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Teacher Course Submission

This section of the documentation will review prerequisites necessary to create the files for the Teacher – Course submission, go over the process to create the files and give you the file layouts/mapping for the Staff Snapshot, Location Marking Period, Marking Period, Course, Student Class Grade, Staff Student Course, Staff Evaluation Rating, Student Class Entry/Exit, and Course Instructor files that comprise the Teacher – Course submission. 

Important: Make sure Student Lite and School Entry/Exit data is up to date in SIRS before you submit for any other template.

Teacher Course Prerequisites

  1. Verify that staff members that you need to report to the State have a State ID on the Staff Information page (Staff Data for New York State Reporting).
  2. Make sure that courses that you want to report have a valid State Course number. See the Course Catalog section for more information. If you need to override the State Course number at the Course Section level, update the Override State Course Number field on the NY Course Information page.
  3. If you need to report a different local course number than the one stored in your Building Course Catalog, set up an override in the NY Course Information page's Override Local Course Number field (Course, Student Class Grade Detail, and Staff Student Course).
  4. If the Regents Exam results have been factored into a course grade, update the Regents Factored Into Grade field on the NY Course Information page (Student Class Grade Detail).
  5. Verify that student grades have been entered for the Mark Types that you are reporting (Student Class Grade Detail).
  6. If your district has any buildings with a locally-used grading scale that you need to translate to a 0-100 scale for state reporting purposes, select Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Setup > Level Table. Use the Mark field for the locally-used grade value and associate that Mark to a State Code Equiv for the 0-100 scale value. Make sure the appropriate Level table is assigned to the Master Schedule course-section session in the Course Level field (Student Class Grade Detail).
  7. Make sure that you have updated the NY State Information page for each building to indicate the Mark Type to use for the Final Grade and define Pull Out Minutes Format for tracking students/staff relationship time in cases where secondary staff serve on a push-in/pull-out basis (Student Class Grade Detail and Staff Student Course).
  8. Based on your School Year prompt selection, the Student Class Grade Detail download includes all summer school course-sections defined in the Master Schedule with the Marks Are field set as T – Retained for Transcripts. This includes courses taken for graduation credit, a final grade, or Credit Recovery. Credit Recovery courses have the NY Course Credit Recovery page saved at the Course Section level with the Credit Recovery Course box checked (Student Class Grade Detail).
  9. For the Staff Student Course collection, the download uses the student's Entry/Withdrawal calendar to determine valid dates for calculating Enrollment Linkage Duration, Attendance Linkage Duration, Linkage Duration Adjustment, and Course Duration through Assessment Date. A valid date will have these two boxes checked: Membership Day and Attendance Day (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar > Month View > click link for a specific calendar date). It will also have a Membership Value greater than 0 (zero), and a Cycle Day will be assigned to the date (Staff Student Course).
  10. Assign State Code Equiv values with your Marking Period codes (Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods). These are used to populate the Term Code field (Staff Student Course). Important: The download only calculates minutes for a calendar date if that date falls within a Marking Period with a State Code Equiv defined. Missing State Code Equivs also will affect Relationship Start and End Dates since the download will only assign a date falling within a Marking Period that has the State Code Equiv set up.
  11. Associate staff members with your courses in the Master Schedule (Staff Student Course and Course Instructor Assignment).
  12. Decide how you are tracking Linkage Duration Adjustment for primary staff, co-teachers, and push-in/pull-out staff. For information on the options available to you and setup steps based on those decisions, refer to Staff Student Course Collection and Linkage Duration Adjustment (Staff Student Course).
  13. Set up Evaluation Dates records with the appropriate assessment dates, then associate course codes with the appropriate Evaluation Dates. For a procedure, refer to Setup for Staff Student Course Submission (Staff Student Course). For the Staff Student Course submission, courses are included only if they are associated with an Evaluation Date.
  14. If you need to override a student Evaluation Date for reporting in the Staff Student Course submission, use the Evaluation Retest field on the NY Course Override district-defined page (Staff Student Course).
  15. Student absence and tardy minutes are included in the calculation of Staff Student Course collection's Attendance Linkage Duration field. The Teacher Course Download lets you calculate absence minutes based on Attendance Codes assigned to students in the Attendance Bottomline table. You are not limited to the State Codes of U, E, and T. For information on how the download uses Attendance Codes, refer to the Attendance Linkage Duration Calculation section (Staff Student Course).
  16. If you need to override the system-calculated Course Duration through Assessment Date, use the NY Course Information page's Override Total Course Minutes field (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > NY Course Information) (Staff Student Course). If you need to override this value for a single student, use the NY Course Override page's Course Time Override field (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click appropriate Course Description link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override).
  17. If you need to override calculated values for a student's Enrollment Linkage Duration or Attendance Linkage Duration, you can update the NY Course Override page's Potential Attendance Override and Actual Attendance override fields respectively (Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click appropriate Course Description link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Course Information section > NY Course Override) (Staff Student Course).
  18. The Student Course Detail page shows the add and drop dates for a student in a specific course-section, accessed through Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click appropriate Course Description link (Student Class Entry/Exit).
  19. Enter staff evaluation data on the staff district-defined pages set up for the Staff Evaluation Rating file (page 10150, 10160, 10170, 10180, 10190, 10210 and 10220 – Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > District-Defined panel) (Staff Evaluation Rating).

