Use this page to view detailed information on a classroom issue referred by a teacher in Teacher Access Center (TAC). You can then process the issue by either escalating it to a success plan, returning it to the teacher, or resolving the issue. You can also add a success plan reason to the issue with the intention of adding the issue to a plan later.
Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals
Review success plan referrals
Select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the appropriate link in the Type column.
On the Success Plan Referral page, review the details entered in the referral.
If you need to update the issue, enter changes on the Success Plan Referral page, and then click Save.
Create or update success plans from referrals
After reviewing a referral, you can escalate the referral to create a success plan.
Select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the appropriate link in the Type column.
On the Success Plan Referral page, select S - Assign to Success Plan in the Action field on the Administrative Actions panel.
Select the reason for the success plan in the Success Plan Reason field.
Select whether you want to add the issue to a new or existing success plan, or if you want to add the issue to a plan later.
To create a new plan, select the New Plan option, enter the plan date, and then select the plan type.
To add reasons to a existing plan, select the Use Existing Plan option, and then select the plan date for the plan to which you want to add reasons. If you cannot select this option, then the student does not have an existing plan.
To add a success plan reason to the issue with the intention of adding the issue to a plan later, select the Create Plan Later option.
Click Save. The issue's Status is set to Success Plan Created.
To review the Student Success Plans page for the success plan created from the referral, click the Success Plan Created link. For field descriptions, refer to Student Success Plans Page.
Resolve issues
After reviewing a referral, you can close it if the issue has been resolved or if no reason for a success plan was found.
Select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the appropriate link in the Type column.
On the Success Plan Referral page, select R - Resolve in the Action field on the Administrative Actions panel.
In the Notes field on the Administrative Actions panel, provide any feedback you feel is appropriate.
Click Save. The issue's Status is set to Not Escalated.
Return success plan referrals to teacher
After reviewing a referral, you can return the issue to suggest other actions for the teacher to take or to request additional information. A teacher can update a returned referral in TAC and can refer it back to the coordinator if needed.
Select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the appropriate link in the Type column.
On the Success Plan Referral page, select T - Return in the Action field on the Administrative Actions panel.
In the Notes field on the Administrative Actions panel, provide any feedback you feel is appropriate, or enter a request for additional details on the issue.
Click Save. The issue's Status is set to Returned.
Print reports for success plan referrals
Select Interventions > All > Office > Success Plan Referrals.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
To run a report for all of the referrals listed, click (Additional options), and then select Printable.
To run a report for a specific referral, click the referral's Type link to display the Success Plan Referral page, click (Additional options), and then select Printable.
On the Success Plan Referral Report window, specify the report options. For field descriptions, refer to Print Success Plan Referral Reports.
Click Run.
Issue Panel
Status of the Success Plan referral. The possible statuses are:
S - Success Plan - Reason Created - indicates an at risk reason has been assigned to the issue.
N - Not Escalated - indicates the issue is closed and did not require a success plan.
S - Success Plan - Assigned - indicates the issue has been added to either a new or existing success plan for the student.
R - Referred - indicates the issue was referred by a teacher but no action has been taken yet.
T - Returned - indicates the issue has been returned to the teacher, either for further action or more information.
Referred By
Name of the teacher who referred the issue.
Location where the issue occurred. The label of this field may display as Location, Course, Homeroom, or Activity, depending on what the teacher entered in TAC to record where the issue occurred.
Location where the issue occurred, for example, Classroom or Cafeteria.
Course section where the issue occurred.
Homeroom where the issue occurred.
Activity where the issue occurred.
Issue Date/Time
Date that the issue was entered by the teacher in TAC.
Administrative Actions Panel
This panel displays only when the Status is Referred.
After you select the Action and save the referral record, this panel no longer displays, but the Status field in the Issue Details panel is updated with the action taken, and a row is added to the Referral History panel with the action details.
If you select the option to create a success plan, "Success Plan Created" as a hyperlink after you save the referral. You can then click the link to display the detail page for the success plan.
