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Setup for Staff Student Course Submission

The Staff Student Course collection creates records only for courses associated with Evaluation Dates in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup. The sections that follow describe the two New York-specific setups used to link course numbers with state assessment dates.

State Course Codes for Courses Ending in a State Assessment

Course Code

Course Name


Grade 3 English Language Arts*


Grade 3 Mathematics*


Grade 4 English Language Arts*


Grade 4 Mathematics*


Grade 5 English Language Arts*


Grade 5 Mathematics*


Grade 6 English Language Arts*


Grade 6 Mathematics*


Grade 7 English Language Arts*


Grade 7 Mathematics*


Grade 8 English Language Arts*


Grade 8 Mathematics*


Grade 4 Science


Grade 8 Science


English/Language Arts III (Common Core)


Algebra I (Common Core)*


Geometry (Common Core)*


Algebra II (Common Core)*


Earth Science


Regents Earth Science Lab**




Regents Biology Lab**




Regents Chemistry Lab**




Regents Physics Lab**


U.S. History – Comprehensive


World History and Geography

*To be reported in Staff Student Course.
**Use the science lab course code in a case where (1) a science course ends in a Regents exam and (2) the lab and course are scheduled separately or have different teachers.
If the lab is scheduled separately from the course, do not report a separate course grade for the lab.

NY Evaluation Dates

Menu path: From the Regulatory menu, choose Setup, choose Setup, and then select NY Evaluation Dates.

Use this option to create Evaluation Date records which you will then associate with State Course codes from the Master Schedule. The connection between the course codes and Evaluation Dates facilitates creation of Staff Student Course records. In the Evaluation Date record, you:

  • Assign a code to an Evaluation Date. You will use the codes to link Evaluation Dates to State Course codes in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup.
  • Designate whether the Evaluation Date is for a Regents Exam or for some other state assessment. This designation determines grade-level processing for students in courses associated with the Evaluation Date. Refer to the field descriptions for details.

Note that each record in this setup signifies a date when students take a state assessment. These are not records for the state assessments themselves. In the sample page below, you will see a record for the January and June Regents Exams. You only need one record for each date when students take the Regents Exams. You will associate these dates with the appropriate State Course codes in the NY State Courses/Evaluation Dates setup.




Unique code identifying the Evaluation Date record. Define a record for each state assessment date you need to associate with courses for the Staff Student Course collection. If more than one type of state evaluation occurs on the same date, you may create more than one Evaluation Date record for that date. [Character/10]

Evaluation Date

Date when the state evaluation occurs. This is used as the Reporting Date in the Staff Student Course collection.


Checked if the Evaluation Date record is for a Regents Exam. The Teacher Course Download uses this setting to determine whether a student gets a Staff Student Course record. Processing is as follows:

  • If the download finds the course is linked to an Evaluation Date record with the Regents/Common Core box checked, then all students in the course get a Staff Student Course record for that Evaluation Date.
  • For a course linked to an Evaluation Date record with the Regents/Common Core box unchecked, the download creates a Staff Student Course record only for students not in high school (Grades 09, 10, 11, or 12).

Data Conversion Notes

Records in the NY Evaluation Dates setup were previously stored in the New York validation table Evaluation Groups. If you had records in the validation table, PowerSchool converted that data into records for the new setup.
The data conversion processed as follows:

  • If the conversion found an Evaluation Group record associated with both an Assessment Evaluation Date and a Regents Evaluation Date, it created two Evaluation Date records. The record for the Assessment Evaluation Date uses the old Eval Group value as the new Code. The record for the Regents Evaluation Date gets a Code using the old Eval Group value appended by an R.
  • For an Evaluation Date record created from an Evaluation Group Assessment Evaluation Date, the Regents/Common Core box is unchecked. If the Evaluation Date record comes from an Evaluation Group Regents Evaluation Date, the Regents/Common Core box is checked.

Year End Rollover

NY Evaluation Dates records are stored in your database by school year. Therefore, you will need to copy records forward from one year to the next. In the new year's environment, you then will update the Evaluation Dates for the next school year.
Follow these steps to make sure you have the appropriate Evaluation Dates set up in the next year's environment:

  1. In your current year environment, select (menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Utilities, choose Mass Entry & Update, and then select Copy Setups.)
  2. In the Copy From section, select the current School Year. You can use any Building since Evaluation Dates are defined at the district level, not by building.
  3. In the Copy To section, choose the upcoming year in the School Year List. Again, you can choose any building since Evaluation Dates setups are district wide.
  4. Under the Setups panel, check the NY Course/Dates field in the Scheduling section. This will copy both the NY Evaluation Dates and NY State Courses/Evaluation Dates setups to the destination year environments.
  5. Click Run.
  6. Access the next year's environment.
  7. Select (menu path: From the Regulatory menu, choose Setup, choose Setup, and then select NY Evaluation Dates.)
  8. Update the Evaluation Dates as appropriate for the new year.

