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Competency Setup Page

Use this page to add or update a competency group and the report card items associated with it. Competency groups can be defined to be assigned to students based on student criteria or course enrollment.

For information on how teachers are associated with students for a competency group, refer to Assigning Students to Teachers for Competencies.

View competencies

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.

Add competency groups

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the new Competency Group information. Each Competency Group code must be unique; therefore, you cannot add a state group with a competency group code already used for a district group, or vice versa.
  4. Select the competency type Student or Course.
  5. Define how the competency group is associated with students.
    • If you selected a competency type of Student, define the criteria to select the students who the competency group applies to.
    • If you selected a competency type of Course, select the course codes the competency group applies to.
  6. Complete the blank row in the Competency Detail panel to add a competency.
  7. Use the arrows in the Level field to set the competency level.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 as needed.
  9. To change the order of the competency within the group, click the tab to the left of the Level field and drag it to the desired location.
  10. Click Save.

Add competencies

You can add a competency to an existing competency group.

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.
  4. Complete the blank row in the Competency Detail panel to add a competency.
  5. To change the order of the competency within the group, click the tab to the left of the Level field and drag it to the desired location.
  6. Use the arrows in the Level field to set the competency level.
  7. Repeat steps 3-5 as needed.
  8. Click Save.

Copy competency groups

You can create a copy of an existing competency group using the Copy option. For example, if two grades have similar items, you can copy from one group to the other. Once you copy the group, you can make changes as needed.

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.
  4. Click Copy.
  5. In the Copy Competencies To window, enter the information for the new competency groups.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Search to search for the group you copied, then click its link.
  8. Make changes as needed.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat steps 6-8 for each competency group you created.

Change competency groups

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.
  4. Change values as needed.
  5. Click Save.

Enter alternate language translations for competencies

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.
  4. In the Competency Detail panel, click Additional options, and then select Show Alternate Languages to display the Alternate Language Description column next to the Description column.
  5. Select the language for translation.
  6. Enter descriptions as needed.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each language you are translating.
  8. Click Save.

For information on how to set up and generate report cards in multiple languages, refer to Printing Alternate Language Report Cards.

Delete competencies

You can only delete competencies for which students have no marks.

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the competency group's link.
  4. Select the Delete checkbox for each record to delete.
  5. Click Save.

Delete competency groups

You can only delete competency groups for which students have no marks.

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. Select the Delete checkbox for each record to delete.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Yes.


General Panel

Competency Group Definition Section



Defined By

Indicates whether the competency group was defined for a building or the district or was loaded from state or national standards.


B- Building - to indicate the group is defined as a single building. The competencies in this group will be applied to only students in the building.
D - District - to indicate the group is defined for the district. District competency groups are associated with buildings using the Building Type field.
S- State - to indicate the group is created based on pre-defined state or national standards. State competency groups are associated with buildings using the Building Type field.


Indicates the building for the competency group, if the competency group is defined by building.

This field displays only if the Defined By field is set to Building.

Building Type

Indicates the building type for the competency group, if the competency group is defined by state or district. Buildings are assigned a Building Type on the Building Definition page.

This field displays only if the Defined By field is set to District or State.

Competency Group

Code for the competency group; for example, MA06. Each group code must be unique; therefore, you cannot add a state group with a competency group code already used for a district group, or vice versa. Character/10


Description of the competency group; for example, Math Grade 6. Character/255

Sequence Order

Order in which this competency group is displayed on eSchoolPlus pages and reports that show all competency groups for a student. Small Integer

Sequence numbers do not need to be unique for each competency group. If a student is assigned multiple competency groups that have the same sequence number, then the system will sort these competency groups by the competency group code.

Note that many pages show a single competency group and provide a field for the user to select the competency group to display. In those cases, the competency groups are listed in order by code, not sequence order.

Competency Type

Indicates whether the competency group is linked to a Student, to a Course, or is Not Determined. State competencies your district has loaded will display initially as "Not Determined." You can then select whether the competency group is linked to a Student or to a Course, as needed.

Select Students Section

This section displays when the Competency Type field is set to Student. Use this section to specify criteria to select the students who will be graded for these competencies.

Courses Section

This section displays when the Competency Type field is set to Course. Use this section to add or delete courses for the competency.




Select the building where the course is held. This field only displays if the competency group applies to a building type, instead of an individual building.


Select the course that uses these competencies.

Competency Detail Panel

The order of the competencies affects how the competency group prints and displays on pages where marks can be entered. To reorder a competency, click the tab to the left of the Level field and drag it to the desired location.




Displays a number to indicate the level at which the competency will print. Use the arrows to move an item to a different level. The number of levels is defined on the Standards/Competencies Formatting page.

