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Managing Home Page Widgets for Your Users

Users can customize the Home page by adding widgets that display database information to help analyze information. Administrators use security resources to control the widgets which are available for a user and, for some widgets, select the values that widgets display.

This topic provides information to help manage widgets for users. The required setup and security for each widget is listed. Additionally, more detail has been provided to describe the totals displayed on widgets.

At Risk

Displays the total students at risk in your district, factors used to determine their at-risk status, and a count of all students currently at risk for each factor. The total reflects all buildings; it is not limited to the buildings selected for the security resource.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for at-risk factors that are active. For more information, refer to At Risk Factors Page. There is no additional setup required to display totals on the Home page.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for all buildings; it is not limited to the buildings selected for the security resource.

At Risk Chart

Displays a graphic representation of the number of students at risk for a selected factor according to a specified breakdown parameter, such as by Building or Grade.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for at-risk factors that are active. For more information, refer to At Risk Factors Page. There is no additional setup required to display totals on the Home page.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for all buildings; it is not limited to the buildings selected for the security resource.


Displays attendance information for the current day by the following sources: Absences, Substitutes, Total Attendance, and Total Membership.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for absences. On the Attendance Building Configuration Page, complete the Administrator Dashboard fields. Select the attendance codes to include as an absence and the attendance periods to check for attendance.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Totals Are Calculated

Absences: Total includes all students who have at least one of the selected attendance codes for the attendance periods selected on the Attendance Building Configuration page.

Substitutes: Total includes the number of staff where Staff District Information page has a Substitute Login value and a Last Substitute Date that is after today's date.

Total Attendance: Calculated. Total Attendance = Total Membership - Absences

Total Membership: Total includes the number of active students for whom today is a membership day. If this total seems incorrect, check calendar information for the day.

Attendance Chart

Displays attendance for a selected source, attendance type, and breakdown parameter.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for absences. On the Attendance Building Configuration Page, complete the Administrator Dashboard fields. Select the attendance codes to include as an absence and the attendance periods to check for attendance.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Source Totals Are Calculated

Absences: Total includes all students who have at least one of the selected attendance codes for the attendance periods selected on the Attendance Building Configuration page.

Substitutes: Total includes the number of staff where Staff District Information page has a Substitute Login value and a Last Substitute Date that is after today's date.

Total Attendance: Calculated. Total Attendance = Total Membership - Absences

Total Membership: Total includes the number of active students for whom today is a membership day. If this total seems incorrect, check calendar information for the day.


Displays the number of conduct referrals today and the total incidents entered to date for the current school year for all buildings where you have security. The widget also provides a breakdown of today's actions, such as detentions and suspensions, as defined on the Behavior District Configuration page.

This widget includes a link to the Conduct Referral Search Page. Additionally, if students are assigned to serve one of the actions, a link displays for the action. Click it to display a list of the assigned students on Today's Discipline Action List window. From that window, click a student's name to view the list of incidents involving the student or click the incident link to display the details for the incident related to the action.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for actions. On the Behavior District Configuration Page, complete the Action Duration Total fields. Define how action totals should display. Note that these action totals also display on the Offender Detail Page.

This widget also displays a behavior referral count. If the user is also a staff member to whom conduct referrals will be referred, the staff record must include the user's login ID.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Totals Are Calculated

Total Conduct Referrals: This total will only include referrals that meet the following criteria:

    • The referral's date is the current date.
    • The referral must have a status of R-Referred.
    • The Referred To field matches the user's login or is blank (which indicates the referral has not been referred to a specific user).
    • The referral is entered for a building for which the user has DISC MAINT DASHBOARD access.

Total Incidents to Date: This total includes all incidents to date for the buildings for which the user has DISC MAINT DASHBOARD access.

Action Totals: These totals may reflect groups of actions. The labels and codes are defined by the district on the Behavior District Configuration page. The total reflects the number of students assigned to serve the action on the current date.

Note: This widget displays hyperlinks for other behavior page.

If a user who does not have security to conduct referrals clicks the link for Total Conduct Referrals, then the user will get a no security message.

All users will be able to click the number link for an action to open the Today's Discipline Action List window. The user will be able to see the students assigned to the action and limited incident information. The window includes links to display the Behavior Incidents page to see a list of the student's incidents and the incident detail. If a user who does not have security to display incidents clicks one of the links, the user will get a no security message.

Behavior Chart

Displays a graphic breakdown of an action by a parameter such as building, gender, or grade.