NY State Course Evaluation Dates

Menu path: From the Regulatory menu, choose Setup, choose Setup, and then select NY State Course/Evaluation Dates.

Use this setup to link courses from your Master Schedule to the appropriate state assessment dates that apply to those courses. To make the link, you will use codes already established in the NY Evaluation Dates setup. Typically, you will use State Course Codes associated with Master Schedule course-sections in the Building Course Catalog, though you may use local course codes if needed.

The connection of course codes to Evaluation Dates determines whether the course gets a Staff Student Course record. Students only get Staff Student Course records if their course is tied to an Evaluation Date. If the course is linked to multiple Evaluation Dates, a student may get multiple records depending on the student's grade level and the setup of the Evaluation Date record. Refer to the Staff Student Course Processing section following the field descriptions for more information. 




Course code identifying the record. This usually should be a State Course Code that is associated with local course codes through the Mark Reporting Course Equivalency Definition option or the Building Course Catalog.

If needed, you may set up a record using a local course code in this field.

This is the course you are then associating with Evaluation Date codes, in turn determining the way Staff Student Course records are generated for the course.

If you use a State Course Code, then the setup applies to any Master Schedule course-section associated with that State Course Code. If you use a local course code, the setup applies just to Master Schedule course-sections for that local code.


Brief description identifying the State Course/Evaluation Dates record. [Character/255]

State Code Equiv

Unique state code equiv value associated with the State Course/Evaluation Dates record. You can use the same value that you entered in the Code field, but you are not required to make these entries match. This field is an identifier required by eSchoolPlus state reporting processing. It does not require entry of a State Course number. Any identifying code is sufficient. [Character/10]

Evaluation Code

Select the code for each Evaluation Date associated with the course you identified in the Code field. You can assign up to four Evaluation Codes identifying the appropriate state assessment dates. For information on how the Teacher Course Download creates Staff Student Course records for these dates, refer to the following section on Staff Student Course Processing.

Staff Student Course Processing

The Teacher Course Download uses the connection of courses and Evaluation Dates to create Staff Student Course records. The download only creates records for courses that are linked to Evaluation Dates in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup.

Beyond checking whether a course is linked to an Evaluation Date, there are several other factors that influence whether the Staff Student Course record is generated for a particular student and assessment date:

  1. Student Course-Level Overrides: If a student has an Evaluation Retest date assigned on the NY Course Override student course district-defined page, the retest date is reported instead of the dates linked to the course in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup.
  2. Compare Evaluation Date to Course Dates: If an Evaluation Date falls before the start of the course, no Staff Student Course record is created for that date. Records are created for Evaluation Dates falling during and after the course duration.
  3. Regents/Common Core setting from Evaluation Dates record: For each Evaluation Code associated with the course, the download looks at the Evaluation Dates setup's Regents/Common Core setting. If the Regents/Common Core box is checked, all students in the course get a Staff Student Course record. If the Regents/Common Core box is not checked, records are created only for students not in high school. High school grade levels are 09, 10, 11, and 12.

Data Conversion Notes

Records in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup were previously stored in the New York validation table State Courses List. If you had records in the validation table, PowerSchool converted that data into records for the new setup.
In a case where a State Courses List record linked to an Evaluation Group defined for both an Assessment Evaluation Date and a Regents Evaluation Date, the conversion creates the new NY State Course/Evaluation Dates record to link with two Evaluation Codes. One of the codes comes from the original Evaluation Group code, and it signifies the Assessment Evaluation Date. The other code will be the same as the other one, except it is appended with an R. This signifies the Regents Evaluation Date. 

Note that you can add up to four Evaluation Date Codes for any course. The data conversion only gives you a maximum of two dates since this is all the old setup allowed. You should review your converted data in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup to see if you need more dates for any of your courses.

Year End Rollover

NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setups are stored in your database by school year. Therefore, you will need to copy records forward from one year to the next. 

Follow these steps to make sure you have the appropriate State Course/Evaluation Dates setups in the next year's environment:

  1. In your current year environment, select (menu path: From the Administration menu, choose Utilities, choose Copy Setups, and then select Copy Setups.)
  2. In the Copy From Information section, select the current School Year. You can use any Building since this setup is defined at the district level, not by building.
  3. In the Copy To Information section, choose the upcoming year in the School Year List. Again, you can choose any building since this is a district-wide setup.
  4. In the Setups to Copy section, check the NY Course/Dates box under Scheduling. This will copy both the NY Evaluation Dates and NY State Courses/Evaluation Dates setups to the destination year environments.
  5. Click Copy.
  6. Access the next year's environment.
  7. Select (menu path: From the Regulatory menu, choose Setup, choose Setup, and then select NY Evaluation Dates.)
  8. Update the actual Evaluation Dates as appropriate for the new year.
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