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NY Course Override

Scheduling > Student Schedules > Schedule Entry > click Course-Section description link > Date Range Detail panel > Other Student Course Information section > NY Course Override link 

Use this student course district-defined page to enter student-level override values, if needed, for the Staff Student Course collection.



Potential Attendance Override

Time, in minutes, that a course is scheduled from the start and through the end of the student and staff member relationship. This is the maximum instructional time possible between staff and student based on the dates they were associated with each other for the course.

Use this field only if you want to override the system-calculated value.

Actual Attendance Override

Total minutes of linked instructional time for the student and teacher, with accounting for the student's absence minutes.

Use this field only if you want to override the system-calculated value.

Primary Teacher Adjustment

Percentage of instructional time available between the student and the course's primary staff member for the time teacher and student are linked. Enter the percentage as a decimal value, for instance using .8 to signify 80%.

Use this field only if you want to override the system-calculated value and staff-level override value, if any.

Your entry applies to the primary staff member as well as any secondary staff designated as a co-teacher.

Course Time Override

Total instructional minutes for the course-section session from its start through the Reporting Date.

Use this field only if you want the student value to override the system-calculated value and any course-level override.

Evaluation Retest

Code for the Evaluation Date that you want to report for this student in the Staff Student Course submission. Use this field only if the student took a state assessment for the course on a date other than those linked to the course in the NY State Course/Evaluation Dates setup.

If you assign an Evaluation Retest date to the student, the override date is reported in place of any dates assigned to the course.

No Dual Credit


Postsecondary Credit


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