Use this page to display information from your database that you would find useful on a daily basis. The information is displayed in "widgets," which are boxes that contain data or charts.
You can customize your Home page in terms of the types of widgets to include their location on the page, their data, and how the data displays. The following are the widgets available:
At Risk
Behavior Chart
Lunch Counts
At Risk Chart
Success Plan
Attendance Chart
Enrollment Chart
Success Plan Chart
Learning Locations
Test Scores
Click Home on the Navigation bar of any eSchoolPlus page.
Customizing Your Home Page
Using the Enable Edit option from the Additional Options drop-down menu, you can add rows for displaying individual widgets and panels that can contain multiple widgets. You can also move or delete rows, panels, and widgets as needed. To save your changes, select Save Layout from the Additional Options menu.
After you set up your Home page, you can adjust the type of data that displays in a widget using the Settings icon.
For data widgets, you can include or exclude certain data categories. Also, with the At Risk, Attendance, Behavior, and Success Plan widgets, you can set thresholds for displaying Warning and Critical Alerts.
For chart widgets, you can select the source of the data, chart type (pie or bar), and the breakdown, such as by Building or Grade. With charts, you can include the same widget multiple times to display different breakdowns. To expand a chart for viewing details, click its (Expand View) icon.
Displays the total students at risk in your district, factors used to determine their at-risk status, and a count of all students currently at risk for each factor.
At Risk Chart
Displays a graphic representation of the number of students at risk for a selected factor and according to a specified breakdown parameter, such as by Building or Grade.
Displays attendance information for the current day by the following sources: Absences, Substitutes, Total Attendance, and Total Membership.
Attendance codes indicating absentees and periods are determined by each building's Attendance Building Configuration page. For absences, the system counts each student whose information matches the absence codes and periods specified in the configuration.
Attendance Chart
Displays attendance for a selected source, attendance type, and breakdown parameter. Use the Settings icon to change the display, for example, to display attendance for your building.
Displays the number of conduct referrals today and the total incidents entered to date in the current school year for all buildings where you have security. The widget also provides a breakdown of today's actions, such as detentions and suspensions, as defined in the Behavior District Configuration page.
This widget includes a link to the Conduct Referral Search Page. Additionally, if students are assigned to serve one of the actions, a link displays for the action. Click it to display a list of the students on Today's Discipline Action List window. From that window, you can click a student's name to view the list of incidents involving the student or click the incident link to display the details for the incident related to the action.
Behavior Chart
Displays a graphic breakdown of an action by a parameter such as building, gender, or grade. Use the Settings icon to define the action and breakdown parameter, for example, to display the number of in-school suspensions by grade.
Displays the cycle day, membership number day, and days remaining for your default building's default calendar. The Calendar widget is the only widget that displays by default.
Displays enrollment information for today, such as total enrollments, late enrollments, and early withdrawals. The widget also shows the number of dropouts to date, using the Drop Out code specified in the Registration Building Configuration page.
Enrollment Chart
Displays enrollment data for a selected source, such as total enrollments or dropouts. Use the Settings icon to change the data source as well as the breakdown factor, for example, building or grade.
Learning Location
Displays student totals for the learning locations by location (In School, Virtual/Synchronous, Virtual Asynchronous) for the day. Use the Settings icon to change the options displayed for building, date, and showing learning locations where no students are assigned for the date. Then, load results to displays totals for the selected options.
Click a total to display a list of students including their learning location and calendar. From the pop-up, you can then navigate to a student's Learning Location page or to the student's calendar to help you review the information and correct errors. If you click the link to view the student's calendar, use the Year at a Glance section to navigate to the appropriate date.
Lunch Counts
Displays the daily lunch counts entered by teachers on the current date for the building selected. You can change the building and view counts for the lunch types designated as active in Registration's Lunch Type table. The widget's Missing Submissions section displays the teachers who have not yet provided counts.
Displays news items your district has posted. To set the News widget to display in collapsed format by default, click the Settings icon, select the Collapse detail by default box, then click Save. To expand the widget to display news items, click the Expand View icon.
Success Plan
Displays the total number of success plan referrals, followed by the number of students assigned to each type of success plan. Use the Settings icon to include or exclude plan types.
Displays a graphic showing student count for a selected plan (source) in Student Success Plans. Use the Settings icon to change the settings, for example, for a breakdown of a particular plan by gender or race.
Test Scores
Displays a summary of the most recent test results for each score configured to display on the Home page. The data includes test dates, number of students receiving scores within 3 score ranges for that score, and the average of all scores. These ranges are specified in the test's Test Definition page. To display the widget in a collapsed state until you expand it, click the Settings icon, select the Collapse detail by default checkbox, and then click Save.
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