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Standards and Competencies Formatting Page

On this page:

Use this page to set up how many levels are used for standards and competencies and how competencies display on report cards in your district.

View standards and competencies formatting

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Standards/Competencies Formatting.

Add a level

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Standards/Competencies Formatting.
  2. Enter the level information in the blank row at the bottom.
  3. Click Save.

Select a font color

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Standards/Competencies Formatting.
  2. Click the Color column's Color Picker 
     button to display the Color Picker:

    A checkmark indicates the code's current color. If the current color is custom-defined, it will display below the Color Grid, as shown in the illustration.
  3. Click the new color on the Color Grid.
    To define a custom color, click more to expand the Color Picker:

    • Select a hue by clicking a color on the Color Bar.
    • Define a color on the Gradient Square by dragging the dot. The resulting color displays in the code's original color box.
    • Click the code's color box to select the custom color and close the Color Picker.
  4. Repeat Steps 2-3 for each level you want to change.
  5. Click Save.

Change level formatting

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Standards/Competencies Formatting.
  2. Change values as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Delete level

  1. Select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Standards & Competencies > Standards/Competencies Formatting.
  2. Select the 
     (Delete) checkbox for each record to delete.
  3. Click Save.


Standards and Competencies Formatting Panel

The text format for a level is displayed in the Preview column. As you change settings, the changes are reflected in that column.




The number you want to use for the selected level, for example, Level 1 is typically the top-level heading that displays for a competency group.


Select the font to use for the level.


Select the font point size to use for the level.


Click the button to select the color for the text.


Checked if a level should display in bold text.


Checked if a level should display in underlined text.


Checked if a level should display in italicized text.


To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.

Search Results Panel



Competency Group

Code and description for the competency group. Only student competency groups display in this option.


For building competencies, indicates the building for the competency group.

Building Type

For district or state competencies, indicates the type of building that is assigned to this competency group.

Default Assignment

The teacher or type of teacher who will be entering marks for the standards and competencies.


M - Manual Entry - The Build Student Competencies option will assign the selected teacher to all students for whom the competency group is reported. When you select Manual, a Staff ID field displays in the Staff ID column, and you can select the appropriate staff member. Only one staff member can be assigned for the competency group.
P- Primary Homeroom - The Build Student Competencies option will assign the teacher associated with the student's primary homeroom.
S - Secondary Homeroom - The Build Student Competencies option will assign the teacher associated with the student's secondary homeroom.
C - Student Criteria - The Build Student Competencies option will assign the teacher to students listed for the teacher on the Teacher Competency Assignment Student Criteria page. When Student Criteria is selected, the Add icon displays in the Staff ID column. Refer to the Staff ID field for more information.
U - Unassigned - The Build Student Competencies option will not assign a teacher for this competency group.

Staff ID

The selection in the Default Assignment field determines what displays in this field.

If M - Manual Entry is selected, then a field displays where you can select the staff member to assign to all students for this competency group.

If C - Student Criteria is selected, then an Add icon displays so you can add an assignment and links display for existing teacher assignments. For more information on selecting the students to assign to a teacher, refer to the Teacher Competency Assignment Student Criteria Page.

  • To add an assignment, click Add.
  • To change students for an existing teacher or to change the teacher for the selected students, click the teacher's link.
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