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Competency Grading Scale Setup Page

Use this page to define a grading scale for competencies. You can define multiple scales. Then in the Competency Setup, you can assign the grading scale to use for each competency.

View competency grading scales

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the scale's link.

Add competency grading scales

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete fields as needed.
    • To add marks, enter values in the blank row at the bottom.
    • To reorder a mark, click the tab to the left of the Mark and drag it to the desired location.
  4. Click Save.

Add a grading scale and import marks from the Level Table

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Complete fields as needed.
  4. Click Save.
  5. At the top of the page, click Additional options, and then select Import Level Table.
  6. On the Import Level window, select the level and the low and high marks for the range of marks to import.
  7. Click OK.
  8. After the marks are imported, make changes as needed.
  9. Click Save.

Change competency grading scales

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the scale's link.
  4. Change values as needed.
    • To add marks, enter values in the blank row at the bottom.
    • To reorder a mark, click the tab to the left of the Mark and drag it to the desired location.
    • To delete a mark, select the Delete checkbox.
  5. Click Save.

Enter alternate language descriptions for marks

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
  3. On the Search Results panel, click the scale's link.
  4. In the Competency Grading Scale panel, click Additional options, and then select Show Alternate Languages.
  5. An alternate language column is displayed next to the Description field. In the column header, select the language you want to define descriptions for.
  6. Enter the alternate language descriptions.
  7. Click Save.

For information on how to set up and generate report cards in multiple languages, refer to Printing Alternate Language Report Cards.

Delete competency grading scales

You can only delete competency grading scales that have not been assigned to competencies.

  1. Select Administration, Mark Reporting Setup, Standards & Competencies, and then select Competency Setup.
  2. Select the Delete checkbox for each record to delete.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click Yes.


General Panel




Select the building for the grading scale.

Grading Scale Type

Code to identify the grading scale. Character/5


Description of the grading scale. Character/255

Competency Grading Scale Panel

The order of the codes affects how marks are displayed on pages where marks can be entered. To reorder a code, click the tab to the left of the Mark and drag it to the desired location.




Mark that students can earn for a competency. You may enter numeric or character values; for example, you may issue letter grades such as A, B, C, D, and F or numeric grades such as 100, 99, 98, and so forth. You may also use the buttons next to the Mark field to enter symbol values (checkmark, dot, plus sign, minus sign, frontslash). All marks that may be issued must be defined. Character/3


The following values are reserved for use by PowerSchool. Do not use these as marks on a grading scale.

N/A - This value is assigned to competency headings and is not printed on the report card.
dot (period) - This value is used by the system for a bullet mark. Therefore, you cannot enter marks that contain a decimal point, such as 3.5.


The description of the mark. Character/255

The description prints on the report card if the grading scale is selected to be printed in the report card view setup.

Alternate Language Description (Unlabeled)

To display this column, click (Additional options) on the Competency Grading Scale panel, and then select Show Alternate Languages.

At the top of the column, select the language for the translations to display.

Then for each competency, enter the translated description text, up to 255 characters, to display on alternate language report cards.

For information on how to set up and generate report cards in multiple languages, refer to Printing Alternate Language Report Cards.

Minimum Percent

The minimum value for which the associated mark is returned. The accumulator type that is assigned to the competencies that use the grading scale determines the scale to use for the Minimum Percent.

  • For the Average, Maximum, or Most Recent accumulator types, enter values on a 100-point scale because these accumulators calculate a student's score as a percentage.
  • For the Power Law accumulator type, enter the minimum point value for the row's mark even though the field is labeled 'Minimum Percent'. For example, if a 4-point scale is used, scores at or above 3.5 could yield a mark of 4 (for Advanced) and scores at or above 2.5 could yield a mark of 3 (for Proficient). For more information on using power law, refer to Using Power Law to Calculate Student Performance for Competencies.

The numeric range for a mark is determined by its minimum percent and the next highest minimum percent. For example, if a B has a Minimum Percent of 80.00 and A has a Minimum Percent of 90.00, then a B is posted if the student receives an average of 80.00 through 89.99.


If you want to round scores up for students who score just below the published minimum for a mark, set the Minimum Percent value just below the listed minimum score. In the example above, entering 89.5 as the Minimum Percent value for A will round student scores up one-half point, so scores at or above 89.5 will yield a mark of A.


Checked if this mark is the default grade to use for competencies assigned to this scale. When you define competencies, you can select whether or not the competency uses a default mark.


Checked if the mark can be returned as the result from the Gradebook.

Unchecked if Gradebook should not return this mark for a competency that Gradebook calculates. For example, if you have a mark NA that indicates a competency was not assessed, the Average box would be unchecked for the mark.

Passing Mark

Checked if the mark indicates that the student is passing the class.

Color Levels

Specifies the color level for Unified Classroom integration. Select:

1 - Red - for Red
2 - Orange - for Orange
3 - Yellow - for Yellow
4 - Light Green - for Light Green
5 - Dark Green - for Dark Green


Checked if the mark is active for the current year.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.

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