Use this page to add or update the Registration configuration record for a building. This information affects how students are added into the system and rolled into the next grade at the end of each year.
From this page, you can also access the Defined Alert Criteria Window. This window opens when you click Edit for a defined alert on the Registration Building Configuration page. Use this window to change the rules for the alert. After you have entered information, click Apply to update the row and close the window. To save your changes, you must click Save on the Registration Building Configuration page.
View a building configuration
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
If a building does not have a configuration defined, it will not have a checkmark in the Registration Configuration Defined column.
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
To mark records for deletion on the Defined Alert, Entry Withdrawal Combinations Criteria, or Required Fields Criteria panels, select the row in its (Delete) column.
You can select multiple rows from multiple panels.
Click Save.
Add or change standard alerts
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
On the Student Alerts panel, enter the appropriate information in the fields.
Enter a check in the Select checkboxes for each Alert Type you want to display on the Student Information Bar.
If needed, specify the codes to display for an alert.
Select whether the alerts should be visible to teachers or substitutes.
Click Save.
Create defined alerts
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Enter the Order and Title in the empty row at the bottom of the Defined Alerts panel.
Select: Visible to Teachers - if the alert can be viewed by teachers in TAC. Visible to Substitutes - if the alert can be viewed by substitutes in TAC. Active - if the alert is active.
Click Edit in the Edit Rules column to display the Defined Alert Criteria dialog.
Enter the alert criteria.
Click Apply.
To create additional Defined alerts, repeat steps 4-8.
Click Save.
Delete a building's configuration information
Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Registration Building Configuration to display the Registration Building Configuration search page.
If the desired building does not display on the Search Results panel, enter the appropriate values in the Search Criteria panel, and click Load at the top right of the page.
Select the checkbox in the building's (Delete) column.
The (Delete) column only displays if the current search displays buildings that are not in use.
Only buildings that are not in use will display a checkbox in this column.
The name of the virtual directory where photos are shared. For example, if your virtual directory is named Photos, enter Photos.
The virtual directory must be defined for all websites from which photos should be displayed. For example, you would need to create the virtual directory for the eSchoolPlus and Teacher Access Center sites if you wanted photos to be available in each of those applications.
Student Photo Directory
The directory used for storing student photos. Character/25
Student Photo Extension
The extension for the file format for the photos, for example, png or jpg.
Entry/Withdrawal Panel
Default Entry Code
The entry code to use as the default when adding new students.
Default Entry Date
The entry date to use as the default on the Add Student page.
D - Day of Today - to use the current date as the default entry date. F - First Day in Calendar - to use the first day in the calendar as the default entry date. T - Tomorrow - to use tomorrow's date as the default entry date. Y -Yesterday - to use yesterday's date as the default entry date.
Select F - First Day in Calendar when entering new students over the summer. Switch to the appropriate type of default entry date after school has begun.
Max Withdrawal Backdate
Indicates the maximum number of membership days prior to the current date that can be used as a student's withdrawal date. The number, which must be from 1-365, does not include the withdrawal date itself. Membership days are determined by the calendar specified in the student's entry/withdrawal record.
For example, if 5 membership days is the maximum, and the current date is Monday, September 30, the earliest date that could be used as a student's entry/withdrawal date would be Monday, September 23 (excludes Saturday-Sunday, September 28-29, since they are non-membership days).
If the field is blank, no backdating applies to registrations.
Drop Out Code
The code to be used to calculate the number of Dropouts To Date if you display the Enrollment widget on your Home page.
Rollover Panel
Rollover Entry Code
The entry code to be assigned by the year-end rollover process. The system enters this value in the student's entry record in this building for the next school year.
Rollover Withdrawal Code
The withdrawal code to be assigned in the entry/withdrawal vector closed by the year-end rollover process.
Teacher Access Panel
Use this panel to enable access for Teachers and Substitutes. For each selection, the Substitutes checkbox is only enabled after its corresponding Teacher checkbox is selected.
Emergency Information may be Viewed in Student Summary Drawer by
Checked if you want teachers or substitutes to see emergency information in the Student Details drawer.
Allow Search for Students by
This option is not currently in use.
May View IEP Files
Checked if you want teachers or substitutes to see Student IEP PDF Files. This option displays only if your district is configured for integration with PowerSchool Special Education or IEPPLUS.
May View Gifted Files
Checked if you want teachers or substitutes to see Student Gifted PDF Files. This option displays only if your district is configured for integration with PowerSchool Special Education IEPPLUS.
May View 504 Plan Files
Checked if you want teachers or substitutes to see Student 504 Plan PDF Files. This option displays only if your district is configured for integration with PowerSchool Special Education IEPPLUS.
Lockers Panel
Assign Lockers
Checked if your building wants to define lockers to assign to students. If this box is checked, the Locker Number field on the Personal page is table-validated by Lockers (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Lockers). The Lockers option is used to define the lockers available in the building. For each locker, you can specify what students may be assigned to the locker by associating the locker with a grade, gender, homeroom, and/or house/team. You can run the Locker Assignment option (Registration > Utilities > Tools > Locker Assignment) to have the system assign lockers to students.
