enter if the T (Tardy) box is selected for a student.
Default Comment
Text that will be applied to each attendance period by default. Character/255
If you use this field, you can change the comments for individual periods as needed. However, if the comments vary per period, do not use a default comment.
Student List (untitled)
Student ID
The student's identification number.
The student's full-name, last name followed by the first name and middle initial.
You can use this field to search for a student:
Enter the last name, followed by a comma, space, and then the first few characters of the first name
Click Search to display the Student Search window.
If the student you want is not listed, expand the Selections section, enter new criteria, and then click Load on the right side of the Students section to display new results.
When you find the student you want, click the student's line, and then click OK to enter the Student ID and Name in the appropriate fields.
Learn Loc
The learning location of the student at that time.
The student's grade, which displays when you enter the Student ID and Name.
A (Absent)
Select this box if the student was absent.
T (Tardy)
Select this box if the student was tardy.
P (Present)
Select this box if the student was present.
Detail (untitled)
The (View detail)icon displays in this column if attendance has been entered and saved for a student for the selected class. Click the icon to display the Student Detail window, which shows the student's attendance for the periods affected.
The attendance code that applies if the A (Absent) box is selected for the student.
Dismiss Time
The dismissal time in HH:MM AM or PM format. If you enter a time, it must correspond with one of the selected attendance periods.
This field is disabled if a dismissal time is not allowed for the selected attendance code.
Arrive Time
The arrival time. Enter time in HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM format. If you enter a time, it must correspond with one of the selected attendance periods.
This field is disabled if an arrival time is not allowed for the selected attendance code.
Text related to the attendance entered for the student. Character/255
To apply the Default Comment to all students, select the Comment checkbox at the top of the column. If needed, you can change the comment for an individual student.
+/- Buttons
Click + to add an attendance row for a student. For example, two rows would be needed for a student who arrived late and then was dismissed early.
Click - to remove an attendance entry.
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