Use this page to set up factors for determining the at risk status of students. The factors created here display on the At Risk Detail and At Risk Summary Search pages.
Factors can be used to determine a student's overall at risk status or to provide information to enable users to manually update a student's status. For example, an Attendance factor could be set up to have its status calculated by the Attendance Criteria Calculation. If the calculation finds the student meets certain thresholds for unexcused absences or other attendance criteria, a reason would be created, and the factor's status would change to at risk. In turn, the student's overall status could be set to at risk.
In configuring a factor, you can:
Specify whether the factor's status is calculated or set manually.
Designate the reasons from Registration's Reasons table that determine the factor's status. Reasons can be calculated for students based on Attendance, Behavior, Mark Reporting (Progress Reports and Report Cards), Student Success Plans, and Test Scores criteria.
Indicate whether a factor can determine a student's overall at risk status.
Define the factor's title and set the order in which it should appear on at risk pages.
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors.
Add At Risk Factors
This procedure adds at risk factors but does not update the students' at risk pages.
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors.
Enter information in the blank row at the bottom of the grid.
Click Save.
Add At Risk Factors and update students' at risk pages
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors.
Enter a check in the Synchronize Students and Factors checkbox.
Enter information in the blank row at the bottom of the grid.
Click Save.
Update a factor
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors.
Change the field values for the desired factor.
To reorder the at risk factor rows, drag and drop the tab to the left of the Code column.
Click Save.
Note Students' at risk pages will only be updated if Synchronize Students and Factors is checked before you click Save.
Delete a factor
Select Administration > Interventions Setup > At Risk > At Risk Factors.
Enter a check in the factor's (Delete) box.
Click Save.
Note A factor can only be deleted if its status for all students is set to No (not at risk).
Save Options Panel
Synchronize Students and Factors
Checked if you want to add or update factors for students' At Risk Detail and At Risk Summary Search pages when you click Save. Unchecked if you want to save factor information but do not want to update students' pages.
In updating students' pages, you also affect records for the new factors. To check the system's progress in synchronizing this information, click the down triangle next to Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. For details on the factors updated, review the Student At Risk Factor Sync Statistics Log file that is generated.
Factors Panel
Descriptive code identifying the factor, for example, Suspension or Homeless. Each code must be unique and cannot include a space or certain characters (?, % & |*). Character/10
On the At Risk Detail page, the code displays on the factor's panel header, along with the entry from the Label field, separated by a hyphen.
On the At Risk Summary Search page, the codes display as column headers, and labels are not used.
In both cases, it is important that users can understand the terms or abbreviations you enter.
Text identifying the factor, for example, Behavior Issues or Failing Report Card. Character/255
Defines how the factor is applied on the At Risk Detail page. The selections also determine the other fields you need to complete to save the factor. For example, when Academic is assigned as the type, the Field field is required. Selections other than Calculated require users to manually set the factor's status on the At Risk Detail page. With these factors, the fields included for display provide information to help users determine the appropriate status.
Calculated - to indicate that the factor is calculated based on whether the student has certain at risk reasons tied to Attendance, Behavior, Report Cards, Progress Reports, Test Scores, or Student Success Plan. Only calculated types can automatically set a factor's status. With Calculated as the type, you must specify the reasons that would be created, using the Calculations - Number of Needed Reasons / Associated Reasons fields. Manual Entry - to enable users to manually set the factor's at risk status to Yes, No, and if available, Former. Academic - to display a value from a selected field on the Academic page. For example, you could select the page's Promotion field, which would then display the field's title and value on the At Risk Detail page, for example, Promotion: Yes. Personal - to display a value from a selected field on the Personal page. For example, you could tie the record to the page's Homeless Status field, in which case, the field's title and value will display on the At Risk Detail page, for example, Homeless Status: No. District Defined Page - to display either a value from a field on a selected district-defined page or a link to the entire district-defined page. For example, you could tie the record to a page's Substance Abuse field. In this case, the field's title and value will display on the At Risk Detail page, for example, Substance Abuse: No.
Name of the field associated with the factor from the Academic, Personal, or district-defined page. Select the page where the field displays.. This field only applies if one of these options is selected in the Type/Screen field. The choices available in the field's drop-down list correspond to the page selected.
The field you select displays on the headers of factor panels on At Risk Detail page, followed by its value from the appropriate student page. For example, if Academic is selected as the type and the field is Graduation Date, Graduation Date: 6/12/2018 displays on this factor's panel on the student's At Risk Detail page. The field and its value are for information purposes only and do not affect the factor's at risk status.
If the district-defined page is a list page, then the Field field will be disabled.
If the Type/Screen field is a district defined page and a field is not specified, then the page's title displays in the At Risk Detail page as a link. Users can view the entire district-defined page in a pop-up window by clicking the link.
Calculations - Number of Needed Reasons / Associated Reasons
Number of reasons that must occur to set the student's status to at risk for a given factor. For example, if the number is set to 3, a student would be at risk if they had any combination of 3 reasons, such as Unexcused Absences, Tardies, and Behavior Issues.
This field only applies when the Type/Screen is set to Calculated.
The assignment of reasons to factors is defined by criteria set up for Attendance, Behavior, Progress Reports, Report Cards, and Testing. The criteria is used in calculations that determine whether a student has failed to meet certain thresholds. If so, the reason associated with the criteria will display for the factor in the student's At Risk Detail page. In addition, reasons can be manually entered in the Student Success Plans page.
Update Overall
Checked if the factor should be used to update a student's overall at risk status. Unchecked if the factor does not affect the overall status.
Allow "Former" Status
Checked if Former should be added to the Value field's selections on the At Risk Detail page to indicate a factor was once at risk, but no longer is. Unchecked if the factor's status should be limited to Yes or No.
Former, if available, also applies as a status on the At Risk Summary Search page, where it is signified by a yellow (No Longer at Risk) icon.
Checked if the factor should be included on the Student At Risk and At Risk Summary Search pages. Unchecked if the factor is inactive and should not display on these pages.
To add factors to students' pages, you must check the Active and Synchronize Students and Factors boxes, then click Save. You can remove a factor from students' at risk pages by unchecking the Active box, then clicking Save.
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