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Interventions - At Risk

Students who are not experiencing success in school and are in danger of dropping out are considered at risk students. There are often multiple factors that contribute to a student being at risk. For example:

  • Student has failed a grade.
  • Student has more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking period.
  • Student is or was homeless.
  • Student has failing marks in more than one course.
  • Student has been involved in a behavior incident involving drug or alcohol use.
  • Student has failed a state standardized test.

The criteria that determine whether a student's overall status is at risk are defined by state reporting requirements or district policy.

Identifying the students your district considers to be at risk likely requires analysis of student personal, academic, and behavioral information. The At Risk options provide tools to help your district track at risk students based on eSchoolPlus information. Your district can define multiple factors that need to be reviewed for students and criteria to calculate whether students may be at risk based on attendance, behavior, progress reports, report cards, or test score information, as well as student success plans.

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