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New York State Reporting Setup

New York State Validation Tables

Menu pathSelect Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. Choose New York State Reporting for Applications. Select the required table name for Validation Table.

This section provides information on the validation tables created specifically for use in the New York state reporting. Your state reporting team defines and maintains the data in these tables.

eSchoolPlus Validation Table

State Description

Attendance Religious Days

Enter your District's religious holidays in this table for use in the SA-129 Report

LEP Program

Program Service Codes: Limited English Proficiency Programs

Integration Level

CTE Programs

Career and Technical Education Program Codes

Test Definitions

Test Group and Test Description for Assessment Fact template

English Language Arts/Math Assessments

Standard Achieved Codes: New York State Testing Program Assessments in English Language Art and Mathematics Grades 3-8

NYSAA for Students with Severe Disabilities

Standard Achieved Codes: New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) for Students with Severe Disabilities

Alternate Assessments of Other States

Standard Achieved Codes: Alternate Assessments of Other States


Standard Achieved Codes: New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) — Grades K–1, 2–4, 5–6, 7–8, or 9–12

Science Test – Grades 4-8

Standard Achieved Codes: New York State Science Test — Grades 4 and 8

Social Studies Test – Grades 5 and 8

Standard Achieved Codes: New York State Social Studies Test — Grades 5 and 8

Regents Examinations

Standard Achieved Codes: Regents Examinations

Reading First

Component Retests – English/Math

Regency Competency Tests

Standard Achieved Codes: Regents Competency Tests

Approved Alternatives to Regents Exams

Standard Achieved Codes: Approved Alternatives to Regents Examinations

Approved Alternatives to RCTs

Standard Achieved Codes: Approved Alternatives to RCTs

Former Ethnic Codes

Used to store Former State Ethnic Codes

IEP Direct Equivalent Grade

Accommodation Definition

Testing Modification (Assessment Accommodation Codes)

Program Intensity (not on page)

Programs Fact Program Intensity (CTE/Tech Prep Program Intensity)

State Courses List

This setup is no longer used. PowerSchool has converted records from this table into NY State Courses/Evaluation Date setup records

Evaluation Groups

This setup is no longer used. PowerSchool has converted records from this table into NY Evaluation Date setup records

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