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Printing Alternate Language Report Cards

Report cards can be printed in different languages based on a student or contact's language of correspondence. This topic describes the procedures to set up alternate language translations and to enter student and contact information to select the language for report cards.

1. Set up alternate languages for report cards

  1. Indicate the languages for which you will provide translated report cards. Select Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables. On the Validation Tables page, set Applications to Registration and then select the Languages table. Select the Alternate Language checkbox for every language that you will support for report cards. Click Save.
  2. On the RC Alternate Language Setup page, define translations for labels that print on report cards. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > RC Alternate Language Setup. This setup defines translations for the district You cannot vary the translations by building.
  3. If the building's report cards include courses, translate the course descriptions in the Master Schedule. Refer to Create alternate language descriptions for course-sections procedure on the Master Schedule.
  4. If the building's report cards include competencies.
    • Translate the competency descriptions in Competency Setup. Refer to Enter alternate language translations for competencies procedure on the Competency Setup page.
    • Translate the descriptions for the marks in the Competency Grading Scale. Refer to the Competency Grading Scale page for the procedure on entering alternate language descriptions for marks.
    • Translate the descriptions for the comments that can be entered for competencies. Refer to Add alternate language descriptions for comments. Note that you can only translate comments that are entered for student competencies; you cannot translate comments that are entered for courses.
  5. If honor roll messages are printed on the report card, translate the messages on the Honor Roll Setup page. Refer to Define alternate language translations for the honor roll message.
  6. On the Report Card View Setup page, download the alternate language template. In the View Definition panel, click
    (Additional options), and then select Download Alternate Templates. Click ReportCardTemplate_altlang.rpx and save it to your local machine.
  7. To edit the template, use the Template Designer to make changes to the template as needed. Refer to the Template Designer user guide.
  8. On the Report Card View Setup page, upload the template for one of the view setups. 
  9. Define translations for labels and select the alternate language template in the Report Card View Setup. This step must be repeated for all report card runs for a building.
    • To select the alternate language template, clear the Use Default Template checkbox. In the Report Template field, select the alternate language template you uploaded in Step 8.

2. Select the alternate language for students and contacts

If a student should receive alternate language report cards, define the following on the Addresses page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Addresses):

  • In the General panel, select the language for translations in the Language of Correspondence field. Note that the list of languages will include languages that have not been translated. An alternate language report card is only generated if you have defined translations for the selected language.
  • In the General panel, select the Use Language for Mailings checkbox.
  • In the Print Flags section, make sure the Report Cards checkbox is selected. Otherwise, no report card is generated for the student.

If a guardian should receive an alternate language report cards, define the following on the Contact page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Contacts > click contact's link):

  • In the General panel, select the language for translations in the Language of Correspondence field. Note that the list of languages will include languages that have not been translated. An alternate language report card is only generated if you have defined translations for the selected language.
  • In the General panel, select the Use Language for Mailings checkbox.
  • For each student for which the guardian should receive report cards, make sure the Print Flag section's Report Cards checkbox is selected. Otherwise, no report card is generated for the guardian for the student.

3. Generate report cards

  1. Select Mark Reporting > Entry & Reports > Report Card Reports > Print Report Cards.
  2. Specify the report options. To print report cards in alternate languages, clear the Print Office Copy (English Only) checkbox.
    For more information about the fields, refer to Print Report Cards Page.
  3. Click Run.
  4. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.

When you generate report cards for alternate languages, alt lang is appended to the report card file name.

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