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About Student At Risk

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eSchoolPlus At Risk Structure

At Risk options include a hierarchy of levels for at risk so you can identify students who are at risk and students who are in danger of becoming at risk.

At Risk Reasons

At risk reasons are assigned to a student who met the criteria defined for one of the at risk calculations. Reasons can be calculated based on attendance, behavior, progress reports, report cards, and test scores. For example, you could define an attendance criteria to assign an at risk reason when a student has more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking period. Think of reasons as the first identifier of a student who is at risk or who may eventually be determined to be at risk.

These reasons can also include student success plan reasons.

At Risk Factors

At risk factors define all the rules that your district uses to determine at risk status. For example, your district may track factors for homeless status, academic failure, and pregnancy. Your district can set the overall status to at risk if any of the factors indicate the student is at risk or can track factors for internal use so your staff can identify the students who are in danger of becoming at risk. Think of factors as the at risk indicators that your district checks to determine if a student is at risk of dropping out.

Your district defines the factors to track for at risk. A factor may be associated with demographic information for the student or with calculated at risk reasons. If a factor is defined to be calculated based on at risk reasons, then the calculation that sets the reason will also update a factor's status, if appropriate.

Your district can set up a factor so the student is at risk only when the student meets multiple at risk reasons. For example, an Academic Failure factor may require that a student has both of the following reasons: Student has a failing mark in more than one course and has more than 5 unexcused absences in a marking period.

The At Risk Detail page displays all at risk factors that your district has defined. Use this page to review and update the factors for a student.

For more information on at risk factors, refer to At Risk Factors.

Overall At Risk

Overall at risk status identifies students who are in danger of dropping out. Your district policy determines the reasons that a student is at risk. You can choose whether an individual at risk factor will set the overall at risk status as well. For example, a student who was homeless may be an at risk student. The At Risk field on the Personal page is the overall at risk status. The student's at risk status may be included in state reporting information.


The policy at a district is that an at risk student is one who meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • Is not meeting the requirements necessary for promotion to the next grade; is failing subjects or courses of study
  • Has insufficient mastery of skills or is not meeting state standards (e.g., is below "meeting standards" on state assessments)
  • Has been retained
  • Has a high rate of absenteeism
  • Is Homeless

To track these criteria, at risk factors are defined as follows:

  • At Risk for Non-Promotion
  • Insufficient Mastery of Skills
  • Retained
  • Absenteeism
  • Homeless

For factors that can be calculated based on eSchoolPlus data, an administrator defined at risk reasons and at risk calculation criteria.

  • To calculate the status for the At Risk for Non-Promotion factor, a Report Card At Risk Setup is defined to assign an at risk reason of "Failing more than one course" if the student has more than one F mark in courses during a grading period.
  • To calculate the Insufficient Mastery of Skills factor, a Test Scores At Risk Setup is defined for test scores to assign an at risk reason of "Insufficient mastery of skills for math" if the student's overall math score is below 62 for the state standards test.
  • To calculate the status for Absenteeism, an Attendance Criteria Setup is defined to assign an at risk reason of "More than 5 unexcused absences" if the student has more than five unexcused absences.

For the Retained and Homeless factors, the district would have the following linking:

  • A Retained factor linked to the Academic – Promotion field
  • A Homeless factor linked to the Personal – Homeless field
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