Auto Assign Lockers
Checked if you want to automatically assign the next available locker to a student when you add a new student. Only active if Assign Lockers is selected.
Email Panel
Email Contact
The email address for the building.
This email address is used by Home Access Center as an office contact. HAC's Update Select Contact Information window includes a link to contact the office if the guardians and students wants to update contact information other than phone numbers or email addresses. Guardians and students can only access this window if the HAC Building Configuration's Can Update Email or Can Update Phone checkboxes are selected for the student's building.
Registrar Email
This field is not currently implemented.
Student ID Assignment Panel
This panel only displays if the district configuration is set to assign student IDs by building.
Automatically Assign Student IDs
Checked to require IDs for this building to be system-assigned. Subsequent fields on this panel are only displayed when Automatically Assign Student IDs is selected.
Starting Student ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the lowest Student ID number used for the building.
Maximum Student ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the highest Student ID number that can be assigned for the building. Auto-assigned IDs cannot exceed 2,147,483,647.
Highest Used Student ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the highest Student ID number that the system has assigned for the building. For initial entry, set this to the Starting Student ID.
Allow Override of ID Assignment
Checked if users can enter a Student ID manually to override the system-generation of a Student ID. If unchecked, users cannot enter Student IDs for new students; they must be auto-assigned.
State ID Assignment Panel
This panel only displays if the district configuration is set to assign state IDs by building.
Starting State ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the lowest State ID number used for the building.
Maximum State ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the highest State ID number that can be assigned for the building. Auto-assigned IDs cannot exceed 2,147,483,647.
Highest Used State ID
If you are auto-assigning IDs, the highest State ID number that the system has assigned for the building. For initial entry, set this to the Starting State ID.
State ID Prefix
The letter used as the first character in your state ID, if any.
Allow Override of State ID Assignment
Checked if users can enter a State ID manually to override the system-generation of a State ID. If unchecked, users cannot enter State IDs for new students; they must be auto-assigned.
Student Alerts Panel
Use this panel to configure the display of student alerts on the Student Information Bar. For more information on student alerts, refer to About Student Alerts.
Alert Group
The group to which the alert belongs, for example, Medical, Special Ed, Personal Comments, or Academic.
Checked if you want to display an alert for the alert type.
Alert Type
The specific type of alert. Each alert group features one or more alert types you can select to display.
Alert Codes
For certain alert types, you can select the codes for displaying an alert.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
If there are sensitive codes you do not want to display for all users, make sure you do not include these in an Alert Codes list.
Visible to Teachers
Checked if you want the selected alert to be visible to Teachers in Teacher Access Center.
Visible to Substitutes
Checked if you want the selected alert to be visible to Substitutes in Teacher Access Center.
Defined Alerts Panel
Use this panel to define criteria for displaying additional types of alerts. The fields for each alert criteria create an "if" condition. For an example, refer to the description of the Value field of the Defined Alert Criteria window (click Edit in the Edit Rules field to display the Defined Alert Criteria window).
If the student meets the condition, then the Defined Alert icon displays on the Student Information Bar. When the icon is clicked, the Defined Alerts window displays a list of the defined alerts that apply.
Determines the order in which the custom alert should display in the Defined Alerts window. The alert with the Order value 1 will display first. Number additional alerts sequentially using whole numbers. Integer/5
The title or short message that should display in the Defined Alerts window to identify the alert. Character/30
Visible to Teachers
Checked if you want the custom alert to be visible to teachers in Teacher Access Center.
Visible to Substitutes
Checked if you want the custom alert to be visible to substitutes in Teacher Access Center.
Checked if the alert is active.
Edit Rules
The Defined Alert Criteria window displays the fields below. Click Edit to display the Defined Alert Criteria window. Enter criteria rows using these fields, and click Apply. For a description of the Defined Alert Criteria window, refer to Defined Alert Criteria Window.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Entry Withdrawal Combinations Criteria Panel
The criteria entered in this panel defines rules for assigning entry and withdrawal codes in entry/withdrawal records. For example, a rule can be set up to prevent entry codes for non-resident students from being used in combination with withdrawal codes for resident students.
Criteria Number
Indicates the order in which the criteria for entry/withdrawal records should display. Use whole numbers, starting with 1.
The order will not affect processing but is intended to help you group related criteria.The system reorders the criteria by number when you save your changes.
Indicates whether the criteria should be applied when an entry or withdrawal code is entered for a student.
E - Entry - to set up criteria to be used when an entry code is entered for a student. W - Withdrawal - to set up criteria to be used when a withdrawal code is entered for a student.
Applies to Codes
Select the entry or withdrawal codes whose use is defined by the current criteria line, as determined by the Condition assigned.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The codes available for selection are determined by the value entered in the Type field, E-Entry or W-Withdrawal. For example, if the Type field is set to E-Entry, only entry codes can be selected.