Required Setup

This widget displays totals for actions.  On the Behavior District Configuration Page, complete the Action Duration Total fields. Define how action totals should display. Note that these action totals also display on the Offender Detail Page.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Totals Are Calculated

Action Totals: The totals shown here may reflect groups of actions. The labels and codes for each action are defined by the district on the Behavior District Configuration page. The total reflects the number of students assigned to serve the action on the current date.


Displays the cycle day, membership number day, and days remaining for the user's default building's default calendar. The Calendar widget is the only widget that displays by default.

Required Setup


Required Security



Displays enrollment information for today, such as total enrollments, late enrollments, and early withdrawals.

Required Setup

Select the withdrawal code to use as the dropout code on the Registration Building Configuration Page.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Totals Are Calculated

Total Enrollment: This total includes the number of students who are enrolled on the current date.

Late Enrollment to Date: This total include students with an entry date in the current year after the first membership day in the student's calendar. It does not include students who were enrolled on the first calendar day, but then withdrew and re-enrolled later in the year. It only includes students for whom today is a membership day.

Early Withdrawals to Date: This total includes students who have a withdrawal date that is prior is to the current date. It only includes students who are not currently active and whose withdrawal date is greater than or equal to the first day of the calendar.

Dropouts to Date: This total includes student who withdrew with the withdrawal code that was selected as the dropout code.

Enrollment Chart

Displays enrollment data for a selected source, such as total enrollments or dropouts.

Required Setup

Select the withdrawal code to use as the dropout code on the Registration Building Configuration Page.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How Totals Are Calculated

Total Enrollment: This total includes the number of students who are enrolled on the current date.

Late Enrollment to Date: This total includes students with an entry date in the current year after the first membership day in the student's calendar. It does not include students who were enrolled on the first calendar day, but then withdrew and re-enrolled later in the year. It only includes students for whom today is a membership day.

Dropouts to Date: This total includes students who withdrew with the withdrawal code that was selected as the dropout code.

Learning Location

Displays the count of students assigned to a learning location by location type (In School, Virtual/Synchronous, Virtual/Asynchronous) for a day. Defaults to today, unless you are in an environment where today is not in the calendar. You can change the building, select another date, and choose to show learning locations that no students are assigned to on the selected date.

Click a total to display a list of students including each student's learning location, calendar, building, and grade for the date.

Required Setup

To use this widget, learning locations must be assigned to students and to location types for the calendar day.

Required Security


This widget allows the user to view data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

How totals are calculated

Location Type columns: For each learning location and location type cell, the total number reflects students assigned to the specified learning location where the learning location is defined to meet in the location type for the day.

Unknown column: Number of students assigned to the learning location where it has not been assigned to meet in a specific location type for the day. 

Non-Membership column: Number of students assigned to the learning location where their calendar indicates the date is not a membership day. 

Learning Location Not Assigned row: In the Unknown column, displays the number of students who do not have a learning location assigned for the day.

Lunch Counts

Displays the daily lunch counts entered by teachers on the current date for the building selected. You can change the building and view counts for the lunch types designated as active in Registration's Lunch Type table. The widget's Missing Submissions section displays the teachers who have not yet provided counts.

Required Setup

Displays the Lunch Types defined for TAC.

Required Security


This widget allows the user to view data for the buildings selected for the security resource.


Displays news items your district has posted.

Required Setup

Enter news items on the News Page.

Required Security

This widget does not have a separate resource. It displays news for the buildings that the user has security access to for any resource.

Success Plan

Displays the total number of success plan referrals, followed by the number of students assigned to each type of success plan.

This widget includes a link to the Success Plan Referral Search Page.

Required Setup

Displays Success Plan Types. No additional setups required for the widget.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

Note: This widget displays the hyperlink for the Success Plan Referrals Search page for all users. If a user who does not have security to Success Plan referrals clicks the link, then the user will get a no security message.

Success Plan Chart

Displays a graphic showing student count for a selected plan (source) in Student Success Plans.

Required Setup

Displays Success Plan Types. No additional setups required for the widget.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for the buildings selected for the security resource.

Test Scores

Displays a summary of the most recent test results for each score configured to display on the Home page. The data includes test dates, number of students receiving scores within 3 score ranges for that score, and the average of all scores. These ranges are specified in the test's Test Definition page.

For each score, you can select how many months to go back, but you cannot go back further than 12 months.

Required Setup

Select the scores to include on the dashboard using the Administrator Dashboard fields on the Test Definition Page. Only score fields defined to store numeric values may be included. To include a score, select the Include on Dashboard checkbox. Then select the number of months to display and specify the ranges to use.

Required Security


This widget reflects data for all buildings; it is not limited to the buildings selected for the security resource.

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