To calculate a mark for an overall competency based on the scores for child competencies, click the right arrow to move the child competencies to the next level and set the overall competency's accumulator to Child Average or Weighted Child Average. For example, if a student's Reading mark should be based on the student's scores for Word Recognition and Vocabulary, Reading for Main Idea, and Comprehension, then you could set up these competencies as follows:




C - Child Average


Word Recognition and Vocabulary

R - Most Recent


Reading for Main Idea

R - Most Recent



R - Most Recent

For more information on using the Child Average or Weighted Child Average accumulators, refer to Calculate Competency Marks Using Standards-Based Gradebook.

If you click the arrow keys and the level does not change, competency levels are not defined for the district. On the Standards/Competencies Formatting Page, define the levels of competencies to print on report cards.


Enter the text for the level heading or competency. Character/255

Alternate Language Description (Unlabeled)

To display this column, click Additional options on the Competency Detail panel, and then select Show Alternate Languages.

At the top of the column, select the language for the translations to display.

Then for each competency, enter the translated description text, up to 255 characters, to display on alternate language report cards.

For information on how to set up and generate report cards in multiple languages, refer to Printing Alternate Language Report Cards.

Heading Only

Checked if this level is a heading and not a competency that will be graded.

Headings should have at least one mark type checked. The heading will display for the marking periods when the selected mark type is issued.

Mark types are defined in the Standards and Competencies mode of the Mark Types page

The first row of Competency Detail should always have a header with a mark type selected.

Since your first row of Competency Detail is not a header, it will not behave as a header record and print the teacher name.

Grading Scale

Select the grading scale used to evaluate the competency.

If the competency is linked to a building group, all buildings in the group must have the scale defined.

If the competency uses the Power Law accumulator type, then make sure you select a grading scale that returns marks based on the score scale that teachers will use to score students. For example, if teachers score using a 4-point scale, then the grading scale you select should use a 4-point scale.

If you selected the Heading Only checkbox for the competency, this field is disabled.

Use Default Mark

Checked if you want this competency to use the default mark specified on the Competency Grading Scale Setup page.

If you selected the Heading Only checkbox for the competency, this field is disabled.

Issue Marks

In this section, columns display the mark types for standards and competencies defined for your buildings.

To issue a mark for a competency, select the appropriate mark type checkbox. To select the mark type for all competencies, select the checkbox that displays in the mark type's heading.

Headings should have at least one mark type checked. The heading will display for the marking periods when the selected mark type is issued.

Mark types are defined in the Standards and Competencies mode of the Mark Types page.

Accumulator Type

Indicates the accumulator type for the competency. The accumulator type determines how TAC's Gradebook assignments will be used to calculate a grade for the mark types for the competency. For detailed information on accumulator types and sample calculations, refer to Calculate Competency Marks Using Standards-Based Gradebook.


A - Average - to calculate the mark by averaging assignments entered for the competency.
Average calculations will differ based on the competencies selected:

  • For a student's competency, the average is calculated using the total points for assignments.
  • For a course competency, the average is calculated using the total points for assignments or using weighted category averages. The teacher can select the option to use for a course in the Gradebook Category Setup.

C - Child Average - to calculate the mark by averaging its children's competencies. This option is only valid if the competency has child competencies under it.
N - Manual - to have the teacher manually enter the mark in the Gradebook.
M - Maximum - to calculate the mark based on the percentage correct for the assignment score that was the highest percentage correct for the competency. For example, if a student has a 9 out of 10 for one assignment and an 83 out of 100 for another assignment, the maximum score is 9 out of 10 which is 90%.
R - Most Recent - to calculate the mark based on the percentage correct for the most recent assessment entered for the competency.
P - Power Law - to calculate the student's performance using the power law. For more information on power law, including best practices and prerequisites, refer to Using Power Law to Calculate Student Performance for Competencies.
W - Weighted Child Average - to calculate the mark by averaging its children's competencies with weighting based on the number of times the teacher assessed each competency. This option is only valid if the competency has child competencies under it. For more information on how to use the child average options, refer to the Rules for Using Child Average and Child Weighted Average Accumulators section of the Calculate Competency Marks Using Standards-Based Gradebook topic.

The Receives Gradebook Results field on the Mark Types page determines whether a mark type will be calculated based on Gradebook assignments, and, if the mark type receives results, which assignments are included when calculating the mark for the mark type. For example, if a mark type is defined to receive results for the term and the competency uses the Average accumulator type, then the mark will be calculated by averaging all assessments for the marking periods included in the term. For detailed information about the Receive Gradebook Results options, refer to Mark Types Page.

State Standard Code

If the competency is defined for a State, this indicates the state standard number; for example, M.1.0.16. If you have loaded state competencies, this ID is assigned automatically.

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