Your selection in the Condition field determines whether an Applies To Code should be either followed or preceded by a Condition Code when a student is entered or withdrawn.
Indicates the condition assigned to the criterion's Applies To Codes and Condition Codes.
F - Followed By - to require that Applies To Codes can be followed only by Condition Codes. P - Preceded By - to require that Applies To Codes can be preceded only by Condition Codes.
Following are examples of how the Condition options can affect an entry or withdrawal:
Applies To
Condition Code
E1 (Entry Intra-District Transfer)
Preceded By
W1 (Withdrawal Intra-District Transfer)
E1 entry code is valid only if preceded by W1 withdrawal code. Thus, E1 is excluded from being valid if the preceding Entry/Withdrawal record's withdrawal code is not W1. This rule does not limit the list of valid entry codes after W1 is used as the withdrawal code.
W1 (Withdrawal Intra-District Transfer)
Followed By
E1 (Entry Intra-District Transfer)
This rule indicates that if W1 is the withdrawal code in the preceding record then the only valid entry code is E1. This rule does not limit E1 from being valid when preceded by other withdrawal codes.
To define rules for an entry code and withdrawal code that must be used in combination, you must define two rules, one for Preceded By and the other for Followed By.
Condition Codes
Select the entry or withdrawal codes whose use is defined by the current criteria line, as determined by the Condition assigned.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The codes available for selection are determined by the value entered in the Type field (E-Entry or W-Withdrawal). For example, if the Type field is set to E-Entry, then only withdrawal codes can be selected as Condition Codes.
Your selection in the Condition field determines whether an Applies To Code should be either followed or preceded by a Condition Code when a student is entered or withdrawn.
Default Entry Code
Defines the entry code to use as the default for a new entry/withdrawal record. This field only applies when the Type field value is W-Withdrawal Code and the Condition field is set to F-Followed By.
Date Gap Restriction
Determines how an entry or withdrawal must be dated when a code from the current criteria line is entered.
M - Next Membership Day - to require the entry or withdrawal to be dated on the subsequent membership day. For example, if a withdrawal is dated 01/04/2014 and an entry code is entered, its date must be for the next membership day. N - No Restriction - to place no date restriction on the entry or withdrawal. The user can assign any valid date from the building's calendar. S - Same Day - to require the same date for both the entry and withdrawal.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Required Fields Criteria Panel
This panel determines the program-tracked fields that must be populated when an entry/withdrawal record is entered. If no criteria is defined for a program-tracked field, then the field is always required.
Criteria Number
Indicates the order in which the criteria for entry/withdrawal records should display. Use whole numbers, starting with 1.
The order will not affect processing but is intended to help you group related criteria. The system reorders the criteria by number when you save your changes.
Entry Codes
Select the entry codes that apply to this criteria line.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Withdrawal Codes
Select the withdrawal codes that apply to this criteria line.
Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
Required Fields
Select the program-tracked fields that must be populated when a student registers or withdraws. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
The Start and End dates for these fields must be absolutely linked, based on the Link Type field in the Program Field Setup page. As a result, the user will not be able to change dates when a program is accessed. For more information, refer to About Programs.
Comment Required
Checked if the Comments field on the Entry/Withdrawal detail page must be completed. Unchecked if the Comments field is optional.
To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save.
Defined Alert Criteria Window Fields
Use the Defined Alert Criteria window to specify the students that the alert applies to based on a set of criteria. To display this window, click Edit Rules for one of the alerts listed in the Defined Alerts panel.
For example, if the alert only applies when the Homeless field on the student's Personal page is set to H (for Homeless), enter Personal as the Area, Homeless Status as the Field Name, = as the Condition, and H - Homeless as the Value.
Number indicating the order in which the system should consider a criteria line. The system adjusts the numbers as you add and delete rows.
Determines the record that is used to select students for the alert, for example, Demographic or Personal.
Academic Demographic Disabilities Emergency Medical Alerts Personal Travel
Field Name
Select the field that applies to the "if" condition. The fields displayed in the drop-down list depend on the Area selected.
Select the operator to define the "if" condition:
= (equals)
equals the value entered in Value
> (is greater than)
is greater than the value entered in Value
>= (is greater than or equal to)
is greater than or equal to the value entered in Value
< (is less than)
is less than the value entered in Value
<= (is less than or equal to)
is less than or equal to the value entered in Value
is in
is found in one of the values entered in Value. Values are entered in a comma-delimited list (for example: R,F,S)
is not in
is not found in one of the values entered in Value. Values are entered in a comma-delimited list (for example: R,F,S)
<> (is not equal to)
is not equal to the value entered in Value
is blank
is null (no value entered)
is not blank
can be any value
starts with
starts with the specified numbers or letters entered in Value
contains the specified numbers or letters entered in Value
is in month
is in the month entered in Value.
is in year
is in the year entered in Value.
Value to use for the "if" condition comparison. If the value entered for a student does not fulfill the comparison, then the alert does not apply. Character/255
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