Teacher Course Processing

Regulatory > Downloads > Downloads > NY Teacher Course Download


Value for Teacher – Course Submission Files

School Year

Select the year for which you want to create records.


Select All or select specified buildings to run the download for one or more buildings.

Reporting Staff ID

Select the Staff ID Type to use for the submission:

  • Local Staff ID
  • State Staff ID

Level 0 Validation

Checked if the download should apply the same data validation as does the SIRS Level 0 application. This is in addition to data validation already performed by the download for the Staff Evaluation Rating and Staff Student Course collections.

If you select this option, the download logs Level 0 validation errors, if any. Refer to the SIRS Level 0 Validation Errors for a listing of possible messages related to this prompt.


  • To delete all existing records for a collection in the selected School Year and update the download table based on Filter criteria, check the collection's boxes for Populate Table and Clear All. Note that Clear All does not affect records with overrides in the download table.
  • To insert records not previously downloaded based on Filter criteria, check the associated Populate Table box and un-check the Clear All box.
  • To preserve download table overrides for Student Class Grade Detail, Staff Student Course, or Student Class Entry/Exit, make sure the associated Clear Overrides box is un-checked.

If you run the download with Clear All checked, download table overrides are still preserved for the school year, unless you check the Clear Overrides box also, in which case records with overrides are also cleared.

Absence Codes

This is used to select Absence Codes the download will reference in the Attendance Bottomline table to count absence minutes for calculating the Staff Student Course collection's Attendance Linkage Duration field. The download subtracts minutes anywhere it finds the codes you select at this prompt, as long as the code is on a Cycle Day and period(s) when the course meets.

You can select any codes or no codes. You are not limited to the State Codes of U and E.

If you do not select any Absence Codes on the Download page, the calculation counts absence minutes anywhere it finds an Attendance Code with no Arrive or Dismiss Time. If the student's enrollment building takes Homeroom attendance, the student is considered absent for all periods in the day if an Attendance Code is recorded for a particular day.

Tardies Codes

This is used to select Tardy Codes the download will reference in the Attendance Bottomline table to count absence minutes for calculating the Staff Student Course collection's Attendance Linkage Duration field. The download subtracts minutes anywhere it finds the codes you select at this prompt, as long as the code is on a Cycle Day and period(s) when the course meets.

If the student's building uses Homeroom attendance, then Arrive or Dismiss Times need to be entered for the absence minutes to be counted.

You can select any codes or no codes. You are not limited to the State Code of T.

If you do not select any Tardy Codes on the Download page, then for a Period attendance building, the calculation counts absence minutes wherever it finds an Attendance Code. Arrive and Dismiss Times are required to determine minutes for a Homeroom attendance building.

  1. Run the Teacher/Course Download.
  2. Review the errors and warnings in the log file available through the Tasks/Reports menu. You can also review these messages using View Task Logs.
  3. Re-run the Teacher/Course Download using the same prompts as in Step 1 as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  4. You may also go to the To View Individual Student Download Records or To Search for Student Download Records sections of the User Guide to see how to view the Student Class Grade Detail, Staff Student Course, and Student Class Entry/Exit data that will be sent to the State to spot-check some students and review students that may have exceptions in their data.
  5. Run the Teacher/Course Extracts (Regulatory > Extracts > Extracts > NY Teacher Course Extract).
  6. You will get files on Tasks/Reports called NYStaff, NYCourse, NY Location Marking Period, NY Marking Period Code, NY Staff Student Course, Student Class Grade Detail, NY Staff Evaluation Rating, NY Course Instructor Assignment, and NY Class Entry Exit. Right-click on the file and save it to your PC. The file name will include the School Year and the Date/Time you ran the file before the txt extension.


Value for Teacher – Course Submission Files

School Year

Enter the current school year.

Location Code Length (Zero Pad)

Select the length you need the extract to use when zero-padding the Location Code field in the files it generates. Your selection is based first on knowing the length of your local Building codes and comparing this to the Location Code length of 6 in the actual file layout.

For example, if you use three-digit codes for buildings and you want to left-pad Location Codes with three zeroes, you would select 6 in this field, letting the extract know wherever it finds a Location Code with fewer than six digits, it needs to add zeroes until it reaches that six-digit length.

If you leave this field blank or select a number that is less than the number of digits in your building numbers, the extract will populate the Location Code exactly as it appears in eSchoolPlus.

Extract Options

Check each field for the file(s) that you want to create.

Upload the file(s) to Level 0.

Processing Notes

Following are descriptions of how the Teacher Course Download creates Staff Student Course records in specific situations. 

If the staff-student-course linkage is interrupted but resumed: 

A separate Staff Student Course record is created for each continuous duration in which student, staff member, and course were linked. Multiple records occur if the student drops and re-adds the course, a teacher leaves the course and returns, or a push-in/pull-out staff member's linkage to a student ends then restarts via the Student Staff Course Linking page. 

If a course is associated with multiple Evaluation Dates, one with Regents/Common Core box checked and one with Regents/Common Core box un-checked: 

High school students (grade levels 09, 10, 11, and 12) get a record only for the Evaluation Date with the Regents/Common Core box checked. Other students in the course get a record for each Evaluation Date.


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