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Pre-Scheduler Reports

The Pre-Scheduler reports can be used to verify information concerning student course requests prior to scheduling students and refining the Master Schedule. Use the information in these reports to prevent problems when you are scheduling the students. For example, you can determine the optimum number of sections for each course, based on the number of requests, and the best period to schedule courses.

District-defined options and users' security privileges determine which of the following reports are available on the Pre-Scheduler Reports menu.

Report Option


Career Plan Worksheet

Lists the student's Career Plan information for each course. The reports prints information as defined in the Career Plan View for the student's year of graduation. The report can include career plan requirements, supplemental plan requirements, course detail showing how credits have been applied to the plan, testing information, signature lines, and post-graduation plans.

For more information, refer to Career Plan Worksheet Page.

Conflict Matrix (book/grid)

Provides a count of how many students have requested any two courses in your building's course catalog. You can use this information to avoid scheduling conflicts by determining what courses should not have sections scheduled to meet in the same marking period and scheduling period.

The report can be produced in book or grid format. The book format provides a heading with course codes for the conflicts listed and the number of conflicts per course. The grid format lists the courses selected along horizontal and vertical axes. The number at the point of intersection of any two courses indicates how many students have requested both of the courses.

For more information, refer to Conflict Matrix Page.

Course Recommendations

Enables you to review course recommendations made either in the eSchoolPlus Course Requests page (Student Center > Scheduling > Course Requests) or by teachers in the Teacher Access Center (TAC).

The report lists the students, their recommended courses, and the priority assigned to each course. If a recommendation was entered in TAC, the report also includes the teacher who recommended the course.

For more information, refer to Course Recommendations Page.

Next Recommended Course Signoff

Generates a worksheet listing students' current courses and the next recommended courses based on their current schedule. The worksheet includes columns to indicate adjustments if a student is not going to request the next recommended course and allow for signatures to approve the adjustments.

For more information, refer to Next Recommended Course Signoff Page.

Pre Assignment Class Lists

Provides, for each course, a list of students who have requested the course, with accompanying student information as well as the total requests for each course.

For more information, refer to Pre-Assignment Class Lists Page.

Room Availability

Provides an easy-to-read chart that shows when rooms are not assigned to courses.

For more information, refer to Room Availability Page.

Room Utilization

Lists, for each room, the course-sections and periods when courses meet. Any conflicts or restrictions are noted. The report also lists rooms that do not have any courses assigned to them.

For more information, refer to Room Utilization Page.

Seat Availability

Shows the number of seats needed to meet students' requests for courses, as well as any excess seats.

For more information, refer to Seat Availability Report Page.

Simple Tally

Summarizes the number of student requests for each course and tallies by male/female per grade. An error scan is also run to check for requests for courses that no longer exist.

For more information, refer to Simple Tally Page.

Student Request Detail

Lists students and their requests. Each student's grade, homeroom, and house/team priority are included. The report also lists each course request, including the description, credits, and alternate course requests.

For more information, refer to Student Request Detail Page.

Student Request Summary

Produces a listing of students with their requests and pertinent student information.

For more information, refer to Student Request Summary Page.

Student Request Verification

Produces a separate sheet for each student, summarizing the student's requests. The report can be printed with a signature line for obtaining parent/guardian approval.

For more information, refer to Student Request Verification Page.

Teacher Availability

Generates an easy-to-read chart showing when teachers are not assigned to courses.

For more information, refer to Teacher Availability Page.


  • Run the Pre-Scheduler reports and verify all information prior to scheduling the students.
  • If you make changes to your Master Schedule, run the following reports again: Seat Availability, Room Utilization, Teacher Availability, and Room Availability.
  • When you have completed your scheduling run, you may want to run the Teacher Availability and Room Availability reports.
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