If the Status field in the Issue panel displays "Success Plan - Reason Created" as a hyperlink, you can click the link to display the Student Success Plans page to view the reasons and plans for the student.
If the Status field in the Issue panel displays "Success Plan - Assigned" as a hyperlink, you can click the link to display the Success Plan Detail page to view the plan that the reason was assigned to.
Select the action to take with the referral:
S - Assign to Success Plan - to add the issue to either a new or existing success plan for the student, or to assign an at risk reason to the issue so that it can be added to a success plan at a later date. After you select this action, additional fields display.
R - Resolve - to close the issue if it does not require a success plan. After you select this action, a Notes field displays for you to enter additional information.
T - Return - to return the referral to the teacher, either for further action or more information. After you select this action, a Notes field displays for you to enter additional information.
Note to explain the resolution or why the referral is being returned. The Notes field displays only after you select the Resolve or Return in the Action field.
The following fields display only after you select the Assign to Success Plan option in the Action field.
Success Plan Reason
Select a reason to either assign to the issue, assign to an existing success plan, or create a new success plan based on the reason. This field displays only after you select the Assign to Success Plan option in the Action field.
Add to Success Plan
Use Existing Plan
Select this option to assign the issue to one of the student's existing success plans.
When you select this option, you must select a plan in the adjacent unlabeled field from the list of plans already created for this student.
New Plan
Select this option to create a new success plan for the referred issue, and enter a date in the adjacent field. The reason selected in the Success Plan Reason field will be added to the plan.
When you select this option, you must enter a date in the adjacent field and select a plan type to assign to the student's success plan in the Plan Type field.
Plan Type
Select a plan type to assign to the student's success plan.
This field can be accessed only if you selected the New Plan option.
Create Plan Later
Select this option if you want to assign a success plan reason to the issue but intend to add the issue to a success plan later.
Student Involved Panel
Student's name displays in the title of the section.
Student's identification number displays in the title of the section.
Student's date of birth.
Student's age.
Student's home telephone number, which is identified by the H code in the Student Addresses page.
Student's guidance counselor.
Notes entered by the teacher describing the issue.
Success Plan Panel
This panel displays a list of the student's success plans and success plan reasons.
Plan Title
Title or description assigned to the student's success plan. The title NEW indicates that a reason was generated by a calculation for creating a new success plan. To view the corresponding Success Plan Detail page, click the NEW link.
Plan Date
Date the plan was created or started.
Code and description of the reason, as defined in Registration's Reasons table. A reason can be assigned on this page or on the Student Success Plans page. A reason can also be generated by a calculation in Attendance, Discipline, Interim Progress Reports, Report Cards, or Test Scores.
Qualification Criteria
Code identifying the criteria used in the calculation that generated the risk.
Effective Date
Start date for the reason. If the student was calculated to be at risk for the reason, then this is the date that the related calculation was run.
Expiration Date
End date for the reason. If the student was calculated to be exited from the at risk reason, then this is the date that the related calculation was run.
Date the plan was completed.
Referral History Panel
This section provides the history of the referral with separate records for when it was referred, returned, resolved, or escalated.
Referral Date
Date that an action was taken for the referral, as indicated in the Referral Status field.
Referral Status
Status of the Success Plan referral. The possible statuses are:
S - Success Plan - Reason Created - indicates an at risk reason has been assigned to the issue.
N - Not Escalated - indicates the issue is closed and did not require a success plan.
S - Success Plan - Assigned - indicates the issue has been added to either a new or existing success plan for the student.
R - Referred - indicates the issue was referred by a teacher but no action has been taken yet.
T - Returned - indicates the issue has been returned to the teacher, either for further action or more information.
Referred To
The counselor or success plan coordinator to whom the issue was referred. The staff members listed are designated as coordinators in the Plan Coordinators page.
Notes entered by either the teacher in referring the issue or the counselor or SSP coordinator in returning or resolving the issue.
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