Use this page to view and update at risk information for your students. The page displays the status of various at risk factors as well as the student's overall status.
A factor's status can be determined as follows, depending on how the factor is configured on the At Risk Factors page:
By calculating the status based on Attendance, Behavior, Report Card, Progress Report, Student Success Plans, and Test Scores criteria. When a factor's status is calculated to be at risk, one or more reasons associated with the calculation display as section in the factor's panel. Click (Expand) or (Collapse) next to the reason's title to display the records that triggered the reason, for example, absences or behavior incidents.
By manually setting the status. If a factor is not calculated, then its status must be set manually. If a factor is associated with a field, the field's label and value display next to the status field. You can refer to the value to help you determine how to set the status.
Some factors affect a student's overall at risk status, while others may be solely informational. Based on the factor's setup, you may be able to override the calculated status for certain factors. In any case, you always have the option of overriding the calculation that determines the student's overall status.
For an overview on setting up and maintaining student at risk information, refer to About Student At Risk.
View At Risk Detail records
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
View history of student's overall status
If your district uses program tracking to track students' at risk status, the At Risk field on the Overall At Risk Panel displays as a link, and you can use the following procedure to display the history of the program.
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
On the Overall At Risk panel, click the link in the At Risk field.
Review the information on the Programs pop-up window.
Click Cancel.
Change student's overall status
If you district uses program tracking for students' at risk status
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
On the Overall At Risk panel, click the link in the At Risk field to open the Programs window.
To enter the student in the at risk program, enter the starting date the Start Date Field, click Save, and then enter a check in the Calculation Ovr box on the Overall At Risk Panel. If the current row has an end date, click Add, enter the start date in the Start Date Field of the new row, click Save, and then enter a check in the Calculation Ovr box on the Overall At Risk Panel.
To end a student's overall at risk status, enter an End Date in the current row and then enter a check in the Calculation Ovr box on the Overall At Risk Panel.
Click Save.
If you district does not use program tracking for students' at risk status
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
On the Overall At Risk panel, either enter or clear a checkmark in the At Risk field.
Click Save.
Update a student's risk factors
Risk factors are displayed as separate panels on the At Risk Detail page.
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Change the Status fields as needed to set the status of individual factors.
Click Save to save your entries and run the calculation that determines the student's overall at risk status. To override the calculation, enter a check the Calculation Ovr box on the Overall At Risk panel before saving.
If Student At Risk is program tracked and the student's overall status has changed, proceed with remaining steps.
In the dialog that displays, enter a date to indicate the start or end date of the student's status.
If the current row has an end date and you need to enter a start date, click Add, and enter the start date in the new row
Click Save.
View detail for factors tied to program-tracked fields
If a label and value display (for example, Homeless: No) and the value is a link, then the label identifies an eSchoolPlus field that is program tracked. Clicking the link opens the Programs window, which displays the field's history, including Start and End Dates and related values.
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click the program tracked link.
View the program tracked information in the Programs window.
Click Cancel.
View details for factors tied to district-defined information
If a field is linked to a district-defined page, the page's title displays as a link. Click to display full details on factors tied to district-defined information. The related district-defined page displays in a pop-up window. The values displayed are intended to help you in manually setting the factor's status.
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click the district-defined page's link.
View detail for a calculated reason
Calculated reasons tied to a calculation in either Attendance, Behavior, Report Cards, Progress Reports, or Test Scores display as sections on a panel.
Select Interventions > All > Student > At Risk Detail.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the student, then click their link.
Click (Expand) or (Collapse) next to the reason's title to show or hide its details.
Student Information Bar
The bar, which displays on all student pages just below the Home icon and Menu button, includes options to view the student's alerts, attachments, and notes and to email the student's teachers and guardians.
Overall At Risk Panel
At Risk
Student's overall at risk status, as determined by either a calculation or manual entry. For the system to set the overall status, there must be at least one factor configured to do so.
Depending on the factor, calculations may be performed in either Attendance, Behavior, Mark Reporting (Progress Reports and Report Cards), or Test Scores. The results are applied to calculated factors when saved. If needed, you can override the calculations by checking the Calculation Ovr box before saving.
The field will display either a checkbox or a yes/no link where:
Yes - indicates the student is at risk. No - indicates the student is not at risk.
The field's display depends on the following:
If your district program tracks at risk, the Overall At Risk field displays the student's status as a link. Clicking the link opens the Programs window, which shows the Start and End Dates for each time period the student was at risk. If the first line has a Start Date but no End Date and the line's Value box is checked, then the student is currently at risk. Note that the program-tracked value (Yes or No) also displays as a link in the At Risk field on the student's Personal page.
If at risk is not program tracked, the field displays a checkbox. The default is unchecked, but this can change to checked based on the At Risk Calculation. You can manually change the displayed value if the Calculation Ovr box is checked to override the calculation before clicking Save.
Calculation Ovr (Override)
Checked if you want to override the At Risk Calculation. Unchecked if you want the calculation to determine the student's overall at risk status.
Last Calculated
Date and time when the overall status was last calculated. If the field is blank, then the calculation has not been run for the student. The calculation runs when you click Save but only if a factor can update the overall status, the factor's status has changed, and the Calculation Ovr box (if available for the factor) is not checked.
At Risk Factor Panels
Each factor displays in its own panel. Factors are configured on the At Risk Factors page. Each panel's title displays the factor's code and description. Factors that display a checkmark after the Calculates Overall field update the student's overall at risk status. For more information on certain factors, click the links in the factor's panel.
Calculated reasons tied to a calculation in either Attendance, Behavior, Report Cards, Progress Reports, or Test Scores display as sections. Click (Expand) or (Collapse) next to the reason's title to show or hide its details.
Factor's at risk status, as determined by either a manual entry or a calculation. If needed, you may change the displayed value, select:
F - Former - to indicate the student was formerly at risk regarding the factor. The availability of the Former option depends on how the factor is configured in the At Risk Factor page. N - No - to indicate the student is not at risk in regards to the factor. Y- Yes - to indicate the student is at risk for the factor.
Ovr (Override)
Checked if you want to set the factor's status manually and override the calculation associated with the factor. Unchecked if the calculation should determine the factor's status. This box only displays if a calculation is used to set the factor's status.
Reasons/Source Data (unlabeled)
Displays either a label and value tied to an eSchoolPlus field or one or more reasons from a calculation.
If a label and value display (for example, Homeless: No) and the value is a link, then the label identifies an eSchoolPlus field that is program tracked. Clicking the link opens the Programs window, which displays the field's history, including Start and End Dates and related values.
If a label and value display and the value is not a link, then the system is referencing a field in the Academic, Personal, or a district-defined page.
Calculated and Manual factors do not display in this field.
If the source is an entire district-defined page, the page's title displays as a link. Clicking the link displays the page.
Last Calculated
Date of the factor's most recent calculation or update. For example, if you manually change a factor, the factor's date will change to today's date when you click Save. For calculated factors, the date indicates when the calculation associated with the factor was last run, unless the factor was changed manually since that time.
Calculates Overall
Displays a checkmark if the factor is configured to update the student's overall at risk status. If the checkmark does not display, the factor has no effect on the overall status and is intended for informational purposes only.
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