Use this page to review the list of classroom issues referred by teachers in Teacher Access Center. This page displays general information about each issue and includes links to the Success Plan Referral Page, where you can view complete information about a referral. You can then process the issue by either escalating it to a success plan, returning it to the teacher, or resolving the issue without creating a success plan. You can also add a success plan reason to the issue with the intention of adding the issue to a plan later.
Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals
This section includes basic fields that are useful in finding referrals. The search results will be limited to records matching all of the values you select in these fields.
After you run a search, the panel collapses. To expand the panel and display the last criteria run, click (Expand) or Search Criteria (the panel's title).
Referral Date
Search by the date that the issue was referred.
Issue Type
Search by the issue type entered when the teacher entered the issue.
Search by the location where the incident occurred, as recorded by the teacher in TAC.
Search by the status of the Success Plan referral. The possible statuses are:
N - Not Escalated - The coordinator indicated the issue is closed and did not require a success plan. R - Referred - The teacher referred the issue to a coordinator. T - Returned - Indicates that the coordinator has returned the referral to the teacher with either a suggestion for resolving the issue or a request for more information. A teacher can update a returned referral in TAC and can refer it again to the coordinator as needed. S - Success Plan Reason - The coordinator created a success plan or reason for the issue.
Search Results Panel
Issue Information Section (unlabeled)
Date that the issue was entered by the teacher in TAC.
Issue Type
Issue type selected when the teacher entered the issue. Click this link to open the Success Plan Referral Page, which displays complete information on the referral. You can use this page to escalate the issue to either a new or existing success plan. You can also choose to return the issue to the teacher or assign an at risk reason for future action.
Referred By
Name of the teacher who referred the issue.
Referred To
Name of the counselor or success plan coordinator to whom the issue was referred. Referrals to staff members are determined by the Plan Coordinators page.
Status of the Success Plan referral. The possible statuses are:
S - Success Plan - Reason Created - indicates an at risk reason has been assigned to the issue.
N - Not Escalated - indicates the issue is closed and did not require a success plan.
S - Success Plan - Assigned - indicates the issue has been added to either a new or existing success plan for the student.
R - Referred - indicates the issue was referred by a teacher but no action has been taken yet.
T - Returned - indicates the issue has been returned to the teacher, either for further action or more information.
Students Section
Student ID.
Student's name, displayed as a hyperlink. Clicking the link opens the student's Student Summary Page.
Grade the student is enrolled in.
Notes entered by the teacher describing the issue.
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